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INSECTS CYCLORRHAPHA (continued) PROBOSCIDE4 (continued) OESTRIDAE (continued) Gastrophilus nasalis, L. Mei'agissey Hypoderma lineatum, Vill. Launceston ; Truro - bovis, Deg. The Warble or Bot Fly. The swellings or ' bumps ' produced on the backs of cattle by the parasitic larvae of this fly are only too well known to the Cornish farmer, though the fly itself is very rarely observed Oestrus ovis, L. The Sheep Nostril Fly. Most of the larvae of this fly sent in to the schools have come from the east of the county TACHINIDAE ff. Cornwall (V.) Phorocera serriventris, Rnd. pumicata, Mg. Gonia capitata, Deg. Melanota volvulus, F. Macquartia flavipes, Mg. Middle Lynher Anthracomyia melanoptera, Mg. IV. Cornwall (D.) Demoticus frontatus, Boh. Looe (A) ; Launceston Myiobia fenestrata, Mg. Above Trebartba ; Altarnun - inanis, Fin. Above Trebartha ; near Liskeard Olivieria lateralis, F. W. Cornwall (D.) Micropalpus vulpinus, Fin. Looe (A) ; W. Cornwall (D.) Erigone radicum, F. Altamun; Liskeard Echinomyia fera, L. W. Cornwall Fabricia ferox, L. Padstow (L.) Servillia lurida, F. Between Liskeard and Doub/ebois, 28 April, 1904 Siphona geniculata, Deg. Millook ; Altarnun ; Lis- keard; Truro and Falmout/i ; probably generally distributed Onesia sepulchralis, L. E. Cornwall (M.) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. W. Cornwall (D.) nigriventris, Mg. Tresco, Isles of Stilly (Y.) Dexiosoma caninum, F. Dexia rustica, F. W. Cornwall $>) MUSCIDAE Stomoxys calcitrans, L. Mount Edgcumbe ; Liskeard; Padstow (L.) ; Truro ; Falmouth ; W. Cornwall (D.) Haematobia stimulans, Mg. Millook ; Middle Lynher; Liskeard; Truro. Pollenia vespillo, F. Evidently generally distributed. - rudis, Fabr. Millook; Middle Lynher ; Liskeard; Padstow (L.) ; Newquay ; Truro Myiospila meditabunda, F. Padstow (L.) Graphomyia maculata, Scop. Above Trebartha; Altarnun ; Padstow (L.) Musca domestica, L. ) _, corvina, F. } Generall 7 distributed Cyrtoneura stabulans, Fin. W. Cornwall (D.) Morellia simplex, Lw. E. Cornwall (M.) hortorum, Fin. W. Cornwall (D.) Mesembrina meridiana, L. Padstow (L.) ; W. Corn- wall (D.) Pyrellia cyanicolor, Ztt. E. Cornwall (M.) Calliphora erythrocephala, Mg. E. Cornwall (M.) ; Looe (A.) ; Middle Lynher (T.) ; W. Cornwall vomitoria, L. Common at Millook in 1905 ; Liskeard ; abundant at Padstow (L.) ; Newjuay ; Truro and Falmouth CYCLORRHAPHA (continued) PROBOSCIDEA (continued) MUSCIDAE (continued) Euphoria cornicina, F. Launceston ; Liskeard; Double- bois ; Padstow (L.) ; Truro ; Mawnan , IT. Corn- wall (D.) Lucilia caesar, L. W. Cornwall (D.) ANTHOMYIDAE Policies lardaris, F. W. Cornwall (D.) Hyetodesia lucorum, Fin.") umbratica, Mg. errans, Mg. signata, Mg. erratica, Fin. scutellaris, Fin. pallida, F. Mydaea vespertina, Fin. - pagana, F. Spilogaster duplicata, Mg. Males taken by Colonel Yerbury on St. Martin's and Tresco, Isles of Stilly communis, Dsv. TV. Cornwall (D.) Hydrotaea irritans, (Fin.) ) ,. -dentipes. F. } W. Cornwall (V) Ophyra leucostoma, W. Padstow (L.) Hylemyia variata (Fln.)> W. Cornwall (D.) . Cornwall (D.) Cornwall^ coarctata, Fin. Anthomyia. One or two anthomyid larvae, whose specific identification is somewhat uncertain, do considerable damage to various members of the cabbage family and occasionally to turnips throughout the county by eating into the stems and roots, particularly in the earlier stages of growth A. pluvialis, L. W. Cornwall (D.) ; Penzanee district (Baily) radicum, L. Loot (A.) ; W. Cornwall (D.) sulciventris, Ztt. Penzance district (Baily) Chortophila albescens, Ztt. W. Cornwall (D.) Phorbia cepetorum, Meade. The larvae of this fly, or a closely allied species, destroy large numbers of spring-sown onions every year by eating into the bulb when it is still small. This species has been recorded by Colonel Yerbury from St. Martin's, Stilly Pegomyia betae, Curt. The beet fly. This fly had not been observed in Cornwall till 1902, when crops of mangels at Netvfuay and St. Agnes received a severe check in June from the wholesale destruction of the foliage by ths larvae. It was again noticed at Newquay in 1903, and some mangels were slightly affected near Truro in 1905 bicolor, W. W. Cornwall (D.) Homalomvia scalaris, F. ' canicularis, L. mutica, Ztt. Caricea tigrina, F. W - Conmatt (D.) means, Mg. Hoplogastermollicula, Fln.> Fucellia fucorum, Fin. W. Cornwall (D.) maritima, Hal. W. Cornwall (D.) ; St. Martin* i Stilly (Y.) 235