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MARITIME HISTORY p r ndal experts to be '""*' d interdicts this tune Fowey ranked as a recognized port anTLclamatio? f on the conveyance of passengers and export of gold andTlv' ' s routme, just as at Bristol, Ipswich, and other of the Seat nor ' "^ PUbl ' Sh ' d there as a matter ' Polruan, Truro, Padstow, Penryn, and Mou eho e afe nam 7 ' S [' 2 mes Jalmouth, Lostwithicl, was attended by the complete los's of Engl s tprema" n Se 7 T he al f the war without result ; the Commons laid the causes to 3 f,T ,7 ! Channel. Levy followed levy the king,' and in June, ,373, after ^ a? of he eaTl 7 P^K t d ~J ^PP^ bdb was reduced to issuing commissions of array for the man" r Pembr oke off Rochelle, the crown sea. The ordinary rate of hire was 3,. 4 7a ton L three I'T" 68 T^ f ^"g them were left unpaid, in contrast to the liberality Swarf ? h t nOW b th that and wa g<* afford to make extra and unusual payments^to hd p t Je eaJn"" ^ ^ earlier ' When he co " ld was marked by another maritime disaster in the s fane nfT P ' f the fleetS " The X ear '375 merchantmen, ranging from 300 tons downwards ^BoLneufT^ F**?" 1 f ***** loss of the Trinity of Fowey, of 50 tons, nearly Jh" smallest of th ' "T" CSCaped with the June, 1377, and in July the French were raiding the L? C nV y ' u EdWai " d HI died in stopped short of Cornwall. A writ ordered two ba t^l'T^T ^ ^ bm aS USUal in the ports of Devon and Cornwall,* but the EnJsh fll g ' u men tO be '^pressed d-re necessity caused Parliament in November To p se tha T " ^^ non ^^ and the balmgers by the following March. In I37 8 came he turn of r 7 " ' ^^ ^^ pr V1 ' de Spamsh cruisers ranged along the coast, burning Fowey and ol?rL > ^ L" the SUmmer the Parliament complaining that the sailors who shoulTh^ve protec e d th'e^h ' T^ Pedti ned the kmg's fleets their shipping and dwellings had in consequence he.nK " g been preSSed for ransom, and that the Spaniards had threatened to come Sand Ike .er' "^ PCrS nS PUt tO summer." M.sfortune followed on misfortune, and in ,T 8 o aH that c ^^ POSSeSS ' n the next landowners to remain on their estates near the'sea to organize defence 'In rt "' ^ tO '^ a fleet from the western ports executed one successful strokeTn r? c f me yeaf ' h wever > defeating it, and recapturing the prizes taken TV the S^' V T 8 * *J* m ^ fleet into Kinsale repeated complaints of Parliaments abou he ruin of & h 'h' N tWIt u hstandin g the Bitter and t was "^^oa^geoenU^pSlTlaSRltte^SZ 116 ^V" 6 indications that attent-on to Cornwall, we find that in one LSSClSidt ^ , T S ^. Confi " in g our 120 tons, two of ioo, and one of 80 ton * A%;1 I, K , ' f Which one was of 1385 to obtain possession of his k ngdom of Ca^V ' duke f Lancaster sailed '" were of 10O tons each, and Fowey waf bT no mean t'hfm^ T 'T ^ f Which three represented. ' most flourishing of the western ports i, jaaia* L^^^^^S^ r dme -*- ^ of war came from either side during the S ^ol *Hen rv IV h T^^ ^ C ntlnued ' No declaration from actual belligerency. In consequence S 'th i.^7oflhi n t ^'T ? ** diftred n thl ' n g themland towns were ordered, on^x JanuaryMoo-^ o^ll L^ *?* ^ ""^ f combination, at their own cost, by the following AnrT pLlS ^ T CqU ' P sh ' ps > ""^ or in for one balinger, Looe and Fal'mo^th ^^d K^t?^^^ f* Calkd Up " Parhament was complaining of foreign pirates the FrTY E g Dunn S these y ears > wh '"'e incessantly ravaging the ^^iffi^^S5?S" ^ that E "S lish -amen were men of flagrant piracy.'" J n the twenty e-Vht T. nd Cast.hans accused Cornish and Devon could only namefou/of their rfWSftKnffiJ?T!L J 3 ! 3 - and ^ ^ ^ Wners proved unprofitable. It was perhaps the lead in o /!' t u u """ transaction s had not as yet these spoliations that led to aS onslStTo h 7 '^ men f the Western Aunties in forty ships and three galleys beCng to Si e sCld h^ " - 14 , 05 ' v II had been Bended that event only the three Spanish and ^F^,^^^^ I |*>"" ler > F <*<*'ra (ed. 1816), iii, 880. ..iii, 2 , Pa , 8 April> riii, 172. Parliament met on 20 anuarv and J -w '-) At this < 8r >m ' 61