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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 122. Mya truncata, Linn. Valves c. at Falmouth and in the Truro river, but live specs, somewhat scarce ; Mount's B. (Tregelles) and Scilly (Jen- kinson) 123. Sphenia binghami, Turton. Falmouth (Hockin), Helford (M.R.I.), Land's End (M.), Harlyn B., i valve (Thclwell) 124.. Corbula gibba, Olivi. In colonies in muddy sand and gravel from shallow water down to 30 fm.; Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.), Pol- perro (Robinson), Fowey ! Gorran ! Falmouth B. i o to 15 fm. ! Mount's B. (Tregelles) ; Crow S., Scilly, and elsewhere (S. & C.). var. nsea Brown, off Nare Pt., Helford (Hockin) ; Fal- mouth (M.R.I.) 125. Solecurtus scapula, Turton. One spec. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; 4 off Polperro in 10 fin. (Robinson) ; Falmouth (Hanley) ; dead shells occ. dredged Falmouth B. ! Penzance (McAn- drew & Forbes), Hayle (Hockin) ; not unc. 1. w-m. Pentle B., Scilly (S. & C.). var. oblonga Jeffreys, Porthcurnow (Miss Lavars) 126. S. antijuatus, Pulteney. A single live spec. off Rame Hd., though dead shells n. unc. (M.B.A.) ; several live specs, and many dead shells off Polperro (Robinson), Looe (Mont.), Gorran Haven (Peach), Falmouth (Jeffreys) ; dead shells at times, Falmouth B. in 20 fm. ! Mount's B. (Tregelles) [Pharui legumen, Linn. Occurs on the list at Tresco and was reported in trawl refuse by Cocks, but there is no Cornish specimen in any collection] 127. Cultettus pellucidus, Pennant. Cawsand B. c. (M.B.A.), occ. Polperro ! locally c. 10 to 15 fm. Falmouth B. ! abund. Mount's B. ; Hayle (Hockin) ; Scilly in 8 fm., Crow S., and inside Round Is. (S. & C.). 128. Ensis entis, Linn. N. unc. locally along the S. coast about 1. w-m. on sandy beaches and on sandy patches ; Cawsand B. (M.B.A.), Polperro (Robinson), Falmouth B., Coverack (James), Mount's B., and Padstow (Tellam) 1 29. E. stliqua, Linn. Gen. dist. in sand at 1. w-m. from Looe to Camel Est. and at Scilly ; dead shells Plymouth S. and N. coast at Bude ! var. arcuata Jeffreys, occ. Pentuan beach (Rich- ards) ; Coverack (James) 1 30. Solen vagina, Linn. Drake's Is. in 20 fm. off Polperro (Robinson), 1. w-m. Fowey (M.R.I.), in 30 fm. Falmouth (Hockin), shallow water to i o fm., Helford ! Mount's B., Hayle (Dennis) 131. Saxicava rugpsa, Linn. On ledges and rocky beaches between t-m. to 40 fm. at least ; evi- dently gen. dist. and locally c. on S. coast and at Scilly ; Perranporth and Widemouth B.! young specs. Harlyn B. (Thelwell) 132. S. arctica, Linn. Evidently c. at 20 to 40 fm. on shells and the roots of Hydroids and in sand-cracks ; Rame-Eddystone and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; in 30 fm. off Polperro (Robin- son), in 40 fm. off the Dodman ! occ. Porth- 133. '34' '35' 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141, 142, 144. pean, St. Austell (Richards) ; in 20 fm. Fal- mouth B. ; Mount's B. ; off Land's End, odd valves ; valves also found at Hayle ; in 40 fm. at Scilly. var. fraecisa Mont. c. on rocks at 1. w. attached to the roots of coralline by a byssus (J.C.). var. cylindrica S. V. Wood, Land's End (M.) Gastrochaena dub'ta, Penn. Plymouth break- water and Asia shoal (M.B.A.). One spec, boring in an oyster shell, in 40 fm. off the Dodman ! 2 valves dredged in 20 fm. Fal- mouth B. ! Penzance (S. & C.) from 1. w. to 20 fm. (M.) Pholas dactylus, Linn. Attacks shale, friable slate and sandstone, but apparently has not been found in granite ; near Fowey (J.C.), the Dodman ! Falmouth, in rocks on the littoral, at the Manacles ! Marazion (Millet), Penzance (E. D. Marquand), Hayle (Miss Hockin) Barnea Candida, Pennant. In very friable shales and in sandstone ; Pridmouth (Tellam) ; Fal- mouth, scarce ; Helford, abund. in a low ridge of rotten shale ! Mount's B. (Miss Tyacke) B. farva, Pennant. Pridmouth (J.C.) ; dead shells in sandstone at Gyllyngvase ; a colony in the seaward end of the ridge containing B. Candida at Helford ! Penzance (E. D. Mar- quand) Zirpkaea crispata, Linn. Dead shells occ. Fal- mouth ; Hayle (Hockin) Pholadidea loscombiana, Goodall. V.c. in reddish sandstone in deep water (J.C.) ; n. unc. Fal- mouth in soft slate and sandstone ; a mass of sandstone dredged in I o fm. off Helford con- tained 2 live specs, and several dead shells ! Hayle (Miss Hockin) ; 4 dead shells in soft slate on Millook beach (Miss E. A. Reynolds) None of the last six species occurs at Scilly Xyhpkaga dorsafis, Turton. Plymouth S. (M.) ; a single valve in 40 fm. off the Dodman ! Fal- mouth (Miss Vigurs) ; the Lizard (Miss Came); a single valve off Menavawr (S. & C.), and dredged in St. Mary's S. (M.) Teredo norvegica, Speng. In driftwood, Fowey ! in timber of Falmouth breakwater ; driftwood at Maenporth (Tregelles) ; in jetty, Penzance ; Land's End (Hockin) ; Hayle (Miss Hockin) T. navalis, Linn. N. unc. in drift and sub- merged wood, breeding in July (M.B.A.) ; much of the woodwork at Pentuan riddled by this mollusc (Richards) ; in most submerged timber at Falmouth ; Newquay (V.) T. megotara, Hanley. Occ. in ship's timber at Falmouth ; washed up in driftwood at Gorran Haven (J.C.) and Gurnard's Hd. (Dennis) ; docks, Hayle. var. mionata Jeffreys, in cork washed ashore (Jeff.) T. malleolus, Turton. Falmouth (Norman), in cork floats from deep water (Cocks) ; in drift- wood at Gurnard's Hd. (Dennis) T. bipinnata, Turton. In oak timber from deep water at Falmouth (Cocks) ; live specs, washed ashore in timoer at Hayle (Hockin) 146