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EARLY MAN Of the others Pawton 1 was 'half buried,' Zennor 2 had 'a stone barrow heaped round about it ; ' at Lanyon 3 there were faint traces; at Trethevy 4 the barrow, though ' greatly shorn,' was ^ ft. 6 in. in height ; at Mulfra 5 and Chyoon 6 about i ft. ; while at West Lanyon 7 the quoit was completely buried. The danger and difficulty of working under these great masses of stone have prevented proper examination from being made in most cases. Dr. Borlase records the discovery of a grave about 6 ft. deep under Lanyon which ' had been rifled more than once,' and at Pawton there was found nothing but an empty grave, and here too, as the cover stone is broken, it is possible that it had been searched. There is record of nothing more than ' a small pit ' at both Grugith and Chyoon. Some labourers found at Zennor a whetstone and part of an urn, and West Lanyon yielded a broken urn and human bones. Under Mulfra Dr. Borlase found a pit containing peat, clay, and black, greasy loam. There are no accounts of any discoveries at Carwynnen, or Trethevy, but Mr. Pattison 8 notes of this last that ' the inside has been disturbed and its contents removed.' ,..'" Hffi A-i^r *? . ~ ' ',.. *"%* North Side. South Side. TRETHEVY STONE. These meagre results are not enough to establish any definite conclusions, but as far as they go they do not show any noticeable marks of distinction from the contents of the larger barrows, such as Bosavern, 9 Trevalga, 10 or Veryan. 11 The identity of origin would be much more closely established or disproved if it were only known whether the Towednack monument 12 were a barrow or a quoit. 1 Borlase, Naen. Cam. 32 ; Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornvi. (1840), 30; Lukis, op. cit. xi, and pis. xxv-xxvi. ' Borlase, Antiq. 231; Borlase, Naen. Com. 51; Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Sue. i, zoo ; (1882-3), 203 ; Lukis, op. cit. 10, 28, pi. xxi ; Lysons, ccxix. 3 Borlase, Antiq. 231 ; Lukis, op. cit. 8, 25, pi. xviii ; Trans. Penz. Nat. and Antiq. Soc. , 197 ; Lysons, Magna Brit, ccxix. 4 Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornvi. (1850), 31 ; Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Soc. (1850), 435 ; Borlase, Naen. Corn. 45 ; Lukis, op. cit. 1 1, 13, pi. xxvii ; Lysons, op. cit. ccxix. 5 Borlase, Antiq. 230; Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Soc. i, 198 ; Borlase, Naen. Corn. 59 ; Lukis, op. cit. 9, 28, pi. xix ; Lysons, op. cit. ccxix. 6 Borlase, Naen. Corn. 55 ; Borlase, Antiq. 227 ; Lukis, op. cit. 9, 24, pi. xx. 7 Borlase, Naen. Corn. 43 ; Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Soc. , 196. 8 Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornvi. (1850), 32. ' See p. 361 supra. 10 See p. 360 supra. " See p. 358 supra. " See p. 363 supra. 365