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SPIDERS 84. Linyphia pusilla, Sundevall. Mawnan. A smaller species than the last, with deep black ventral region. The palpus in the male sex has a long spiral spine. It spins its web near the ground amongst herbage. Known also under L.fuliginea, Blackwall. 85. Linyphia montana, Clerck. Liskeard. A large species, whose habits are similar to those of Iriangularis. It is, however, often found in conserva- tories and outhouses. Known also as L. marginata, Blackwall. 85. Linyphia hortensis, Sundevall. Liskeard ; Mawnan. Not a common species, somewhat similar to pusilla in general appearance and habits. Known also as L, pratensls, Blackwall. 87. Linyphia clathrata, Sundevall. Gerrans Bay. Resembles montana, but is smaller. Very common amongst herbage. Known also as Neriene marginata, Blackwall. 88. Linyphia peltata, Wider. Liskeard ; Mawnan. A very small and common species found amongst the foliage of trees and bushes in the summer time. A variety is known also as L. rubea, Blackwall. 89. Labulla thoracica, Wider. Liskeard ; Portscatho. Not uncommon in outhouses or under overhanging banks and rocks. The male is remarkable for the enormously long spiral spine on the palpal bulb. 90. Stemonyphantes lineatus, Linnaeus. Polperro. Known also as Linyphia bucculenta, O. P.-C. ; and Neriene trifineata, Blackwall. 91. Lepthyphantes lepntsui, Ohlert. Mawnan ; Portscatho. A very common species in stables, haylofts, and out- houses. Known also under Linyphia. 92. Lepthyphantes blacktoalli, Kulczynski. Gerrans Bay. Often very common at the roots of herbage in September. Known also as Linyphia tenebricola (Wider), O. P.-C. and L. terricola, O. P.-C. and Blackwall. 93. Lepthyphantes tenuis, Blackwall. Mawnan. Very similar to the last species, and found under the same conditions. Known also as Linyphia tenebricola, O. P.-C. 94. Lepthyphantes minutus, Blackwall. Liskeard. Known also under Linyphia. 95. Bathyphantes nigrinus, Westring. Falmouth. Known also as Linyphia pulla, Blackwall, and also under Linyphia. Common in marshes and swamps. 96. Bathyphantes concolor, Wider. Liskeard ; Portscatho. Known also as Theridion filipes, Blackwall, and under Linyphia. 97. Bathyphantes gracilis, Blackwall. Polperro ; Liskeard. Known also under Linyphia. 98. Bathyphantes dorsalis, Wider. Liskeard ; Mawnan. Common on the foliage of trees and bushes in the summer time. Known also under Linyphia and as L. claytoniae, Blackwall. 99. Poecihneta variegata, Blackwall. Portscatho. Known also under Linyphia and Neriene. 100. Erigone atra, Blackwall. Liskeard. Known also under Neriene. Often abundant on railways. I o I . Erigone promiscua, O. P.-Cambridge. Mawnan. Known also as Neriene promiscua. 1 02. Gonatium rubens, Blackwall. Liskeard. Known also under Neriene. 103. Gonatium isabel&num, C. L. Koch. Portscatho. Known also as Neriene rubella, Blackwall. THERIDIIDAE The members of this family have eight eyes situated very much like those of the Jfrgyopidae, but the man- dibles are usually weak, the maxillae are inclined over the labium, and the posterior legs have a comb of stiff curved spines beneath the tarsi. The web consists of a tangle of crossing lines, and the spider often constructs a tent-like retreat where the egg-sac is hung up. 104. Steatoda bimaculata, Linnaeus. Downderry Cliffs (G. C. B.). Known also as Theridion carolinum, Blackwall, and Tberidion bimaculatum. 105. Steatoda tepidariorum, C. L. Koch. Mawnan. This large species is one of our commonest spiders in conservatories and greenhouses, where the curious triangular-shaped female may be seen hanging with legs closely gathered to the body in the middle of the tangled web. Sometimes, but not often, a few chips of dry leaf fallen into the web may be utilized as a sort of apology for a tent-like retreat, constructed in the case of T. formosum with such elaborate skill. When prey of any kind falls into the toils the spider 251