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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL CARABIDAE (continued) Nebria complanata, L. One speci- men obtained at Bude, and two at Tmco, Scilly, under the fronds of Asplenium marinum at the foot of some rocks brevicollis, F. Elaphrus riparius, L. cupreus, Duft. uliginosus, F. Marazion (Baily) Loricera pilicornis, F. S. Clivina fossor, L. - collaris, Herbst Dyschirius thoracicus, Rossi. Maen- porth, two specimens with Bledius arenarius impunctipennis, Daws. Be- tween Perranporth and New- quay, along with Bledius arenarius salinus, Schaum. Par; St. Ertb aeneus, Dej. Marazion (Baily) globosus, Herbst Broscus cephalotes, L. Under stones on sand above high- water mark, Whitsand Bay, Dotcnderry (Keys) ; New- quay ; Falmouth; Penzance ; not uncommon, St. Mary's, Scilly Panagaeus quadripustulatus, Sturm. Taken by Keys at Whit- sand Bay in 1890, and by Thomas, near Looe, in 1901 Badister bipustulatus, F. sodalis, Duft. Chlaenius vestitus, Payk. Several specimens taken once only under stones in wet ground near Millbrook (Keys) ; under damp moss by the side of the Fowey, near Losttvithiel nigricornis, F. Stenolophus skrimshiranus, Steph. At roots of grass, Pencalenick, Truro ; Penzance Acupalpus exiguus, Dej. Wade- bridge var. luridus, Dej. Under stones on grass, Whit- sand Bay ; Portscatbo meridianus, L. consputus, Duft. Pools in the Land's End district Bradycellus distinctus, Dej. verbasci, Duft. harpalinus, Dej. similis, Dej. Harpalus sabulicola, Panz. Looe rotundicollis, Fairm. Brackish marsh, near Par punctatulus, Duft. One speci- men top of cliffs, Newquay azureus, F. Once only at Tre- gantle (Keys) CARABIDAE (continued) Harpalus puncticollis, Payk. rufibarbis, F. Near Liikeard ruficornis, F. S. aeneus, F, S. consentaneus, Dej. Among debris on the shore at Cre- myll, in number ; under stones on old rubble heaps at Tregantle (Keys) ; at edge of an old quarry, Stvanpool, Falmouth ; sparingly on S/. Mary's, St. dgnes, and St. Martin's, Scilly (Champion) tenebrosu*, Dej. Recorded as common at Whitsand Bay by J.J.Walker in 1875-6, but he could not find it in 1885. Recently it has been taken there frequently by Keys rubripes, Duft. Has been ob- tained about Penzance, on Hayle Towans, and at Whit- sand Bay east; occurs on St. Mary's, Scilly latus, L. S. melancholicus, Dej. Taken near the Fern-pits, Netvjuay, 1902 tardus, Panz. At Portscatho on stones at high-water mark ; Padstow (Lamb) ; St. Mary's and Tresco, Scilly (Champion) servus, Duft. Eight specimens taken in July, 1891, on a sandy patch beside the path on the Towans at Lelant anxius, Duft. serripes, Sch. Above Liskeard ignavus, Duft. At times abun- dant under stones on the grassy slopes of Wbitsand Bay east ; taken among thin grass on the sand hills at Bude neglectus, Dej. One specimen at Stvanpool running over the edge of quarry debris Dichirotrichus obsoletus, Dej. pubescens, Payk. Anisodactylus binotatus, F. S. var. spurcaticornis, Dej. Newham, Truro, with the type ; Scilly var. atricornis, Steph. Land's End (Isabell) poeciloides, Steph. Diachromus germanus, Er. Taken on the pathway, near Fal- mouth station, in June, 1904 Stomis pumicatus, Panz. Pterostichus cupreus, L. var. affinis, Sturm. Mara- zion versicolor, Sturm madidus, F. aethiops, Panz. Altarnun 1 88 CARABIDAE (continued) Pterostichus oblongo-punctatus, F. Under stones in wood at Doublebois niger, Schall. vulgaris, L. anthracinus, 111. Found at Scilly by F. Holmes (?) nigrita, F. S. minor, Gyll. strenuus, Panz. S. diligens, Sturm vernalis, Gyll. striola, F. Amara fulva, Dej. apricaria, Sturm. S. spinipes, auct. convexiuscula, Marsh. patricia, Duft. Two specimens in a tiny brackish marsh by the side of the Gannel, New- quay bifrons, Gyll. One specimen, Downderry (Keys) ; not rare on St. Maiy's, Scilly ovata, F. S. - similata, Gyll. acuminata, Payk. tibialis, Payk. lunicollis, SchiOd. familiaris, Duft. S. lucida, Duft. trivialis, Gyll. S. communis, Panz. continua, Thorns. Tregantle ; Truro plebeia, Gyll. Treg anile (Keys) ; Netvquay Calathus cisteloides, Panz. S. fuscus, F. S. flavipes, Fourc. Liskeard mollis, Marsh. S. melanocephalus, L. S. micropterus, Duft. Two speci- mens above Trebartha piceus, Marsh. Taphria nivalis, Panz. Land's End Pristonychus terricola, Herbst Sphodrus leucophthalmus, L. E. Cornwall Anchomenus angusticollis, F. At tree roots on the river bank at Doublebois dorsalis, Mall. albipes, F. S. oblongus, Sturm marginatus, L. S. parumpunctatus, F. S. atratus, Duft. viduus, Panz. Marazion Marsh var. moestus, Duft. Pen- zance micans, Nic. Bank of Lynher. fuliginosus, Panz. gracilis, Gyll. By the Mara- zion Marsh piceus, L. Mouth of the Seaton, Downderry (Keys)