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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL Camel the scenery is extremely beautiful, and offers marked contrast to the barren character of the neighbouring moors and the rugged features of the distant coast. This district has received very much attention at the hands of botanists. Messrs. J. G. and E. G. Baker have thoroughly explored and reported on the coast flora from Boscastle to Port Isaac and inland to Camelford. St. Minver parish has been closely scoured by Mr. Darell, who has recently published a complete list of plants occurring there. Mr. Briggs spent several holidays in the parish of Blisland and did good work in connection with the Brambles and Roses of the Camel valley. Finally Mr. R. V. Tellam has taken a roving commission, and with that enthusiasm which has been an outstanding feature of his botanical work has searched out many good things from Bodmin to Brown Willy and Padstow Bay. Few are the distinctly local plants to be found here. Remarkable also is it that through- out this extensive and favoured portion of the county Glyceria Borreri and Elymus arenarius are the only plants which have not yet been reported from one of the other seven districts. Stellaria aquatica, Arenaria verna, Trifolium strictum and Elymus arenarius grow in the parish of St. Minver. Meconopsis cambrica affects a place or two near Camelford, and Polygala oxyptera has a limited distribution in the parish of Lanivet. In the Camel valley Stellaria umbrosa may be sought for as well as many of the Rubi appearing in the subjoined list. Bodmin woods, as every British botanist must know, shelter Physospermum commutatum ; it was here in fact that it was first discovered on British soil. Along the coast we find the usual maritime flora Inula crithmoides, Statice auricultefolia, Polvulus Soldanella, three Erodiums, Lotus angustissimus, L, hispidus, Eryngtum maritimum, Asplenium marinum. The marsh above Wadebridge contains the usual riparian plants, which are here cheek- by-jowl with those of littoral predilections. Cochlearia anglica, Trifolium fragiferum, A 'triplex littoralis, Catabrosa aquatica and Glyceria distans are just a few which are worth looking up. On Tretoil Moor, Lanivet, and at Withiel, Genista anglica is sparsely represented. Pyrus tormina/is and P. germanica, both very rare plants farther west, may be said to be general in this district. At Withiel Cornus sanguinea takes its most westernly stand. St. Minver and St. Breock are localities for Gentiana Amarella, and Polzeath must be visited for Allium Ampe- loprasum var. Babingtonii and Cyperus longus. The downs and wind-swept hills and cliffs are not wanting in Carices and even afford such ferns as Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, H. unilateral, Adiantum Capillus-Feneris, Phegopteris Dryopteris, P. polypodioides. On Hustyn Down in our march west we make our first acquaintance with Pilularia globulifera. Not many miles distant, at Withiel, Chara fragilis may be gathered, while Nitella translucens grows at the same place and near Helmentor. SPECIES AND VARIETIES WORTH NOTING IN THE CAMEL DISTRICT Clematis Vitalba, Linn. Ranunculus sceleratus, Linn. sardous, Crantz, var. parvulus (Linn.) Caltha palustris, Linn., var. Gue- rangerii (Bureau) Helleborus viridis, Linn. foetidus, Linn. Aconitum Napellus, Linn. Berberis vulgaris, Linn. Papaver Argemone, Linn. hybridum, Linn. Neckeria lutea, Scop. claviculata, N. E. Br. Arabis hirsuta, Scop. Sisymbrium Thalianum, J. Gay Brassica alba, Beiss. Coronopus didymus, Sm. Ruellii, All. Raphanus maritimus, Sm. Reseda lutea, Linn. Viola hirta, Linn. lactea, Sm. Cerastium quaternellum, Fenx.1. Sagina maritima, Don. , var. densa Sagina ciliata, Fr. subulata, Presl. Buda rupestris Hypericum dubium, Leers undulatum, Schousb. Malva rotundifolia, Linn. Geranium pbaeum, Linn. Robertianum, Linn., var. pur- pureum, auct. angl. Ononis spinosa, Linn. Trigonella purpurascens, Lam. Medicago denticulata, W'tlU. Trifolium subterraneum, Linn. scabrum, Linn. Ornithopus perpusillus, Linn. Rubus suberectus, Anders. rhamnifolius, W. y N. pulcherrimus, Neum. leucandrus, Focke micans, Gren. y GoJr. leucostachys, Schleicb. longithyrsiger, Bab. Potentilla procumbens, Sibth. Agrimonia odorata, Mill. Rosa tomentosa,S;.,var. scabrius- cula (Sm.) 62 Rosa canina, Linn., var. dumalis (Bechst.) stylosa var. leucochroa (Desv.) Epilobium lanceolatum, Seb. W Maur. Anthriscus vulgaris, Hoffm. Foeniculum vulgare, Mill. CEnanthe Lachenalii, C. Gmel. Valeriana dioica, Linn. Valerianella rimosa, Bast. Aster Tripolium, Linn. Erigeron acre, Linn. Filago minima, Fr. Antennaria dioica, R. Br. Inula Conyza, DC. Anthemis Cotula, Linn. Matricaria Chamomilla, Linn. Carduus crispus, Linn. Picris hieracioides, Linn. Crepis taraxacifolia, Thuill. Tragopogon pratense, Linn. Specularia hybrida, A. DC. Primula veris, Linn. Glaus maritima, Linn. Anagallis czrulea, Sckreb. Centunculus minimus, Linn.