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MOLLUSCS these mussels are sometimes fine, and British pearls in ancient days en- joyed some celebrity ; they even had their attractions for Julius Caesar. Papers on the Cornish non-marine molluscan fauna as a whole are not abundant, and deal more with the western than the eastern portion of the duchy. The more important are a series by Mr. T. Cocks in the Annual Reports of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society (No. 17, 1849, p. 6 1 ; No. 24, 1856, p. 20 ; and No. 45, 1877, p. 124), and one by Mr. E. D. Marquand in the Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society (new ser. 18834, i. 403). From these, the Records of the Conchological Society and various scattered sources, the accompanying list has been compiled. A, GASTROPODA I. PULMONATA a. STYLOMMATOPHORA Testacella maugei, Fer. Penzance ; Hayle ; Truro ; Falmouth kaliotidea, Drap. Newlyn ; Heamoor ; Penzance Limax maximus. Linn. flavus. Linn. arborum, Bouch.-Chant. Agriolimax agrestis (Linn.) Lev'ts (Mall.) Amalia sowerbii (Fir.) gagates (Drap.) Vitrina pellucida (Mall.) Local ; it also occurs in the Scilly Isles Vitrea crystalline! (Mall.) luc'ida (Drap.) alliaria (Miller) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles glabra (Brit. Auct.) cellaria (Mall.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles nitidula (Drap.) pura (Aid.) excavata (Bean) Land's End nitida (Mall.) Trevaylor fulva (Mull.) Towans ; Falmouth Arlon ater (Linn.) Plentiful and large ; the variety bicolor is common horttnsis, Fir. circumscriptus, John. subfuscus (Drap.) Pyramidula rupestris (Drap.) rotundata (Mall.) Helicella virgata (Da C.) itala (Linn.) caperata (Mont.) barbara (Linn.) Hygromia fusca (Mont.) Local granulata (Aid.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles Also occur in the Scilly Isles Hygromia hispida (Linn.) rewlata (Fr.) Whitsand Bay ; St. Michael's Mount ; Lizard ; Falmouth ; Newquay ; and in the Scilly Isles rufescens (Penn.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles Acanthinula aculeata (Mall.) Penzance ; Fal- mouth ; Truro Vallonia pulchella (Mall.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles Helicigona arbustorum (Linn.) Morvah Helix aspersa, Mall. Also occur in the nemoralis, Linn. J Scilly Isles bortensis, Mall. Newquay pisana, Mull. Whitsand Bay ; St. Ives ; Falmouth Buliminus obscurus (Mull.) Falmouth Cochlicopa lubrica (Mall.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles Azeca tridens (Pult.) Truro Pupa cylindracea (Da C.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles muscorum (Linn.) Sphyradium edentulum (Drap.) Local Vertigo pygmcea (Drap.) Local Balea perversa (Linn.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles Clausilia bidentata (Strom.) Succinea putris (Linn.) Also occurs in the Scilly Isles elegans, Risso. b. BASOMMATOPHORA Carychium minimum, Mull. Melampus denticulatus (Mont.) Penzance ; Falmouth Alexia myosotis (Drap.) Land's End ; Pen- zance ; Whitsand Bay ; Truro ; Scilly Isles Lenconia bidentata (Mont.) Land's End ; Mousehole ; Hale ; Scilly Isles Ancylus fluviatilis, Mall. 161 21