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Cymotophora ocularis, Linn. Halton ; also on poplar

Asphalia diluta, SchifF. Black Park

—— flavicornis, Linn. Black Park ; about birch ridens, Fab. Black Park ; on oak

Acronycta leporina, Linn. Taken at Chesham by Dr. Churchill

—— aceris, Linn. Chesham, Chalfont Road, Black Park

—— megacephala, Schiff. Generally common among poplars

—— alni, Linn. Marlow ; one larva found at Halton, but it unfortunately died tridens, Schiff. Chesham, Buckingham,Halton

—— psi, Linn. (Common Dagger Moth). Common everywhere

—— rumicis, Linn. Black Park, Buckingham, Chesham, Halton, where also its dark var. salicis has been found

{{bar|2}] ligustri, SchifF. Black Park, Claydon, Halton. The Rev. J. Greene found pupæ in great profusion under moss on beech and ash trees in Beech Wood

Agrotis suffusa, Hb. ; ypsilon, St.C. Buckingham, Long Down Hill, Black Park ; sometimes common

—— segetum, Schiff. (Turnip Moth). Everywhere too abundant, but especially so in cultivated fields

—— corticea, Hb. Halton, High Wycombe, Black Park

—— cinerea, Hb. The Rev. J. Greene says : ' Of this (then) rare species I obtained three at light, and beat out others from beech." It is usually found on chalk hills and downs

—— puta, Hb. Common at Halton ; also at the electric light at High Wycombe

—— exclamationis, Linn. Everywhere abundant ; in woods, fields, meadows and gardens nigricans, Linn. Black Park ; abundant at Halton

—— tritici, Linn. One specimen only found under a stone near Chesham

—— agathina, Dup. Black Park ; found at night at heather bloom

—— porphyrea, Hb. ; strigula, St.C. Black Park, among heath

—— saucia, Hb. Chalfont St. Peter, taken by the Rev. J. Seymour St. John

—— pyrophila, Fab. One specimen, taken by the Rev. J. Greene at flowers of syringa

—— ravida, Hb. Halton and the Chiltern district ; taken at the blossoms of the lime ; abundant in 1893

Axylia putris, Linn. Chesham, Halton, Buckingham, Black Park, High Wycombe

Triphaena fimbria, Linn. (Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing). Black Park, Halton, Buckingham, Chesham ; in woods

—— janthina, Esp. Chalfont St. Peter, Buckingham, Chesham, High Wycombe, Halton, Chalfont Road ; at flowers

—— interjecta, Hb. Chalfont St. Peter, Chalfont Road, Halton, Chesham ; flying along hedges in the afternoon sunshine

—— subsequa, Hb. One taken by Messrs. Peachell at electric light at High Wycombe

—— orbona, Fab. ; comes, St.C. Generally common in woods. Mr. J. B. Williamson of Slough reports that he has reared specimens from larvæ taken at that place, of which the yellow of the hind wings was darkened as much as in those received from Scotland

—— pronuba, Linn. (Common Yellow Underwing). Abundant everywhere, but most so in hay-fields

Noctua glareosa, Esp. Taken at Chesham by Dr. Churchill

—— augur, Fab. Buckingham, common ; Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Black Park ; probably generally distributed

—— plecta, Linn. Chesham, High Wycombe, Black Park

—— triangulum, Tr. Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Buckingham, Black Park ; frequent in woods

—— c-nigrum, Linn. Buckingham, Black Park, Chalfont St. Peter, High Wycombe, Long Down Hills

——rhomboidea, Tr. ; stigmatica, St.C. Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Black Park, in beech woods

——brunnea, Fab. Buckingham, Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Black Park ; probably in all woods

——dahlii, Hb. Chalfont St. Peter, Black Park

——festiva, Hb. Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Buckingham, Black Park ; probably in all woods

——baja, Fab. Widely distributed in woods

——rubi, Viewig ; bella, Bkh. Chesham, Black Park ; common at Halton

——umbrosa, Hb. Halton, Buckingham, not scarce

——xanthographa, Fab. Generally abundant in woods and lanes

—— neglecta, Hb. ; castanea, St.C. Chalfont St. Peter, Black Park

Eurois herbida, Hb. ; prasina, St.C. Black Park, Halton; in woods, uncertain

{{bar|adusta, Esp. Chesham, Halton, Black Park ; in woods, not very common