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400 swine. In all (in totis valentiis) it is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 3 pounds. This manor Wlward a man of Queen Eddid held T.R.E., and she gave it to this Alsi with Wlward's daughter.[1]

In Sibdone [Shipton (Lee) [2] ] Alsi holds 2 hides of the king. There is land for 1 plough. Half a plough is there and there could be (another) half. Meadow is there (sufficient) or 1 plough (team). It is and was worth 10 shillings ; T.R.E. 20 shillings. And this land (also) he received (sumpsit) with his wife.[1]


In Muselai [Mursley] Hundret[3]

Lewin of Neuham [Nuneham (Courtenay ) [4] ], holds of the king in Sceldene [Salden [5] ] 2 hides and 3½ virgates as one manor. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne is 1 plough ; and 6 villeins with 3 bordars have 2 ploughs. There are 2 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 3 plough (teams). It is and was worth 30 shillings ; when received 40 shillings.[6] This manor the same man (istemet) held T.R.E. and could sell.

In Muselai [Mursley] Lewin holds 4 hides. There is land for 3 ploughs. On it are 2 and there could be a third. There are 4 villeins with 2 bordars, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team). It is and was worth 20 shillings ; T.R.E. 30 shillings. This manor the same man (istemet) held T.R.E. and could sell.

In Stodfald Hundret[7]

In Mortone [(Maids) Moreton] Lewin holds 5 hides as one manor. There is land for 5 ploughs. In the demesne are 2 hides. There is half a plough on it and there could be 1½ ploughs (more). There 3 villeins with 2 bor- dars have 1½ ploughs and there could be half a plough (more). There are 5 serfs, and I mill worth (de) 10 shillings, and meadow (sufficient) for 2 plough (teams). In all (totis valentiis) it is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 40 shillings. This manor the same man (istemet) held T.R.E. and could sell.

In Rovelai Hundret[8]

In Bechentone [Beachampton] Lewin holds 4 hides as one manor. There is land for 4 ploughs. In the demesne is 1 hide, and on it are 2 ploughs ; and 5 villeins with 6 bor- dars have 2 ploughs. There are 2 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 3 plough (teams). It is and was worth 40 shillings ; T.R.E. 50 shillings. This manor the same Lewin held T.R.E. and could sell.

In Moslai [Mulshoe] Hundret[9]

In Wavendone [Wavendon] Goduin the priest [10] holds of Lewin 1 virgate. There is land for 4 oxen [11] to (plough). There are 3 bordars, and meadow (sufficient) for 4 oxen.[11] It is and was worth 2 shillings ; T.R.E. 5 shillings. The same man (istemet) held it T.R.E. and could sell (it).

In Stodfald Hundret[8]

A certain bandyleg (loripes) holds in almoin (elemosina) of the king Evrsel [Evershaw [12] ] as 1 hide. There is land for 2 ploughs, and these are there with 2 villeins. It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 20 shillings. The same man (istemet) held it T.R.E.

In Stodfald Hundret

Hugh son of Gozer holds in Dodeforde [Dodford[13] ] of the king 2 hides in almoin (elemosina). There is land for 4 ploughs. One is there and there could be 3 (more). There are 3 bordars, meadow (sufficient) for 4 plough (teams), woodland (to feed) 200 swine. It is and was worth 2O shillings ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This land 2 thegns held, Ravai and Ulward, and could sell.

In Moslai [Mulshoe] Hundret [14]

Lewin Chava holds of the king 1 hide in Wavendone [Wavendon]. There is land for 1 plough, and it is there with 3 villeins and 5 bordars. There is 1 serf, and meadow (sufficient) for 1 plough (team), and woodland (to feed) 50 swine. It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 10 shillings. This land the same Lewin, bailiff (prefectus) of the king, held and could sell.

  1. 1.0 1.1 See Introduction, p. 217.
  2. In Quainton.
  3. Now part of Cottesloe Hundred.
  4. Co. Oxon.
  5. Alias Selden.
  6. Apparently in this case ' when received T.R.E. (F.W.R.).
  7. Now part of Buckingham Hundred.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Now part of Buckingham Hundred.
  9. Now part of Newport Hundred.
  10. Interlined.
  11. 11.0 11.1 i.e. half a plough team.
  12. In Biddlesden.
  13. In Stowe.
  14. Now part of Newport Hundred.