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ANGLO-SAXON REMAINS after the mmrimi of Canute (1017), and it it prohibit he was boned in front of the akar of die church, which was rebnk onder his auspices and

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it US CXvfOfCm A.OB1 vvtfv DCzDSllJw UBC GQCDKawCu COVBTOCr O> V~txl who is mentioned OB sercral doaments ranging from 1019 to 1043, It is interesting to note also that a member of the Cheping (Kypping) muijr a nMnfiiiiii il in Domesday Book* as holding two of the Stntfidd manors in the reign of Edward the Confessor ; anil the name Toki may poaabhr be read on the sepolchral slab* fixmd in 1852, 20 feet deep, in St. PanTs chorcfayard and no w preserved in the at the GaildhalL fS 43 jflT&r 1*4-7 5^ PP* * J 4 } ~ 'e Morrimrr, tee F.C.H. Hattt, L l, iL z^f ; Yrci. "Jimrn, z. ?z, z&L zf I.