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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL G RATELOUPIACE^E Halarachnion ligulatum, Ktltz. Torpoint, Whitsand Bay, Falmouth f. dichotomum, Harv. Wkitsand Bay, Paditow f. ramentaceum, Harv. Whitsand Bay f. latifolium, Harv. Torpoint Grateloupia *filicina, C. Ag. Whitsand Bay, Padstow, Falmouth, Penzance f. intermedia, Holm. & Batt. Padstow

  • dichotoma, J. Ag. Fowey, Padstow,

Newquay, Falmouth, Penzance, H. 41

  • minima, Crn. Falmouth

DUMONTIACEJE Dudresnaya coccinea, Crn. Torpoint, Fowey, Falmouth Dilsea edulis, Stackh. Boscastle, Padstow, Falmouth, Lizard, Penzance NEMASTOMACE.S Schizymenia Dubyi, J. Ag. Mount Edg- cumbe, Padstow, Penzance Nemastoma *marginifera, J. Ag. Whit- sand Bay, Padstow SQUAMARIACE.S Petrocelis cinema, J. Ag. Fowey, Looe, Padstow, Falmouth, Penzance Cruoria pellita, Lyngb. Pridmouth, Pen- zance Cruoriella Dubyi, Schm. Pridmouth, Pen- zance Rhodophysema *Georgii, Batt. Scilly Isles Peyssonelia Harveyana, Crn. Penzance

  • Rosenvingii, Schm. Cornwall

(Batters' Catalog, p. 95)

  • atropurpurea, Crn. Penzance, Scilly

Isles SQUAMARIACE^: (continued) Haematophlcea *Crouani, Crn. Padstow, Penzance CORALLINACE^: Lithothamnion *coralloides, Crn. Penzance lichenoides, Fosl. Looe, Fowey, Pad- stow, Falmouth

  • f. agariciforme, Fosl. Fa/mouth

Epilithon membranaceum, Fosl. Fowey, Penzance Lithophyllum racemus, Fosl., *f. crassa, Fosl. Falmouth incrustans, Phil., f. Harveyi, Fosl. Fal- mouth, Lizard Melobesia farinosa, Lainx. Looe, Padstow, Falmouth Lejolisii, Rosan. Falmouth, Scilly Isles Corallinae, Solms. Looe, Fowey, Pad- stow, Lizard, H. 12

  • hapalidioides, Fosl., f. confinis, Fosl.

Boscastle, Portquin, Endellion, Fal- mouth Dermatolithon pustulatum, Fosl. Fal- mouth, Penzance macrocarpum, Fosl., f. Laminariae, Fosl. Fowey, Padstow Choreonema Thureti, Schm. Lizard Corallina squamata, Ellis. Fowey, Fal- mouth, Lizard, Penzance

  • mediterranea, Aresch. Fowey, Prid-

mouth, Padstow, Falmouth, Penzance, H. 2 rubens, Ellis var. corniculata, Hauck. Looe, Fowey, Padstow, Falmouth, Penzance FRESHWATER ALGJE Under this heading systematic algologists usually include the algae that are not found in sea water, whether they are met with on land, or on trees, or in streams and ponds. Those which are found in brackish water are sometimes classed under freshwater algas and sometimes under marine algas. Unfortunately the classification and nomenclature adopted in different works vary considerably, and whilst it is necessary to keep as nearly as possible up to date so far as general classification is concerned, yet the identification of species by their synonymy is of considerable importance when consulting old records. On this account the general classification here adopted is chiefly that of Engler and Prantl, Die Nat- urlichen Pjlanzen-familien, and for the specific names, De Toni's Sylloge Algarum, and for the Cyanophycese, Bornet and Flahault's Nostocacees Heterocystees and Gomont's Monographic des Oscillariees. In these works the synonymy is excellent, and there is no difficulty in tracing out the species in old records by means of the references therein given. Although the freshwater alga? of the county have been investigated 90