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BIRDS in some years, e.g. 1901, 1902, and 1903, a few birds spend the winter about Truro and Falmouth ; occasionally seen during the winter on Marazion Marsh flats ; has nested several times in the east and middle of the county. Large numbers appear at the Lizard in the autumn. Fairly plentiful at Scilly in the autumn of some years, notably 1890 and 1903. 46. Tree Pipit. Anthus trivia/is (Linn.). A summer migrant abundant in the east of the county, occasionally seen in the middle and at long intervals on migration in the west. An occasional autumn and winter visitor to Scilly. An adult male was found dead on St. Agnes early in June, 1902. 47. Meadow Pipit. Anthus pratensis (Linn.). Resident ; abundant and generally distributed in all open situations throughout the county during the warmer months, but for the most part restricted to lower-lying ground in the winter ; numbers increased by immigration during autumn and winter. A com- mon resident at Scilly. 48. Tawny Pipit, Anthus campestrls (Linn.) An accidental visitor, represented by a single speci- men shot by Pechell near Old Grimsby, Tresco, 19 September, 1868, and by one caught at Bodmin, 1 6 September, 1899. 49. Richard's Pipit. Anthus rlchardi, Vieillot. A casual autumn and spring visitor to the west of the county and Scilly, obtained on at least eight different occasions and seen twice. On 1 6 May, 1903, a pair were watched for over an hour near Holy Vale, St. Mary's. 50. Water Pipit. Anthus spipoletta (Linn.). A rare casual, so far only once obtained in the county, namely by Clark at Scilly, 6 May, 1903. 51. Rock Pipit. Anthus obscurus (Latham). Locally, Pinnick. Resident ; common in many localities around the coast ; large flocks of passing birds come in from the south-east in the spring. Nests in considerable num- bers on nearly all the islands at Scilly, including Gathers and Round Island. 52. Scandinavian Rock Pipit. Anthus rupestris, Nill- son. A rare casual ; one specimen killed near Land's End by J. H. Gurney, and one at Scilly, 1 1 May, 1903, by J. G. Millais. 53. Golden Oriole. Oriolus galbula, Linn. An annual passing visitor in spring to W. Corn- wall and Scilly, appearing usually in April and re- maining sometimes as late as the beginning of June. The groves of Trevethoe, near Lelant, are a favourite haunt of this bird, and in 1870, over forty occurred there during the course of the season. It frequently appears on the slopes round Mount's Bay and through- out the Land's End district. At Tresco it appears every spring in the Abbey gardens, where five have been heard singing at one time. It has been occa- sionally reported from the middle and twice from the east of the county. 54. Great Grey Shrike. Lanlus excubitor, Linn. A rare casual winter visitor, taken three times in the county, including once at Gweek about thirty years ago, and once, an adult male, at Bodmin on 26 November, 1898. 55. Lesser Grey Shrike. Lanius minor, J. F. Gmelin. A rare accidental straggler ; a single specimen shot at Scilly by Pechell in November, 1851, but at first mistaken for the preceding species. 56. Red-backed Shrike or Butcher Bird. Lanius collurio, Linn. A scarce summer migrant in the west and north of the county, less infrequent in the north-east ; last recorded nests, Marazion, May, 1 899, and Killiow, Truro, June, 1902. A rare autumnal visitor at Scilly. 57. Woodchat. Lanius pomeranus, Sparrman. An accidental visitor to Scilly in 1 840 and again in the autumn of 1849. 58. Waxwing. Ampelis garrulus, Linn. A casual winter visitor ; several specimens killed about the Lizard in 1828, one at Scilly in the early forties, and a number throughout the county in the winter of 184950, since which date there is no further record. 59. Pied Flycatcher. Muscicapa atrlcapllla, Linn. A not infrequent autumn and spring visitor to Scilly, but on the mainland seldom seen ; one taken at Penzance in autumn, 1849, two at Looe in 1878, one at Par in May, 1886, one near Wadebridge, 23 April, 1891, and one at Liskeard in September, 1900. 60. Spotted Flycatcher. Muscicapa griso/a, Linn. A summer migrant ; very common in the east, but breeding in suitable localities throughout the county. Hitherto only recorded from Scilly as an autumn bird of passage in immature plumage ; but on 7 July, 1903, a nest with young birds was found by Clark on the west side of Bryher. 61. Red-breasted Flycatcher. Muscicapa parva, Bech- stein. An accidental autumn and winter vagrant ; first British specimen, a female, shot by Copeland near Constantine, Falmouth, in January, 1863 ; a second specimen shot at Scilly, October, 1863, and a third also at Scilly, 5 November, 1865. 62. Swallow. Hirundo rustica, Linn. An abundant summer migrant, generally distri- buted ; occasionally seen in November, sometimes seen in December and even in January. 63. House-Martin. Chclidon urbica (Linn.). An abundant summer migrant and generally dis- tributed, but does not breed so commonly in the west as formerly ; has been occasionally recorded in Novem- ber, December, and January. Does not breed at Scilly, but is by no means uncommon. 64. Sand-Martin. Cotile riparia (Linn.). A summer migrant ; usually found where suitable nesting sites are available ; has not bred about Pen- zance for some years, though formerly common in that district ; very local on the north coast. Only a casual visitor to Scilly in spring and autumn. 65. Greenfinch. Ligurinus chloris (Linn.). Resident ; common and generally distributed. Large flocks arrive in the autumn and depart in the early spring. In November, 1894, a flock of many thou- 333