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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE plough, and a fishery worth 8 pence and 2 acres of meadow, and woodland to render (de) 5 swine. It was formerly worth IO shillings ; now 2O shillings. The same Henry holds OLLAVINTONE [Woolhampton 1 ]. 3 Godric the sheriff held it of King Edward. It was assessed at 3 hides then as now. There is land for 5 ploughs. There are 12 villeins and 4 bordars with 5 ploughs ; and 4 serfs and a mill worth 1 5 shillings, and 40 acres of meadow. It was (T.R.E.) worth 6 pounds ; afterwards, as now, 4 pounds. This land King Edward granted out of his ferm 3 to Godric ; and the seal (of the deed of grant) (inde) the men of the shire(moot) have seen. In addition to these hides Godric himself got possession (accepit) from the king's ferm 3 of I virgate of land ; the king's seal (and grant) of which (de qua) they have not seen. XXII. THE LAND OF WILLIAM SON OF ANSCULF IN RADINGES [READING] HUNDRET William son of Ansculf holds INGLEFELLE [Englefield 1 ]. Gilbert holds it of him. Alwin held it of King Edward. Then as now it was assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 13 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 17 villeins and 3 bordars with 1 1 ploughs. There are 4 serfs and a mill worth (de) 10 shillings and 60 acres of meadow. T.R.E. it was worth 10 pounds ; afterwards '/ pounds ; (now) 7 shillings more. The same William holds BRADEFELT [Bradfield 1 ]. Horling held it of King Edward. It was then assessed at 9 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 6 hides. There is land for 30 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 2O villeins and 3 1 bordars with 1 8 1 Now in the Hundred of Theale. J Testa de Nevill gives (p. 1 z 1 ) J of a knight's fee in 'Wulavinton' as being then in the Honour of Earl Ferrars ; and a knight's fee as being then of the fief of Robert Achard : Testa also tells us (p. 124) that the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem held a mcdiety of ' Wulaviton' in almoin, the gift of Geoffrey de Hostrevill. All this, taken together with the fact that only this entry (of 3 hides) appears in the Domesday Text as the assessment of 'Ollavintone' seems to point to the omission somewhere of an entry of 2 hides, which would make the tale of 5 hides for 'Ollavintone' complete (F.W.R.). 3 i.e. out of the royal demesne from which the ' ferm ' was paid (J-H.R.). ploughs. There are 9 serfs and 3 mills worth (de) 53 shillings and 20 acres of meadow, and woodland to render (de) 100 swine. T.R.E., and afterwards it was worth 24 pounds ; now 1 6 pounds. The same William holds HURTERIGE [Hartridge *]. Alvred held it of King Edward, and now holds it of William. Then as now it was assessed at i hide. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough ; and (there are) 2 villeins and 2 bordars with I plough. There are 3 serfs and woodland to render (de) 3 swine. It was (formerly) worth 60 shillings ; now 30 shillings. The same William holds ENGLEFEL [Englefield 6 ]. Ulmer held it of King Edward. Then as now it was assessed at i hide. There is land for i plough. There are 2 bordars and 4 acres of meadow. This land fo. 61 Stephen holds of William. It was (formerly) worth 2O shillings ; now 7 shillings. The same William holds OFFETUNE [Ufton Robert 5 ] and a certain knight (miles) holds it of him. Horling held it of King Edward. It then was assessed at 5 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 4^ hides. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne is I ; and (there are) 8 villeins and 5 bordars with 5 ploughs. One serf is there, and 44 acres of meadow and woodland to render (de) i pig. Of this land another knight (miles) holds 3 virgates and there he has I plough. The whole, T.R.E., was worth 100 shillings; and afterwards, as now, 60 shillings. IN NACHEDEDORNE [ ] HUNDRET The same William holds HODICOTB [Hodcott "] and Stephen holds it of him. Baldwin 7 held it of King Edward. Then as now (it was assessed) at 5 hides. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne is I, with 3 bordars. It was worth (T.R.E.) 6 pounds ; afterwards 30 shillings ; now 60 shillings. The same William holds HISLELEV [East Ilsley 6 ] 8 and Stephen holds it of him. Bald-

  • Now in the Hundred of Reading.

Now in the Hundred of Theale. 8 Now in the Hundred of Compton. ' Baldwin was also a predecessor of William in Bucks, in which county he continued to hold some land, as his tenant, in 1086 (J.H.R.). 8 All the holdings of William son of Ansculf in Berks, except Hurterige, appear in Testa de Nevill as 350