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MARINE ZOOLOGY 27. M. aurantiaca, Grube. Single specs. Queen's Gnd., Asia shoal, and elsewhere in Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) 28. Ctre&ratufaffuscus, Mclntosh. On Queen's Gnd., Drake's Is., Eddystone Gnd., &c. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro ! and unusually large spec. Falmouth under weed-covered stones at 1. s. t. ! CHAETOPODA Except for a paper entitled ' Horae Zoologicae ' by R. Quiller Couch (Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Ant'tq. Sac. old series, i, 1845), and a section in Dr. Cocks's 'Fauna of Falmouth' this important group seems to have been completely neglected by county naturalists. But for the invaluable assistance given by Mr. H. Thomas, who took up the study of Cornish sea-worms with extraordinary enthusiasm the county list would have been somewhat meagre both in species and in details, for the help he gave went far beyond the records to which his name is attached. ARCHIANNELIDA Dinophilus taematus, Harmer. More or less abund. in spring on green algae and mud in rock pools round Plymouth (M.B.A.), at Gorran, Falmouth and Helford ! No spec, found about Falmouth in 1904 PolygprJius apogpn, Mclntosh ? Dredged on the Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) Protodrilus kuckarti, Hatschek. Reared at Ply- mouth from tow-nettings taken in Sept. (M.B.A.) Histriobdella homari, van Beneden. Frequent on the eggs of lobsters taken off Plymouth (M.B.A.) POLYCHAETA TyposylRs prolifera, Krohn. Drake's Is., Queen's Gnd., &c., Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; 2 specs, from mud in Falmouth Harb. ! 5 13. Pionosyllis malmgreni, Mclntosh. Under stones near 1. w-m. near Mevagissey and at Pennance, Falmouth ! 14. Autolytus f ictus, Ehlers. Often c. in Plymouth S. among sponges and alcyonidium (M.B.A.) ; occ. plentiful at Polperro (Thomas), Pentuan, Gyllyngvase and Helford ! c. Mount's B. 15. A. prolifer, Muller. Occ. at 1. s. t. Falmouth beaches 1 6. A. rubropunctatus, Grube. Frequent in dredgings from Queen's Gnd. (M.B.A.) 17. MyrianiJa pinnigera, Mont. Frequent in Ply- mouth S. (M.B.A.) ; on an overgrown timber baulk on the old breakwater at Falmouth Harb. 1 8. M. fasciata, Milne Edwards. The anterior half of an adult spec, in trawl refuse at Meva- gissey ! T. alttrnosetosa, de St. Joseph. the Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) Sy/fis cornuta, Rathke. Dredged on the Eddy- stone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; off Polperro (Thomas) S. Krohnii, Ehlers. In tubes of sand under stones at 1. w. ; occ. colonies at Helford and St. Minver ! S. armillaris, Mull. Near Maenporth at 1. s. t. 6. S. graclRs, Grube. In dredgings from Queen's Gnd. (M.B.A.) ; off Polperro (Thomas) 7. OdontosylRs ctenostoma, Claparede. From the shore under stones and among weeds, &c. ; Drake's Is., Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; near 1. w-m. Gyllngvase, Falmouth and Helford ! 8. O. fulgurans, Claparede. In dredgings from Queen's Gnd. Plymouth (M.B.A.) 9. O. gibba, Claparede. In dredgings from Queen's Gnd. and Asia shoal (M.B.A.) I o. TrypanosylRs zebra, Grube. Frequent in dredgings from Asia shoal and Millbay Chan., Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; in shallow water off Polperro (Thomas) ; I spec, in I o fm. off Helford ! 11. AmblyosylRs spectabifis, Johnston. Not infre- quent from Asia shoal and Queen's Gnd., Plymouth, occ. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; in 30 fm. off Polperro (Thomas) and in 20 fm. Falmouth B. ! 1 2. SphaerosylRs ovigera, Langerhans. One spec, in dredgings from Queen's Gnd. (M.B.A.) Dredged on 19- Kefersteinia cirrata, Keferstein. Under stones at 1. w. m. Drake's Is., Mt. Edgcumbe, and in dredgings from Asia shoal (M.B.A.) 20. CastaRa punctata, Mull. C. in dredgings from Asia shoal, and occ. Queen's Gnd. (M.B.A.) ; in 10 fm. Falmouth B. ! 2 1 . MagaRa perarmata, Marion et Bobretzky. N. unc. in dredgings from Asia shoal and Queen's Gnd., Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; off Helford ! 22. Aphrodite aculeata, Linn. On most fine-sand grounds off Plymouth, between 20 and 30 fm. (M.B.A.) ; between t-ms. on the S. coast occ. after very stormy weather ; dredged in 30 fm. off Polperro (Robinson), in 40 and taken in 60 fm. off the Dodman and in 25 fm. Falmouth B. ! In March, 1905, several hundreds were thrown up on W. side of Bryher, Scilly, and a number on St. Mary's ! 23. Hermione hystrix, Savigny. Most frequently on gravel grounds in the neighbourhood of the Eddystone (M.B.A.) ; in 20 fm. off Polperro (Thomas) ; occ. in 10 to 25 fm. Falmouth B. ! 24. Lepidonotus squamatus, Linn. C. along the S. coast from under stones and sea-weed between t-m. down to 60 fm. ; sometimes abund. in the laminarian zone ; Forth Cressa B., St. Mary's, Scilly, and on Annett ! 25. L. clava, Mont. C. under stones and clumps of fuel, esp. at s. t. 1. w-m. all along the S. coast