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BOTANY SPHJERIACEI (continued) Nectria aquifolia, Berk. Trengwainton episphaeria, Fr. Treneer, Lelant erubescens, Fr. Trevayler mammoidea, Fr. Peziza, Fr. Trengwainton Ralfsii, Berk. & Br. Castle Horneck sinopica, Fr. Trengwainton Xylaria vaporaria, Berk. Penzance argillacea, Fr. Trengwainton Hypoxylon rubiginosum, Fr. Gulval serpens, Fr. Trevayler udum, Fr. Gulval Eutypa Acharii, Tul. Germoe lata, Xul. Rosemorran, Treneer scabrosa, Fckl. Trevayler Melogramma gastrinum, Tul. Penzance Dothidea filicina, Fr. Penzance graminis, Fr. Ros, Fr. Ulmi, Fr. Diatrype ceratosperma, Fr. Castle Horneck corniculata, Berk. & Br. disciformis, Fr. Rosehill near Penzance SPH^ERIACEI (continued) Diatrype ferruginea, Fr. Madron hystrix, Fr. Rosemorran

  • leprosa, Pers. Trevayler, Trereife

stigma, Fr. Trevayler Ulicis, Berk. Trengwainton Melanconis longipes, Tul. Penzance Valsa nivea, Fr. Treneer prunastri, Fr. Penzance quaternata, Fr. salicina, Fr. Trereife Sphasria aggregata, Lasch. Penzance aquila, Fr. Trevayler ceuthosporoides, Berk. Penzance clypeata, Nees. confluens, Tode. cyanogena, Desm. Gulval Desmazierii, Berk. & Br. Trengwainton doliolum, Pers. Trevayler Epochnii, Berk. & Br. Trereife herbarum, Pers. Penzance leprosa, Pers. lirella, Pers. mastoidea, Fr. ADDENDA During the two years which have elapsed since this article was prepared many important discoveries have been made, but a list of added species and of the more important of the varieties must suffice. The figures in parentheses correspond with the county-divisions. Fumaria occidentalis t Pugsley, in Journal of Botany, 1904, 217 (5, 7, 8); a handsome plant, new to science, and at present not known to occur out of Cornwall. F. Boraei, Jord. var. verna, Cl. (6) ; var. muraliformis, Cl. (6). F. conjusa, Jord. var. hibernica, Pugsley (6). Polygala serpyllacea, Weihe, var. vincoides, Chodat (6) ; a striking form quite new to science. Ulex Gallii, Planch, var. humilis, Planch. (1-8). Rubus fissus, Lindl. (4). R. plicatus, Wh. and N. var. bemistemon (P. J. Muell.) (4). R. nitidus, Wh. and N. subsp. opacus, Focke (4). R. cariensis, Rip. and Genev. (4). R. argentatus, P. J. Muell. var. robustus, P. J. Muell. (6, 7). R. macrophyllus (sp. collect.), var. macrophylloides (Genev.) (6). R. thyrsoideus, Winm. (7). R. lentiginosus, Lees (6). R. pyramidalis, Kalt. (6). R. curvidens, A. Ley (4, 6). R. infestus, Weihe (7). R. rudis, Wh. and N. (6). R. podophyllus, P. J. Muell. (6). R. rosaceus, Wh. and N. subsp. Powellii, Rogers (6). R. horridicaulis, P. J. Muell. (6). R. dumetorum, Wh. and N. var. ferox, Weihe (3). Potentilla norvegica, Linn. (3). Drosera ang/ica, Huds. (5). Caucalis latifolia, Linn. (3). Artemisia maritima, Linn. (8). Senecio Cineraria, DC. (5). Gentiana lingulata, C. A. Agardh, var. pracox, Townsend (Murbeck) (5). Euphrasia borealis, Town. (5). Nepeta Glechoma, Benth. var. parvi/Jora, Benth. (5, 6). Ga/eopsis Tetrahit, Linn. var. bifida (Boenn.) (5, 6). Salicornia stricta, Dumort. (5). 5. ramos- sisima, Woods (5). Narcissus odorus, Linn. Potamogeton interrupts, Kit. (8). Carex Pairaei, F. Schultz (7). Antboxanthum Puellii, Lee and Lam. (2). Further testing of the merits of the records compels the writer to omit the following from the Cornish list : Ranunculus Jluitans, Silene cornea, Stellaria nemorum, Arenaria tenuifolia, Medicago minima, Vicia lathyroides, Rubus saxatilis, (Enanthe silaifolia, Galium Vaillantii, Filago apiculata, Rhinanthus major, Orobanche elatior, Cryptogramme crispa. As a result of these additions and exclusions, the total strength of the flora of Cornwall is now brought to 1,265 species. Ill