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BIRDS 175. Wigeon. Mareca penehfe (Linn). A regular winter visitor sometimes in very large numbers all over the county, including Scilly, but usually most abundant in the west. 1 76. Red-crested Pochard. Neita rufina (Pallas). A single specimen shot at Swanpool, Falmouth, in February, 1845, and examined in the flesh by W. P. Cocks. 177. Pochard. Fuligula ferina (Linn.) A regular winter visitor to the west of the county, sometimes in small numbers ; occurs irregularly at Scilly and along the south coast, but rarely on the north. 178. Ferruginous Duck. FuRgutanyroca (Guldenstadt). A single specimen killed by some boys near Mylor, II March, 1905, during very stormy weather. The bird was immature and in good condition, but seems to have been exhausted or dazed. 179. Tufted Duck. FuRgula cristata (Leach). An irregular but frequent winter visitor in small flocks to the south and south-west of the county ; an occasional casual at Scilly and on the north coast. The unpinioned young at Trebartha used to leave in the autumn and return the following spring to breed. 1 80. Scaup. Fuligula mania (Linn.). A scarce but probably regular winter visitor, occasionally in large numbers locally after heavy autumnal gales ; seen about Truro every year from 1900 to 1904 inclusive. Occasionally recorded from Scilly. 1 8 1. Golden-eye. Clangula glaucion (Linn.). Locally, Spotty Wigeon (female). A regular annual visitor, sometimes in small numbers, to the freshwater pools throughout the county ; not uncommon on the moors in frost ; very common all along the south coast in the winter of 1890-1 ; a frequent visitor to Scilly. 182. Long-tailed Duck. HareUa glaciaKs (Linn.). A casual winter visitor of which about a dozen solitary specimens have been obtained on the mainland and four at Scilly, all in immature plumage ; usually occurs on the south coast, but has once been shot at Padstow, and once inland, at Trevithen. 183. Eider. Somateria mollissima (Linn.). A casual winter visitor ; one shot at Looe many years ago, two in immature plumage killed in 1864 on the Fowey river near Lostwithiel, a young male at Marazion in December, 1892, and a female killed at Tophiba, Marazion, about 1899. Six birds, all in immature plumage, have been shot at Scilly, three being killed in Tean Sound 18 December, 189 1, after having been under observation for six weeks. 184. Common Scoter. OeJemia nigra (Linn.). Locally, Black duck. A winter visitor occurring in large flocks some miles out at sea ; stragglers often driven into the creeks and estuaries by stormy weather. Seldom seen at Scilly ; one in immature plumage killed on the west of Bryher in 1854, and six shot at Tresco in March, 1881. 185. Velvet Scoter. OeJemia fasca (Linn.). A winter casual that has been recorded five times from the western mainland. 1 86. Surf-Scoter. Oedemia perspicillata (Linn.). An accidental visitor obtained on two occasions at Scilly, one picked up half dead near Cam Thomas, St. Mary's, 22 September, 1865, and a young male shot off Skirt Point, Tresco, in October, 1 867 ; once found in a mutilated condition near Pendennis Castle, Falmouth. 187. Goosander. Mergus merganser, Linn. A casual winter visitor appearing on the south coast singly and at irregular intervals ; obtained four times at Scilly and six times on the mainland. Last recorded for Scilly 5 January, 1884, when a female was obtained in perfect plumage. 1 8 8. Red-breasted Merganser. Mergus terrator, Linn. A winter visitor of regular occurrence, but in small numbers; in some seasons, as in 1870-1 and 1894-5 abundant not only out at sea but on our tidal rivers ; a fairly common winter bird at Scilly ; always in immature plumage. 189. Smew. Mergus albettus, Linn. A casual visitor of irregular occurrence on the south coast during very severe weather, chiefly between Penzance and Truro ; almost invariably immature birds or females. On 13 January, 1891, three were seen on the higher moors, St. Mary's, Scilly, and two shot, both immature males. 190. Wood Pigeon. Columba palumbus, Linn. Resident ; abundant and generally distributed in the wooded districts throughout the county, including Tresco Abbey, and evidently increasing. 191. Stock-Dove. Columba oenas, Linn. Locally, Culver. Formerly a winter visitor throughout the county, sometimes in large flocks. In 1885 and 1886 a single pair bred at Trebartha ; is now an established resi- dent along the southern half of the county as fir west as Helford, and locally in the north. Constantly seen at Scilly in the autumn on most of the larger islands, including Tean and St. Helen's. 192. Rock-Dove. Columba Rvta, ]. F. Gmelin. Locally, Cliff culver. Formerly considered a casual visitor to the south of the county, but for some years has been a resident at intervals along the north coast from Moorwinstow to Tintagel, and on the south coast near Portscatho and elsewhere ; not known with certainty to have occurred at Scilly. 193. Turtle-Dove. Turtur communis, Sel by. A spring and summer visitor in very irregular numbers to the sheltered spots in the south of the county, but rare on the north ; has nested once at Scilly, but no nest has ever been discovered on the mainland. 194. Pallas' Sand-Grouse. Syrrhaptes paradoxta (Pallas). Appeared in Cornwall during the remarkable irruptions both of 1863 and 1888. In the former an adult female was shot close by Land's End in the second week of June, and an adult male found dead on the 23rd of that month, on St. Agnes, Scilly. F. R. Rodd says there was a small flock on the island at the time. In 1888 a flock of eleven appeared in the Land's End district, of which three were killed and one captured alive. Several were shot by R. G. Lakes in the neighbourhood of St. Austell ; 341