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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL following day has proved an effective remedy. The recurrence of the attack can generally be prevented by removing the surface soil and destroying the enclosed cocoons. The only recorded attacks of the turnip saw-fly larvae or ' Niggers ' (jithalia spinarum] during the last ten years have been on young broccoli in the Land's End district in 1899, on turnips near Helston in 1901, and near Bude in 1905. The damage in each case, though severe, was very local. Though Cepbus pygmaeus is very common throughout the county, the damage it does to grain crops seems to be trifling, as not a single complaint or sample of injured stem or head has been sent in during the last seven years. A few infested stalks have been noticed in the Grampound district and about Truro, but in no case have they amounted to i per cent, of the total crop. Up to the present about four hundred saw-flies have been recorded from Great Britain, and many of these appear to be extremely local. The following list of 181 species is evidently the first that has been published for Cornwall, and though it represents the work of seven years, is by no means complete. Several of the students have collected largely in different parts of the county, but all the collections made are not now available ; and though every species is here recorded that has been identified up to the present, the localities are not so complete as they would have been had a note been kept of the capture of species already represented in the type collection. The succession of genera is that adopted by Konow. LIST OF THE PHYTOPHAGOUS HYMENOPTERA OCCURRING IN THE COUNTY Neurotoma flaviventris, Ratz. Liskeard Pamphilius sylvarum, Steph. Truro sylvaticus, L. Newquay inanitus, Vill. Truro - depressus, Schr. hortorum, Klug. Two specimens taken near Launceston, 18 May, 1904 Cephus femoratus, Curt. linearis, Schr. Trebartha arundinis, Giraud. Pencalenick, Truro - tabidus, Fab. Newjuay niger, Harris. Netejuay pygmaeus, L. Sirex noctilis, Fab. Bred at Saltasfi from an old fir tree in the summer of 1902 (Bignell) gigas, scarce but widespread ; fairly common, Bodmin Cimbex sylvarum, Fab. connata, Veil. Mount Edgcumbe femorata, L. One specimen taken near Calstock Trichiosoma vitellinae, L. Near Truro lucorum, L. Upper Tamar betuleti, Klug. Lower Lynher Abia sericea, L. nigricornis, Leach fasciata, L. Arge coeruleipennis, Thorns. Falmouth ciliaris, L. Falmouth fuscipes, Fall. Truro ustulata, L. E. Cornwall - atrata, Forst. E. Cornwall pagana, Pz. Truro rosae, de Geer. Truro cyanocrocea, FOrst. melanochra, Gmel. Truro; Falmouth Lophyrus sertiferus, Fourc. Penzance district Cladius pectinicornis, Fourc. E. Cornwall Trichiocampus viminalis, Voll. Falmouth rufipes, Lep. E. Cornwall ulmi, L. Penzance (Daily) eradiatus, Htg. E. Cornwall Priophorus padi, L. Widely spread Camponiscus luridiventris, Fallen. Widely spread Hemichroa alni, L. Bodmin rufa, Pz. Bodmin Dineura stilata, Klug. E. Cornwall testaceipes, Klug. Falmouth despecta, Htg. E. Cornwall Cryptocampus pentandrae, Cam. R. Lynher angusta, Cam. E. Cornwall ; Truro saliceti, Cam. Liskeard Pontania xanthogaster, Forst. leucosticta, Htg. nigrolineatus, Cam. E. Cornwall baccarum, Cam. Saltash ; Truro salicis-cinerea, Retz. R. Lynher bella, Zaddach. Widely distributed gallicola, West. Widely distributed Pteronus bipartitus, Lep. pavidus, Lep. Truro miliaris, Pz. curtispinis, Thorns. melanaspis, Htg. E. Cornwall ; Falmouth tibialis, Newm. A single specimen captured on the Budock Downs 19 June, 1902 myosotidis, Fab. E. Cornwall ribesii, Scop. melanocephalus, Htg. salicis, L. Amauronematus histrio, Lep. Calstock; Truro haemorrhoidalis, Spin. R. Lynher Croesus septentrionalis, L. varus, Vill. Newquay Holcocneme lucida, Pz. E. Cornwall coeruleocarpa, Hart. Looe vclley Nematus abdominalis, Pz. By the Lynher in June ; Penzance (Baily) ruficapillus, Gmel. Penzance district Pachynematus rumicis, Fallen. Truro ; Falmouth capreae, Pz. E. Cornwall obductus, Htg. Lower Lynher conductus, Ruthe. Lower Lynher Pristiphora conjugata, Dbm. Two specimens found in a school collection, every insect in which was collected round Truro and Falmouth pallidiventris, Fallen. Near Newquay appendiculata, Htg. Lower Lynher fulvipes, Fallen. Falmouth ruficornis, Oliv. Phyllotoma nemorata, Fallen. Looe valley ; Truro 174