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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 21. Hallchondrla fallaciosa B. Collected by Peach in Fowey Harb. 22. H. panicea, Pallas. C. all round coast esp. after a storm ; Scilly 23. Reniera cinerea, Grant. At v. 1. w. at Fowey (Peach) and Falmouth (Cocks) 24. R. densa, B. Type spec, obtained by Norman at Fowey 25. R. indistincta, B. Collected by Peach in Fowey Harb. 26. R. MacAndrewi, B. Found by Norman at Polperro 27. GelRus couchi, B. Type spec, obtained by Jonathan Couch on Cornish coast 28. Styhtella incognita, B. Type spec, collected by Peach at Fowey [Esperiopsis funalis, B. One spec, on the Atlantic cable i 50 m. from Land's End in 200 fm.] 29. E. Aldert, B. Obtained by Bowerbank at Mill B. near Land's End 30. E. fucorum, Johnst. In pools between t-m. along coast on Sertulariae ; Scilly 3 1 . Esperella afgagrophila, Johnst. Collected by Bowerbank on Cornish coast 32. Desmacidon fruiicosum, Mont. Obtained by Peach at Fowey 33. Homaeodictyon palmata, Johnst. In trawl refuse at Penzance ; occ. cast up in Falmouth B. after a storm 34. Dendoryx incrustans, Esper. N. unc. along coast on rocks at 1. w. ; Scilly 35. D. Dickiei, B. Collected by Norman at Polperro 36. Lissomyxilla spinosa, B. Type spec, obtained by Peach at Fowey ; collected by Bowerbank in Mount's B. 37. Stylostichon plumosum, Mont. Collected by Bower- bank at Sennen Cove. 38. Microciona carnosa, B. Found at Sennen Cove by Bowerbank, at Polperro by Norman ; Falmouth ! 39. M. atrasangu'mea, B. Found by Bowerbank at Sennen Cove 40. Raspailia hispida, Mont. N. unc. in trawl refuse at Falmouth and Penzance ; obtained by Couch and Norman at Polperro 41. Raspailia pumila, B. Collected by Peach at Fowey ; Zen nor ! 42. R. ramosa, Mont. Found at Polperro by Norman 43. Ophlitaspongia seriata, Grant. Found at Fowey by Peach, at Falmouth by Norman ; Padstow, surrounding the stems of Laminaria ! 44. Hymeniacidon carunculum, B. Obtained by Bower- bank at Mill B. near Land's End 45. H. tnvalidum, B. Type spec, obtained by C. Stewart off-Rame Hd. ; Mount's B. (Baily) 46. H. medium, B. Type spec, obtained by C. Stewart at Plymouth ; dredged by Burkill at Scilly 47. H. sanguineum, Grant. N. unc. locally along the coast, Rame Hd. to Mount's B. ; Zennor ! 48. H. viridans, B. Found by C. Stewart coating small boulders at Plymouth (B.) 49. Tragosia infundiburiformis, Flem. Found by Cocks on a stone in trawl refuse at Falmouth ; Mount's B. (Baily) ; Eddystone-Looe Gnds. (M.B.A.) 50. Tragosia polypodioides, O. Schmidt. One spec. obtained near Laregan Rks. Mount's B. and identified by Bowerbank (Baily) 51. Sttberites carnosus, Johnst. Found by J. H. Stewart at Plymouth (B.) 52. S. domuncula, Olivi. N. unc. along S. coast ; Zennor, Newquay, and Scilly ! 53. S.faus, Esper. N. unc. on dead shells in trawl refuse along S. coast 54. S. virgultosus, Johnst. Obtained on Cornish coast by Jonathan Couch (B.) 55. Polymastia mammillaris, Mull. Polperro (B) ; occ. Falmouth B. ! 56. CRone celata, Grant. First found on Cornish coast by Beach (B) ; occ. cast up at Falmouth after a storm ; Eddystone Gnds. and Rame- Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) 57. Tethya Lyncurium, Linn. Occ. on rocks at 1. s.t. on S. coast and at Whitsand B., Land's End. 58. Leiosella pulchella, Sow. Attached to hydroids from deep water ; Falmouth and Mount's B. 59. Spongelia fragiRs, M. Var. irregularis n. unc. round coast. HYDROIDS The principal contributors to our knowledge of the county representatives of this fascinating group have been R. Q. Couch, Peach, Cocks, and Hincks. The observations of the first-named are recorded at some length in (Jonathan) Couch's Cornish Fauna, pt. 2 (1841); Peach published his notes in the Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (1849 and 1878) ; while those of Cocks appeared in his 'Cornish Fauna' (Seventeenth Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornw. Polyt. Sac. 1849). From the time of Peach's last paper the group has been somewhat neglected, but of recent years Vallentin has paid some attention to the species of the Falmouth district. E. T. Browne has published some obser- vations on the occurrence of Medusa stages at Scilly, and excellent work has been done around Plymouth. 120