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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 32. Tubularia indiviia, Linn. F. c. about Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; Whitsand B. ; c. on stones from 30 fm. off Polperro ! in rock-pools near 1. w., Mevagissey ! Gorran Haven on rocks at 1. s. t. ! in trawl refuse on cork floats, timber and ships' bottoms, Falmouth (Cocks) ; c. locally in deep water, Falmouth B., and on the Manacles ! Mount's B. ; Newquay and Widemouth B. ! St. Mary's S., Scilly (R.Q.C.) and on the beach at Annett ! 33. T. larynx, E. & S. Abund. on buoys in Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; on algae and stones at 1. s. t. Pol- perro ! in trawl refuse and on cork floats, Mevagissey ! on a valve of Pinna from 60 fm. off the Dodman ! c. locally in Falmouth B., 5 to 30 fm. ! Widemouth B. ! Scilly, n. unc. 34. T. coronata, Abilgaard. R. Fowey (Peach) ; in trawl refuse on shells and sponges, Mevagissey ! Fal- mouth, r. ; occ. on shells and Sertulariae, Helford ! 35. T. humiRs, Allman. In tide pools below the Hoe and in Barn pool, Plymouth (M.B.A.) 36. Corymorpha nutans, M. Sars. The hydroid gene- ration decidedly scarce, though the medusa is c. ; three spec, at Fowey (Peach), five in 3 fm. off Fort Tregantle May, 1887, one on Queen's Gnd. and one in Cawsand B. June, 1904 (M.B.A.) ; one in 12 fm. off Helford, May, 1900 ! and one in St. Ives B. 1905 (V.) (Medusa Stage) 1 . Sarsia eximia, Allman. Plymouth district, some specs. July 2 . S. gemmlfera, Forbes. About Plymouth, occ. in May, June, July, and Sept. ; at Falmouth usually in June and July ; some years abund. in harb. (V.) ; Scilly 3. S. prolifera, Forbes. About a hundred in Whit- sand B., E., May, 1896, and v. abund. off Rame Hd. July, 1899 ; Penzance (Forbes and Peach) ; often abund. at Falmouth ' in immense profusion in sheltered places in the harbour,' May, 1899 (V.) 4. S. tubulosa, Sars. Occ. in Plymouth S. May ; Saltash Bridge, May, 1898 ; Falmouth, most years in May; taken by Heron Allen at Penzance 5. S. pukhella, Haeckel. Three specs, at Falmouth June, 1893 (V.) Ectopleura dumorlicri, L. Agassiz. mouth S. One spec. Ply- 10. 1 1. Difurena halterata, Forbes. Occ. about Plymouth ; Gyllyngvase, 1836 (Cocks) ; found by Forbes in Mount's B., and by Browne at Scilly D. ophiogaster, Haeckel. One spec. Plymouth, July, 1897 Steenstrupia rubra, Forbes. Abund. spring and early summer, Plymouth district ; v. c. Fal- mouth Harb. April, 1902 ! Mount's B. (Peach); c. Scilly April, 1903 ! S.jiavcola, Forbes. Found by Forbes in Mount's B. Hybocodon prolifer, Agassiz. N. unc. about Ply- mouth April, 1898 ; a few specs, with numerous buds April, 1 894 ; taken at Scilly by Browne, May, 1903 12. Euphysa aurata, Forbes. A single spec. 4 m. S. of Plymouth Breakwater, Sept. 1 897 ; a few around Plymouth April to June, 1 898 ; taken at Scilly by Browne, July, 1 899, and May, 1903 13. Amphlneura dinema, Peron and Lesueur. F. c. about Plymouth Sept. 1893, scarce, 1895 and 1897 ; odd specs. May and June, c. July, 1899: f. c. Scilly July, 1899, mostly adult specs, with ripe gonads (Browne) 14. Perigpnlmus repens, T. S. Wright. Plymouth ; specs, of Perigpnimus taken by Browne at Scilly, April-May, 1903, but too young for deter- mination 15. Tiara pileata, A. Agassiz. Occ. specs. Plymouth district ; 4 taken at the mouth of Falmouth Harb. June, 1902 ! I spec, taken by Browne at Scilly, July, 1899 1 6. T. octona, Forbes. Once at Falmouth in 1895, abund. May, 1899 (V.); Gyllyngvase and Maenporth (Cocks) ; Mount's B. (Forbes) 17. Lizzia blondina, Forbes. Occ. in large shoals Plymouth district, at times very scarce ; abund. Falmouth B. and Harb. Sept. 1902 ! found by Peach in Mount's B. ; f. c. Scilly July, 1899 (Browne), and Aug., 1902 ! 1 8. Podocoryne carnea, Sars. Plymouth district, March, July, and Aug. 19. Cytaeandra areolata, Haeckel. Intermediate stages occ. found around Plymouth, Sept. 1897 zo. Margefis autumnalis, C. Hartlaub. Scarce about Plymouth, Sept. 1897, and 1898 ; a few adults at Scilly July, 1899 (Browne) 2 1 . M . bella, Hartlaub. A young stage at Plymouth in May and 4 in June, 1898 22. M. britannlca, Forbes. End of April, Plymouth district ; taken at Falmouth, I May, 1900 (V.) 23. M. principis, Steenstrup. End of April, Ply- mouth district 24. M . octopunctatum, Sars. Numerous specs. Plymouth district latter half of Feb. and March, 1893, less abund. 1894, scarce April and May, 1898; c. some years at Falmouth, May and June ; abund. 1 90 1 ! found by Peach in Mount's B. ; one spec, with medusa buds at Scilly May, 1903 (Browne) 25. Gemmaria implexa, Alder. Two specs. Plymouth Aug. 1895, one Cawsand B. Sept. 1897 ; f. c. Scilly July, 1899, chiefly adults with ripe gonads (Browne) 26. WURa stcllata, Forbes. Evidently scarce Plymouth district, obtained there from May to Sept. ; Falmouth in June, July, and Aug. ; taken by Peach and by Forbes in Penzance B. ; f. c. the third week of May, and in early July, 1903, at Scilly ! B. LEPTOMEDUSAE (Hydroid Stage) I . Clytia Johnstoni, Alder. C. all round the coast and locally abund. on algae, Zostera, hydroids and antennae of crabs from near 1. w. down to 60 fm. ; several times off the Dodman on a valve of Pinna ; c. Scilly 122