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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE IN CHENETEBERIE [KINTBURY] HUNDRET The same Henry holds BECHESGETE [Bag- shot 1 ]. Godric held it of King Edward as a manor. a Two hides (there) did not pay geld because they belonged to the king's ferm, 3 and they are claimed for the king's use (ad opus regis). There is land for 4 ploughs. There are 9 villeins and 10 bordars with 4 ploughs. There are 3 serfs and a mill worth (de) 1 1 shillings, and 8 acres of meadow, and woodland to provide fencing (ad clausurani). It was formerly worth 30 shillings ; now 40 shillings. IN BENES [BEYNHURST] HUNDRET The same Henry holds BISTESHAM [Bisham *]. Bondi * held it of King Edward. Then as now (it was assessed) at 8 hides. There is land for 10 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 1 7 villeins and 2 cottars with 8 ploughs. A church is there and 2 serfs and 26 acres of meadow, and 12 arpends of vineyard. It was (formerly) worth 8 pounds; now 12 pounds. IN BLITBERIE [BLEWBURY] HUNDRET The same Henry holds WIBALDITONE [ ], and Nigel holds it of him. Turchil a freeman held it of King Edward. There is land for 6 ploughs. It was then (T.R.E.) assessed at 8 hides; now (it is assessed) at 4 hides and I virgate. A church is there and 9 serfs, and 2 ploughs on the demesne, and (there are) 10 villeins and 2 cottars with 8 ploughs, and 40 acres of meadow. It was (formerly) worth 6 pounds ; now 9 pounds. IN WANETINZ [WANTAGE] HUNDRET The same Henry holds DENCHESWORDE [Denchworth ]. 7 Rayner holds it of him. jEilric held it T.R.E. It was then (assessed) at 7 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 5^ hides. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne i Now in the Hundred of Kintbury Eagle.

  • Duee bidif non geldabant. This was probably

intended to mean : ' (there are) two hides ; they did not,' etc (J.H.R.). 3 See Introduction. 4 Now in the Hundred of Beynhurst. ' This was another great English predecessor of Henry, Bondig the staller, who similarly survived the Conquest (J.H.R.). Now in the Hundred of Ock. 7 In Testa de Nevill, p. 109, in ' Suthdenches- worth' (also called simply ' Denche(s)worth,' pp. 121, 126, 132, while Northdenchworth is not so styled), Henry de Tubbeney is given as holding 4 a knight's fee of the Earl Ferrers (F.W.R.). is I plough ; and (there are) 5 villeins and 5 cottars with i plough, and 30 acres of meadow ; and a church is there. T.R.E. it was worth 70 shillings ; afterwards 60 shil- lings ; now 4 pounds. The same Henry holds CERLETONE [Charlton 8 ], and Robert holds it of him. Tovi, a freeman, held it. It was then as now assessed at "2 hides. There is land for I plough. On the demesne is I plough with 7 cottars and a moiety of a mill worth (de) 5 shillings, and 8 acres of meadow. It is and was worth 50 shillings. Henry himself holds LACHINGE [West Lockinge 8 ], 9 and Hubert 10 holds it of Henry. Siward u held it of King Edward. Then as (now it was assessed) at 10 hides. There is land for 6 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 3 villeins and 14 cottars with 2 ploughs. One serf is there and 41 acres of meadow. It was (formerly) worth 10 pounds ; now 8 pounds. The same Henry holds SPERSOLT [Spar- sholt "]. Polcehard holds it of him. Godric, a freeman, held it. Then as now (it was assessed) at i hides. There is land for I plough. There are 2 villeins and 2 cottars and 4 serfs. It was formerly worth 40 shil- lings ; now 30 shillings. The same Henry holds 3 hides and i vir- gate. 13 Four freemen held these T.R.E. They were then assessed at 3 hides and i virgate ; now (they are assessed) at i hide. There is land for two ploughs. There are 8 cottars with i plough, and 3 acres of meadow. T.R.E. (this holding) was worth 60 shillings ; afterwards and now 40 shillings. This land Henry states to have been his predecessor (antecessoris) Godric's ; but accord- ing to the attestation of the hundred (court) Godric took possession of it to the hurt of King William after the battle (helium) of Hastinges [Hastings,] and he did not ever hold it in King Edward's time. IN MERCEHAM [MARCHAM] HUNDRET Henry himself holds CHINGESTUNE [King- 8 Now in the Hundred of Wantage. 9 In Testa de Nevill, p. 109, i knight's fee and J of a knight's fee are held of the Earl Ferrers in ' Westlaking ' (F.W.R.). > This was Hubert de Curson (J.H.R.). " This was Siward Barn (see note 10, p. 347). Now in the Hundred of Faringdon.

  • The place is not named.