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<poem> Pentaomidæ Podops inuncta, Fab. Wendover, Burnham Sehirus bicolor, L. Wendover Tropicoris rufipes, L. Zicrona coerulea, L. Wendover. Somewhat common on junipers Acanthosoma hasmorrhoidale, L. —— interstinctum, L. (griseum, auct. nee Linn.) —— tristriatum, L. Coreidæ Verlusia rhombea, L. Burnham Coreus denticulatus, Scop. Stenocephalus agilis, Scop. Corizus parumpunctatus, Schill. Burnham, Chesham Berytidæ: Neides tipularius, L. Burnham Berytus minor, H. Schff. —— montivagus, Fieb. Metatropis rufescens, H. Schff. Lygæidæ Cymus claviculus, Fall. Burnham Ischnorhynchus resedæ, Panz. Burnham Rhyparochromus dilatatus, H. Schff. —— chiragra, Fab. Tropistethus holosericeus, Schltz. Ischnocoris angustulus, Boh. Burnham. Both macropterous and micropterous forms Plinthisus brevipennis, Latr. Acompus rufipes, Wolff. Lygæidæ (continued)</noinlcude> Stygnus pedestris, Fall. ——arenarius, Hahn. Peritrechus luniger, Schill. Burnham Aphanus lynceus, Fab. Scolopostethus affinis, Schill. (adjunctus, D. & S.) Notochilus contractus, H. Schff. Drymus sylvaticus, Fab. —— brunneus, Sahib. Gastrodes ferrugineus, L. Tingididæ Orthostira parvula, Fall. Derephysia foliacea, Fall. Monanthia cardui, L. —— dumetorum, H. Schff. Burnham —— simplex, H. Schff. " Aneurus lasvis, Fab. " Hydrometridæ Velia currens, Fab. Gerris najas, DeG. Cimicidæ Piezostethus cursitans, Fall. Burnham Triphleps niger, Wolff. Capsidæ Miris calcaratus, Fall. Pantilius tunicatus, Fab. Cbesham Lygus pastinaceae, Fall. ——kalmii, L. Cyrtorrhinus caricis, Fall. Burnham Psallus variabilis, Fall.


Scarcely any collections of members of this order have been made so far as the county of Buckinghamshire is concerned. The few species recorded, twenty-six in all, were collected by Messrs. Webb and F. P. Smith, except three which were recorded by the Rev. O. Pickard- Cambridge.




Spiders with eight eyes, situated in two transverse rows. The tracheal openings lie immediately in front of the spinners. The tarsal claws are two in number, but the anterior pair of spinners are set wide apart at their base, and the maxillae are more or less impressed across the middle.

1. Drassodes lapidosus (Walckenaer) Colmbrook (Webb)


Spiders with eight eyes, situated in two transverse rows. The tracheal openings lie immediately in front of the spinners. The tarsal claws are two in number, but the anterior