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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL OEDEMERIDAE Oedemera nobilis, Scop. lurida, Marsh. Oncomera femorata, F. In some numbers when sugiring at Truro, April, 1900 Nacerdes melanura, Schmidt Ischnomera coerulea, L. PYROCHROIDAE Pyrochroa serraticornis, Scop. MORDELLIDAE Mordella fasciata, F. Launceston (Peter) Mordellistena pumila, Gyll. Cal- iington parvula var. inaequalis, Muls. Trcgantle (Keys) Anaspis frontalis, L. pulicaria, Costa - rufilabris, Gyll. geoffroyi, Mill!. On white thorn, Lostwithtel ruficollis, F. - flava, L. Ludgvan ; Trevaylor valley, Penzance var. thoracica, L. Tre- vaylor valley subtestacea, Steph. maculata, Fourc. RHIPIDOPHORIDAE Metoecus paradoxus, L. ANTHICIDAE Notoxus monoceros, L. Anthicus humilis, Germ. Recorded from Sally by F. Holmes - floralis, L. antherinus, L. XYLOPHILIDAE Xylophilus oculatus, Gyll. Taken in decaying willow near Doublebots in 1905 MELOIDAE Meloe proscarabaeus, L. S. violaceus, Marsh. Wbitsand Bay (Keys) ; Calstock ; val- ley of the Lynher - autumnalis, Ol. Valley of the Lynher - rugosus, Marsh. Loot valley - brevicollis, Panz. Saltash ; on the moors above Liskeard Sitaris muralis, FOrst. Truro. This extremely interesting species has occurred sparingly for the past three years in a very restricted area not far from Truro about the nests of Anthophora. On 14 April, 1904, a female bee was caught with several of the early stage larvae of Sitaris attached to the body hairs ANTHRIBIDAE Brachytarsus fasciatus, FOrst. CURCU.LIONIDAE Apoderus coryli, L. In the Kilk- hampton district Attelabus curculionoides, L. Mil- look Byctiscus populi, L. Launceston (Peter) Rhynchites aeneovirens, Marsh. Falmouth ; Penzance district (Marquand) minutus, Herbst. Neti-fuay ; Penzance interpunctatus, Steph. Netv- quay nanus, Payk. pubescens, F. DeporaUs betulae, L. Apion pomonae, F. craccae, L. Hehton subulatum, Kirby. ulicis, Forst. malvae, F. Widespread but scarce urticarium, Herbst. Launceston miniatum, Germ. - cruentatum, Walt. Scarce in E. Cornwall haematodes, Kirby. S. rubens, Steph. rufirostre, F. viciae, Payk. Tregantle (Keys) ; Boscastle diffbrme, Germ. Netequay ; Perranforth varipes, Germ. Netojuay ; Penzance laevicolle, Kirby. Though generally regarded as essen- tially of the south-eastern counties this insect has been taken by Keys at Whitsand Bay apricans, Herbst bohemani, Thorns. On rest- harrow, Tregantle (Keys) ; Patbtew trifolii, L. dichroum, Bedel. nigritarse, Kirby. Whitiand Bay ; Boscastle ; Penzance confluens, Kirby. On Matri- caria, Whitsand Bay (Keys) hookcri, Kirby. Whitsand Bay ; Looe ; Gerran's Bay aeneum, F. radiolus, Kirby onopordi, Kirby carduorum, Kirby. S. atomarium, Kirby. On thyme, Tregantle (Keys) minimum, Herbst. Round the head of Mount's Say virens, Herbst punctigerum, Payk. Boscastle ; Newjuay 200 CURCULIONIDAE (continued) Apion pisi, F. S. aethiops, Herbst ebeninum, Kirby filirostre, Kirby. Looe; Padsttw - striatum, Kirby immune, Kirby. Bade ; Gcr- ran't Bay; Perranforth ononis, Kirby spencei, Kirby ervi, Kirby vorax, Herbst gyllenhali, Kirby. Tregantle (Keys) scutellare, Kirby. Widespread in gorse, generally with A. striatum, but very scarce waltoni, Steph. Whilsand Bay (J. J. Walker) loti, Kirby. S. seniculum, Kirby tenue, Kirby simile, Kirby. Gerran's Bay ; Falmouth pubescens, Kirby. Padstoto (Lamb) violaceum, Kirby hydrolapathi, Kirby. S. humile, Germ. The larvae of the genus Apion feed for the most part on seeds and seed-pods, more especially of the Leguminosae. In 1901 the attacks from A. pomonae on vetches in the east of the county were severe and not confined to the seed-pods, as in two cases the foli- age also was badly eaten. From Doublebois to Liskeard scarcely a specimen of Vicia sepium by the roadside escaped their attention. In 1902 they again appeared in con- siderable numbers, but since 1903 the beetle has been scarce. A. apricans was very abundant from 1900 to 1902 about Wadebridge, and did considerable damage to the seeding clovers. In 1903 a plot of red clover at Nanoe, Truro, was badly attacked. Last year it was uncomfortably plentiful about Liskeard. A. trifolii and A. virens have both been hatched out of red clover pods, A. dichroum out of white, and A. nigritarse out of crimson (Trifolium incarnatum) and out of kidney vetch Otiorrhynchus tenebricosus, Herbst fuscipes, Walt. atroapterus, De G. In moss and short grass at Perran- forth ; on brambles at S/. Ivet ; Penzance district (Mar- quand) ; S/. Mary's and St. Martin's, Stilly blandus, Gyll. Reported by Isabel! from Land's End, but probably in error