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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 35. Sertulare/la folyzonlat, Linn. C. along S. coast and at Scilly from 1. s. t. to 60 fm. on stones, shells, seaweeds and corallines 36. S. rugosa, Linn. On the roots of Laminaria, on Fucus serratus, sponges, Flustra JoRacea and various hydroids, 1. w. to 30 fm. ; Lantivet B. (R.Q.C.) in trawl refuse, Mevagissey ! locally c. Falmouth B. ! 37. S. tenella, Alder. On fisherman's lines off the Dodman, r. (Peach) 38. S. foslfirmls, Hincks. In crevices in rock pools near 1. w.-m., Gyllyngvase, Falmouth ! 39. Diphasla rosacea, Linn. On shells, stones, wooden piles, hydroids, Crustacea, &c. from between t.-m. to 60 fm. ; Plymouth S. and occ. on Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro r. ! on Pinna off the Dodman and at Gorran (Peach) ; local in Falmouth B. ! off Cadgwith (Rowe) and in Mount's B. ! 4.0. D. attenuata, Hincks. On the fine sand of the outer trawling grounds, Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; Gorran Haven (Peach) 41. D. pinaster, E. and S. C. in trawl refuse, Plymouth (M. B. A.), and occ. Mevagissey and Falmouth 42. D. tamarisca, Linn. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; on Pinna in deep water off Mevagissey (R.Q.C.) ; occ. in trawl refuse, Falmouth 43. D. pinnata, Pallas. Five m. S. of the Eddy- stone (M.B.A.) ; c. a few miles W. and NW. of the Eddystone (R, Q. C.) ; Polperro in 40 fm., I o or i z m. from the shore (Laughrin) ; in trawl refuse n. unc. Falmouth ; the Lizard (Pallas) ; Mount's B. ! 44. Sertularia pumila, Linn. C. between t.-m. all round coast and at Scilly on rocks and sea- weeds, esp. on F. serratus 45. S. gracilis, Hassall. Off the Dodman r. (Peach) 46. 5. operculata, Linn. On the stems of large fuel and of Laminaria ; abund. Eddystone rock, 1898 ; c. and in places abund. along S. coast and at Scilly ; locally c. on N. at 1. t. and in shallow water. In 18993 clump twenty-five in. in circumference was picked up on the shore at Mevagissey! 47. S. flicula, E. and S. On fuel from Talland B. (Couch) on Fucus serratus at 1. s. t. Gyllyngvase (Cocks) ; has not been found since 48. S. abietina, Linn. C. in trawl refuse and in deep water dredgings along S. coast and at Scilly on stones and shells; finest specs, on Pinna valves from 60 fm. off the Dodman ; on Pecten oper- cularis at Widemouth B., Bude after a storm ! 49. S. argentea, E. and S. F. c. in trawl refuse and dredgings along S. coast from shallow to deep water on stones and shells, esp. Pecten ; St. Ives (R.Q.C.), Padstow ! and in deep water off Tresco, Scilly (R.Q.C.). In 1905 remark- ably abund. at Mevagissey ! 50. S. cupressina, Linn. Occ. and in places n. unc. in deep water along S. coast and at Scilly ; Queen's Gnd., c. in trawl refuse from the Eddy- stone (M.B.A.); Porthloe ! Falmouth, Helford, and St. Ives ; Tresco, Scilly (R.Q.C) 5 1 . Hyttrallmania fakata, Linn. C. in deep water along S. coast and occ. cast up on N. attached to shells and stones ; Tresco, Scilly 52. Thuiaria thuja, Linn. From deep water, Pol- perro (R.Q.C.) ; in trawl refuse St. Ives and Portreath (Cocks) ; fragments on Porthcressa B. St. Mary's Scilly (R.Q.C.) 53. T. articulata, Pallas. On stones, shells, Crustacea, &c., from deep water down to 50 fm. (R.Q.C.) ; occ. in trawl refuse along S. coast and at St. Ives 54. Antennulana antennina, Linn. On shells, esp. Pinna and oyster, on stones and often among gravel and muddy sand from shallow water to 30 fm. ; c. gen. in trawl refuse along S. coast ; St. Ives ; St. Mary's, Scilly (R.Q.C.) 55. A. ramosa, Lamouroux. With A. antennina, but not so plentiful except in the neighbourhood of Mevagissey, where in 1904 and 1905 it was v. abund. ! 56. Aglaophenia helleri, Marktanner-Turneretscher. Eddystone rock (M.B.A.) 57. A. pluma, Linn. On the fronds of Halidrys siii- quosa and once on Fucus serratus ; abund. along S. coast as far as Coverack ; Scilly (Hincks) 58. A. tubuKfera, Hincks. N. unc. Eddystone and Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; on the legs of Hyas coarctatus off the Dodman (Peach) ; on Gorgonia from deep water (Hincks) 59. A. myriophyllum, Linn. F. c. on fine sand and sandy gravel Eddystone and Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; on the back of the spider crab and on a slab of limestone, Gorran (Peach) ; from about 50 fm. off the Dodman on a shell fragment with Rbopahmenia aglaopheniae twined round its base ! on the back of the Corwich crab in trawl refuse, Falmouth (Cocks) 60. A. pennatula, E. and S. On Pinna from deep water off the Dodman (R.Q.C.) ; several times on the Corwich crab and the stems of Lami- naria digitata ; a magnificent mass from Gorran Haven (Peach) ; on Pecten maximtu, trawl refuse, Falmouth (Cocks) 6 1. Plumularia pinnata, Linn. On shells, stones, wooden piles, sunken timber, worm-tubes, hydroid Crustacea, etc., from between t.-m. down to 40 fm. ; Plymouth, Rame-Eddystone and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.), and W. to Gorran Haven ; unc. in trawl refuse at Falmouth 62. P. setacea, Ellis. On sea-weed, rock, stones, sunken timber, worm-tubes, hydroids from be- tween t.-m. to 30 fm. ; c. but irregularly dist. Plymouth to Helford ; St. Michael's Mt. 1. s. t. ! Hincks' branched var. was originally described by Peach from Cornish specs, and is v. c. around Plymouth, gen. on HaRchondria panicea (M.B.A.) 63. P. cat/Marina, Johnst. On corallines, worm-tubes, shells, esp. Pinna, and occ. on tests of Ascidia from shallow water down to 60 fm. ; c. Eddy- stone and Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.), and local as far as Helford ; a fragment off St. Martin's, Scilly (R.Q.C.) 124