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oaks. Rev. J. Greene says that the pupa is scarce at the roots of these trees and rather apt to dry up

Biston betularius, Linn. Chesham, Buckingham, Halton, High Wycombe ; pupa at elm, much more commonly

Phigalia pilosaria, Schiff.; pedaria, St.C. Halton, Chesham, Buckingham ; on tree trunks in early spring

Nyssia hispidaria, Schiff. Larvae found at Chesham and reared by Dr. Churchill

Cleora lichenaria, Schiff. Generally distributed in woods, and common where lichens are plentiful

Tephrosia consonaria, Hb. Halton, Marlow, Black Park, the Chilterns, Rev. J. Greene says : 'In immense profusion on the trunks of beech trees, in Beech Wood, at the beginning of May. The insect emerges from the pupa about two in the afternoon, at which time I have seen them by dozens drying their wings on the trunks of the trees. This is one of the few species which I have taken in the pupa state at the roots of trees in woods. The pupa should be looked for under moss on the beech ; it here appears to be exclusively attached to that tree.' This is singular since in other places it is to be found more frequently upon fir trees, sitting rather high up

—— laricaria, Stainton
—— biundularia, Esp. ; crepuscularia, Schiff.

Opinions differ as to whether these form two species or one. Both forms are widely distributed in woods, the former appearing earlier in the spring than the latter. Rev. J. Greene says that both abounded in Beech Wood

—— extersaria, Hb. ; luridata, St.C. Black Park, Buckingham, Chalfont St. Peter ; rather local

—— punctularia, Schiff. This usually common species seems only to have been taken at Chalfont St. Peter

—— Boarmia roboraria, Schiff. This noble species has been taken at Black Park and also by the Rev. C. F. Thornewill in Whittlebury Forest near Leckhampstead

—— consortaria, Fab. Found near Chesham by Dr. Churchill

—— repandata, Linn. Everywhere common in woods and hedges

—— rhomboidaria, Schiff. ; gemmaria, St.C. Generally distributed ; most frequent in gardens and shrubberies in the outskirts of towns

—— abietaria, Schiff. Halton ; a few beaten out of fir trees in the Beech Wood ; also found at Black Park

Hemerophila abruptaria, Thunb. Chalfont St. Peter, Halton, Chesham, High Wycombe ; about gardens among privet

Hibernia aurantiaria, Hb. Chesham, Halton. The Rev. J. Greene found pupæae in plenty at elms

—— defoliaria, Linn. Halton, High Wycombe, Chesham ; pupæ at the same

—— progemmaria, Hb. ; marginaria, St.C. Common everywhere

—— leucophaearia, Schiff. Halton, Chesham ; common in woods in early spring

—— rupicapraria, Schiff. Chalfont St. Peter, Halton, Chesham ; on hedges in January

Anisopteryx aescularia, Schiff. Halton, Buckingham, Chesham, High Wycombe ; frequently to be seen on gas lamps at night

Abraxas grossulariata, Linn. Everywhere abundant in gardens, the larva feeding on the currant trees ; also in lanes on blackthorn. Mr. W. Slade says that he has here seen hundreds of the larva; feeding on osier

—— ulmata, Fab. ; sylvata, St.C. Chesham ; found by Mr. R. South at Chalfont Road ; the larva feeds on small trees of wych elm in beech woods

Ligdia adustata, Schiff. Halton, Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Leckhampstead ; larva on spindle

Lomaspilis marginata, Linn. Generally distributed in woods and among sallows in damp places ; in this county rather constant in its markings

Geometra papilionaria, Linn. Chesham, Chalfont Road, Halton, borders of Whittlebury Forest ; about birch and alder

lodis vernaria, Linn. Black Park, Halton, Chesham ; among Clematis vitalba

—— lactæaria, Linn. Generally distributed in woods

Phorodesma bajularia, Schiff. ; pustulata, St.C. Black Park, borders of Whittlebury Forest ; among oak ; the larva loads itself with particles of dead bracts of oak till it looks like a mere web-tangle of rubbish, and is constantly overlooked for that reason

Hemithea thymiaria, Linn. ; strigata, St.C. Generally distributed in woods and usually common

Ephyra punctaria, Linn. Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham ; among oak

—— trilinearia, Bkh.; linearia, St.C. Chesham, Halton, Black Park, the Chiltern district ; common among beech omicronaria, Schiff.; annulata, St.C. Halton, scarce ; Chesham, Leckhampstead, among maple