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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS assessed) at i hide. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 7 villeins with 2 ploughs ; and 7 acres of meadow, and wood- land to render (de) 5 swine. It was (formerly) worth 4 pounds ; now 30 shillings. XXXIII. THE LAND OF MILES CRISPIN IN RADINGES [READING] HUNDRET Miles Crispin holds PANGEBORNE [Pang- bourne 1 ], and William holds it of him. Bald- win held it of King Edward. There are 6 hides and i virgate, and they did not pay geld T.R.E. ; and now they do not pay except as 5 hides. There is nothing on the demesne. Three villeins and 5 bordars (are there) with 2 ploughs and a mill worth (de) 10 shillings, and 12 acres of meadow. Of this land a knight (miles) holds i hide ; and there he has I plough and 2 acres of meadow. The whole was worth (T.R.E.) 6 pounds ; after- wards 5 pounds ; now 4 pounds. The same William holds of Miles i hide in SOLEHAM [Sulham 1 ]. Baldwin held it of King Edward ; it was assessed at that much then as now. There is one plough on the demesne ; and (there are) 3 bordars with half a plough. It was (formerly) worth 20 shillings ; now 30 shillings. IN ELETESFORD [ ] HUNDRET Miles himself holds CLOPECOTE [Clapcot 2 ]. Ulnod, a freeman, held it T.R.E. It was then (assessed) at 7 hides ; it is now assessed at I hide and I virgate. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne are i^ ploughs; and (there are) 7 villeins and 2 cottars with 2 ploughs and a mill worth 26 shillings, and 25 acres of meadow. It was worth (T.R.E.) 7 pounds ; after- wards 4 pounds ; it is now worth 100 shil- lings. The same Miles holds CLOPECOTE [Clap- cot 2 ]. SafFord, a freeman, held it T.R.E. It was then (assessed) at 7 hides ; now (it is assessed) at i hide and i virgate. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne are i ploughs ; and (there are) 2 villeins and 6 cottars with 3 ploughs. There are 25 acres of meadow. Of this manor Herold holds i^ virgates of Miles. The whole was worth 7 pounds (T.R.E.) and afterwards 4 pounds; now 100 shillings. These two manors Miles holds as one. 1 Now in the Hundred of Reading.

  • In Wallingford, now in the Hundred of

Moreton. IN WANETINZ [WANTAGE] HUNDRET The same Miles holds BEDRETONE [Better- ton 3 ], and William holds it of him. Levric the monk held it T.R.E., and could go to what lord he wished (potuit ire quo voluit). Then (it was assessed) at 10 hides; now (it is as- sessed) at 5 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. One villein is there and 5 cottars with half a plough ; and 2 serfs and a mill worth (de) 5 shillings, and 10 acres of meadow. It was worth (T.R.E.) 8 pounds; afterwards 4 pounds ; now 3 pounds. IN MERCEHAM [MARCHAM] HUNDRET The same Miles holds APLETUNE [Apple- ton 4 ], and Richard holds it of him. Halden held it T.R.E. It was then assessed at 5 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 2 hides. There is land for 6 ploughs. On the demesne is i ; and (there are) 4 villeins and 5 bordars with I plough. There are 3 serfs and a fishery worth (de) 34 shillings and 2 pence. It was worth 100 shillings (T.R.E.); afterwards 70 shillings ; now 60 shillings. The same Miles holds ELTUNE [probably Eaton "], and Richard holds it of him. Hal- den held it of King Edward. Then as now it was assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 3 villeins and 4 bordars with 3 ploughs ; and a fishery worth (de) 5 shillings and 25 acres of meadow. It was worth (for- merly) 60 shillings ; now 50 shillings. The same Miles holds EDTUNE [probably Eaton *], and Alvred holds it of him. Bosi held it of King Edward. Then as now it was assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs; and (there are) 3 villeins and 6 bordars with i plough, and 2 fisheries worth (de) 1 8 shil- lings and 25 acres of meadow. It was (for- merly) worth 60 shillings ; now 70 shillings. IN RADINGES [READING] HUNDRET Leward holds in LONCHELEI [? Luckley], I hide, of Miles and could not go to what lord he wished (non potuit ire quolibet) with- out leave of Wigot. 6 This land belongs to (jacet . . . in) Gratentun [ ] which is in Oxenefordscire [Oxfordshire], and it is appraised there, and nevertheless (its) geld (scotum) is in Berchescire [Berkshire]. 3 In Lockinge, now in the Hundred of Wantage. 4 Now in the Hundred of Ock. 6 In Appleton, now in the Hundred of Ock. 6 Wigot of Wallingford, Miles' predecessor. 355