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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL the editor of Drew's History (ii. 287) with Dingerein Castle in Gerrans (q.v.), but there can be little doubt but that Leiand meant the Dodman which is about a mile from Penare, and which Tonkin says ' is separated from the village (Penarth) by a double entrenchment yet pretty entire running from cliff to cliff, and cutting off about 100 acres of coarse ground. The entrenchment is about 20 feet broad and 24 feet high in most places, but the outer wall is the least high. The people call it Thica Vosa, which is the vallum, and the Hack and Cast fabling it to be the work of a giant who per- formed the whole in one night. They also show a hole in the cliff which opens into a hollow below formed by the sea' [Lysons, ccxlvi. ; Bulwark, Penare, O.S. Ixvi. 8] ST. JUST IN PENWITH. ' Kenidjack Castle ' [Bor/ase, 344 ; Polwhele, 1 1 2 ; Buller, 79 ; Edmonds, 41 ; Daniel, 218; R.I.C. (1869), iii. 108 (with plan); P.N.H.&A.S. i. 344, O.S. Ixvii. 13] ' Eoscaswell.' Dr. Borlase (Antiquities, 344) mentions a cliff castle here, but it must have been completely obliterated, as no trace now exists. It is difficult to see a suitable headland. Polwhele, who also mentions it, apparently was copying from Dr. Borlase. ST. KEVERNE. At Carrag Luz near Arrowan, Kennack Bay [O.S. Ixxxv. 2] At Chynhalls Point near Coverack [Thomas] ST. LEVAN. ' Castle Treryn.' The Logan Rock. The lines of entrenchment here are most conspicuous and interesting W. of Worcester; Leiand; Borlase, 344; Polwhele, 113 ; Drew, ii. 415 ; Gilbert; C.A.A. 31, 34, 35 ; Blight List (with plan) ; Daniel, 220 ; P.N.H.&A.S. i. 343, O.S. Ixxviii. n] At Tol Pedn Penwith. Dr. Borlase describes this as a cliff castle. McLauchlan [R.I.C. 2gth Rep. (1847), p. 37] says that in 1837 there were some stones remaining which formed part of the entrenchment, but they were gone, and there was very little appearance of fortification in 1847. Now there is only a low fence cutting off the main mass of the cliff, but it has none of the features of a defensive work [Borlase, 344 ; Polwhele, 113; Daniel, 219] ST. MINVER. At Rumps Point, Pentire [Maclean, iii. 6, O.S. xviii. 4] At Doyden Point, Portquin SCILLY. ' The Giant's Castle ' on St. Mary [The Scilly Islands, by Dr. Borlase ; Heath's Account of Scilly (1750), map, O.S. Ixxxvii. 12] SENNEN. ' Maen Castle.' Leiand does not actually mention this as a castle. The passage is, 'Tredrine Castel ruines at the South-west point of Penwith : manifesta ad hue extant vestigia ' (this is clearly Treryn in St. Levan). ' I hard say that one Myendue was lord of it.' Maen Dhu means the Black Rock, and the headland which is Maen Castle, just north of the Land's End, is called Pedn Maen Dhu. Clearly Leiand was misled by failing to understand his informant, who perhaps spoke the Cornish language [Leiand ; Edmonds, 41; R.I.C. (1864), vol. i. pt. 2, p. 8 (with plan); P.N.H.&A.S. i. 344, O.S. Ixxiii. 13] TINTAGEL. At Willapark Head [R.I.C. (1902), xv. in ; Maclean, i. 583. Very obscure, O.S. x. 9] ZENNOR. Bosigran Castle. Only classed as a cliff castle in recent years and of doubtful accuracy. The work is an insignificant piece of walling, and there is no ditch [P.N.H. &A.S. (1884), new ser. i. 311, O.S. Ixvii. 3] Gurnard's Head. There is a bank with a ditch across the narrowest part of the headland, now quite insignificant, but clearly artificial [O.S. IXJA. 16] LIST II HILL CASTLES BODMIN. ' Castle Carnyke.' On the west of the road to Bodmin Road Station. Mr. McLauchlan suggests a relation between this, Castle-an-Dinas (in St. Columb), and Bury Down (in Lanreath), but it is improbable [Pol. 80, 108 ; Lysons, ccxlviii. ; Whitaker ; Daniel, 143; R.I.C. 3151 Rep. (1849), P- J 9 and plan; Maclean, i. 114 and plan, O.S. xxxiv. 7] BREAGE. ' Pencair,' on Tregoning Hill [Pol. 113; Lysons, ccxlix. (quoting Whitaker}; Daniel, 196 ; R.I.C. 451(1 Rep. (1863), p. 58 and (1890), x. 231 ; P.N.H. & A.S. (1888), new ser. ii. 332 ; Drew, ii. 108, O.S. Ixxv. 3] 460