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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE Scirpus nanus, S. cernuus, Carex punctata, Cyperus longus and Scirpus Taberncemontanus. Berkshire therefore lacks many plants possessed by Hampshire, but several are confined to the New Forest, others are limited to the neigh- bourhood of Fleet Pond and the bogs of the neighbourhood, while the southern chalk downs afford Carex bumilis and Phyteuma orbiculare not yet detected on our chalk range. There are reported for Berkshire, on the other hand, several species which do not appear to be recorded for the larger county. The chief of these are Anemone Pulsatilla, Sisymbrium Sophia, Roripa syhestris (Nasturtium syhestre), Eropbila prcecox, Geranium rotundifolium, Astragalus danicus, Callitriche polymorpha, Crepis biennis, C. fcetida (?), Pimpinella major, Rosa agrestis (R. septum], R. glauca, Limnan- themum peltatum (Villarsia), Verbascum Lychnitis, Mentba piperita, Teucrium Scordium, Galeopsis speciosa, Calamintba parvifolia (C. Nepeta), Illecebrum uerticillatum, Orchis militaris, O. Simla (? extinct), Leucojum czstivum, Valerianella carinata, Senecio squalidus, Cbenopodium opulifolium, Ornithoga- lum pyrenaicum, Potamogeton coloratus (P. plantagineus], P. Drucei, P. com- pressum (P. zoster cefolius], P. prcelongus, Zannichellia maritima, Carex Baenninghausiana, Alopecurusfuhus, Festuca rubra var. fallax, Poa Chaixii, Tolypella intricata, T. glomerata and T. prolifera. Compared with the flora of Berkshire the flora of Wiltshire will be found to be considerably poorer in the number of recorded species, but Wiltshire has several plants which are not on authoritative record for our county. Those in square brackets however appear to require recent confirmation. The chief of these plants recorded for Wilts not pos- sessed by us are Ranunculus tripartitus (possibly in Berks), Cerastium pumilum, Cardamine impatiens~, Thlaspi perfoliatum (casual in Berks), Linum angustifolium, Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Cnicus tuberosus, (Enanthe piminelloides, Phyteuma orbiculare, Campanula latifolia, C. patula (casual in Berks), Orobanche Hedercz, Pinguicula lusitanica, Mentha rotundifolia, [M. pratensis], Melittis Melissophyllum, Asarum, Cephalanthera ensifolia, Ophrys aranifera, Polygonatum officinale [Potamogeton gramineum (heterophyllus], Cyperus longus, [Eriophorum vagina turn], Scirpus Tabernamontani, Carex digitata, C. humilis, C. tomentosa, [C. diandra (C. teretiuscu/a)], Bromus madritensis, Phegopteris calcarea and [Festuca syhatica~. Berkshire has upwards of eighty species not recorded for Wiltshire. East Gloucestershire has several species which are either not recorded for or are extinct in Berkshire ; among these are Vicia Orobus, Rubus saxatilis, (Enanthe pimpinelloides, Mentha pubescens auct. angl. Cephalanthera rubra, C. ensifolia, Polygonatum officinale, Melittis Melissophyllum, Carex digitata, Lycopodium alpinum var. decipiens (L. complanatum var. fallax}, Carex tomentosa, Ranunculus ophioglossifolius (now extinct), Thlaspi per- foliatum (casual in Berks), Cerastium pumilum, Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Epilobium Lamyi (?), Campanula latifolia, Cynoglossum montanum, Mentha rotundifolia, Cystopteris fragilis and Phegopteris calcarea. The records of Linum angustifolium, Prunus Padus, Melica nutans, Eriophorum "vaginatum and Orobanche Hederce appear to need confirmation. 40