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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL QUETHIOCK. At Hammett. In two fields much worn by the plough and almost obliterated [R.I.C. (1902), xv. 114, O.S. xxxvi. 4 and xxxvii. i] ST. AGNES. Thomas marks remains of camps at Trevisack and Mevagissey ST. ANTHONY IN MENEAGE. At Gillybowls near Tregithey. Not marked on the ordnance map. Included here on the authority of Hals and Pol. 122. Thomas marks traces or remains of the following which are not marked on the ordnance map : At Condurrow Between Trezebal and Higher Boden On a hill near Gillan Haven Near Gillan Haven East of Roskreeg farm ST. AUSTELL. ' Castle Gotha ' near Penrice [Lysans, ccxlix ; R.I.C. 291)1 Rep. (1847), p. 19 and plan, O.S. li. 13] ST. BREWARD. ' King Arthur's Hall,' at Emblance Downs. This is of a curious struc- ture in having the stone facing on the inside of the walls or ramparts [R.I.C. 34th Rep. (1852), p. 22 ; (1895), xiii. 108 and plan ; Maclean, i. 352 ; Norden and plan] ST. BURIAN. At Trewoofe ; a little south-west of the present farmhouse on the other side of the stream there is an artificial cavern or ' fougou ' in a bank. There is no sign of any entrenchment to be seen now, but Hals speaks of traces being visible in his time {Drew, ii. 131 ; C.A.A. 34, 36 ; Gilbert, i. 143] ST. CLEMENT (Truro). At Dinas, a quarter of a mile south of Church. (?) Castle Moresk [R.I.C. 29th Rep. (1847), p. 22 and plan, O.S. Iviii. 12] At Tregurrow [R.I.C. 2gth Rep. (1847), p. 23 and plan, O.S. Iviii. 4]. Site of Castle Polwhele [see W. of Worcester, O.S. Iviii. 9] ST. COLUMB MAJOR. At Carnanton. Between the East Gate and St. Columb. Very little visible. This may be the ' Castle Fust ' mentioned by W. of Worcester {Pol. 108 ; Drew, ii. 458, O.S. xxxii. 10. Lower Tresacole] ST. DOMINICK. At Brendon Mill [O.S. xxix. 12] ST. ENODER. At Goonhoskyn [Pol. 108, or the next as ' Carvinnack,' O.S. xl. 14] At Resparva [O.S. xlix. 2] At Summercourt [Near road from Summercourt to Penhale Round, O.S. xl. 15] Near Church Town [O.S. xl. 15] ST. ERME. Garland and Coskeyle. Site of Killigrew [O.S. xlix. 5] ST. ERTH. ' Carnabargus ' near (south of ) vicarage [Pol. 112; Gilbert; R.I.C. 2gth Rep. (1847), an< * P" an 5 ( X 890), x. 243, O.S. Ixix. 5] 'Castle Menneck,' at Tredrea [R.I.C. 2gth Rep. (1847), p. 37 and plan]. Existing traces very faint There is a semicircular embankment at Hayle on a low promontory overlooking both estuaries, marked (O.S. Ixix. i) as a Cliff Castle, now used as a public walk. An inscribed stone said to have the date 500 was found here ST. ERVAN. At Carnevas. There is now no trace of any camp. It is inserted on the authority of Polwhele (108). There may have been something visible in his time, or he may have been guided by the name only. His reference is ambiguous. ST. EVAL. At Trevisker [O.S. xxxii. 2] ST. GENNYS. At Tregayor [R.I.C. (1902), xv. in, O.S. viii. 6] At Pengold O.S. viii. 13] At Resparrett O.S. xi. i] ST. GLUVIAS. Near the church. Site of camp [O.S. Ixxi. 7] ST. GORAN. At Castle Hill [R.I.C. 2gth Rep. (1847), P- 3 anc ' pl an 5 *& Golowras Pol. bk. i. ch. xi. p. 208, O.S. lix. 1 6] Pol. i. ch. xi. p. 208 mentions ' a small round entrenchment at Bodrigan.' ST. ISSEY. Half-mile south-west of church [O.S. xxiv. 12] ST. IVE. 'Cadsonbury' near Newbridge [Lysatis, ccxlviii ; R.I.C. (1902), xv. 114,0.8. xxix. 13] 'Tokenbury' [R.I.C. (1902), xv. 114, O.S. xxviii. 7] ST. KEVERNE. On Goonhilly Downs [O.S. Ixxxi. 13], There is a small camp close to this At Halwyn near Porthalla [Polwhele, 125, O.S. Ixxxi. 3] Thomas marks traces of another near Athay 468