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BIRDS Scilly during autumn migration and irregularly through- out the winter. 13. Redbreast. ErMacui rubecula (Linn.). Common and generally distributed throughout the county, including Scilly. 14. Whitethroat. Sylvia cinerea (Bechstem). A summer migrant, but very unevenly distributed ; common about Launceston, Liskeard, Bodmin, the Lizard and Penzance, but never seen about Camel- ford, rare at Trebartha, and though remarkably abundant about Truro in 1902, was not again re- corded till 1905. An autumnal visitor at Scilly. 15. Lesser Whitethroat. Sylvia curruca (Linn.). A casual autumn visitor to the Bude and Launceston district ; obtained at Bodmin in September, 1904, and at Scilly in 1857. 1 6. Blackcap. Sylvia atricapilla (Linn.). A summer migrant, not uncommon in the east of the county, but scarce elsewhere, though nesting as far west as Penzance. Has been seen at Scilly occa- sionally on autumn migration and twice in January. 17. Garden Warbler. Sylvia bortensis (Bechstein). A summer migrant breeding regularly in the east, but except around Falmouth apparently rare in the rest of the county ; on 27 September, 1900, a storm- tossed flock of fifteen appeared at Kenwyn, Truro, and rested there for two days, the only record of its occurrence in that district ; recorded as an autumn migrant at the Lizard. Only reported three times from Scilly, viz., 1849, October, 1874, and 29 Sep- tember, 1900. 1 8. Dartford Warbler. Sylvia undata (Boddaert). Locally, Pink-eye. This resident bird was in the late seventies fairly common in the Land's End district and bred in suitable localities throughout the county. The severe winters of 1880 I and 18867 seem to have almost exterminated it in the south-western peninsula, and from 1885 there is no further Cornish record till May, 1 899, when it was seen by Miss E. A. Reynolds at Hayle. In April, 1 904, a nest with five eggs was found near Penryn, and in 1905 a nest with four young ones near Linkinhorne, and another with four eggs near St. Burian. 19. Gold-crest. Regulus cristatus (Koch). Resident ; fairly common and generally distributed in congenial localities, but not nearly so abundant as twenty years ago ; in the autumn and winter fre- quently reinforced by immigrant flocks, which on several occasions during the past five years must have con- tained many thousands of birds. Does not breed at Scilly, but arrives in large flocks in autumn and winter. 20. Fire-crest. Regulus ignieapillus (Brehm.). A regular visitor, usually in small numbers, in autumn and winter, to the south of the county from Looe to Scilly, but most frequent in the west. In October, 1900, several came in at the Lizard on an easterly wind with a large flock of chiffchaffs and several black redstarts, and two were seen at Tresco. In January, 1901, over a dozen frequented some fir trees near Tregothnan, with a number of gold-crests, for about a fortnight. In November, 1902, one was shot near Truro; in November, 1903, there were several at Tresco, and in the first week of December, 1904, two were seen for several days near Gulval, and one was shot near Helston. At times common at Scilly. 2 1 . Yellow-browed Warbler. Phylloscopus suferci/iojui Q. F. Gmelin). Two shot on St. Martin's Common, Scilly, in October, 1 867, by Pechell, were mistaken for fire-crests in immature plumage, and were not identified till 1890. On i October, 1905, David Smith killed another specimen with a stick on Tresco. 22. ChifFchaff. Phylloscopus rujus (Bechstein). A fairly common summer migrant, not infrequently heard and seen during the winter months. Small flocks on migration are common in the autumn, espe- cially with an easterly wind. Appears on Tresco and St. Mary's every autumn, and has been recorded so frequently during the winter that it is probable a few remain most years till the spring. 23. Willow Warbler. Pbylloscopus tnchllus (Linn.). A summer migrant, common but local ; fond of nesting near running water. In some years extra- ordinary numbers arrive on the south coast about the middle of April. So far only recorded for Scilly as an autumn bird of passage, but two were both seen and heard in Tresco Abbey gardens in April, 1904. 24. Wood Warbler. Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechstein). A summer migrant locally common in the east of the county, but either very rare or overlooked in the middle and west and at Scilly. In 1904 it nested near Devoran, and in May, 1903, several specimens were seen and heard at Tresco ; at least an occasional bird of passage in spring and autumn at Scilly. 25. Melodious Warbler. Hypolais hypoglotta (Vieillot). An accidental visitor, represented by a solitary adult male shot at Sandplace, near Looe, 12 May, 1905. 26. Reed Warbler, dcncephalus streperus (Vieillot). A summer migrant, scarce and local, known only in the south of the county from Looe to Falmouth ; has bred near Truro every year since 1899. In April, 1904, there were several in song by the side of the Long Pool, Tresco. [Great Reed Warbler. Acncephalus turdoldes (Meyer) . About the end of September, 1 884, David Smith shot a bird on the reeds at Long Pool, Tresco, which he identified as this species. He had it in his hand, and ' It spread out its tail like a fan ; before he could kill it, it slipped from his hand and went away like a mouse.' (Note in the Abbey MS. Bird Record for the Isles of Scilly.)] 27. Sedge Warbler. Acncephalus phragmltis (Bechstein). A summer migrant locally distributed throughout the county, but commoner in the south and west than in the north. Breeds freely on Tresco. 28. Grasshopper Warbler. Locustella naevia (Boddaert.) A scarce summer migrant, somewhat commoner on autumn migration ; nests have been found now and then from Trebartha to Falmouth and at Newquay. Recorded by the Rev. H. O. Astley, on Tresco, 12 May, 1901, and two were watched for over an hour on Samson, 13 April, 1903. 331