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BOTANY Brachythecium populeum, Hedw. plumosum, Sw. caespitosum, Wils. illecebrum, Schwaegr. purum, Linn. Hyocomium flagellare, Dicks. Streams on grit Eurhynchium piliferum, Schreb. crassinervium, Tayl. praslongum, Linn. Swartzii, Turn. pumilum, Wils. Teesdalei, Sm. Limestone tenellum, Dicks. Mostly limestone and Permian myosuroides, Linn. circinatum, Brid. Limestone, Lathkil Dale striatum, Schreb. striatulum, Spruce. Limestone rusciforme, Weiss. confertum, Dicks. murale, Hedw. megapolitanum, Bland. Near Wbaley Bridge only Plagiothecium depressum, Bruch. Limestone Borrerianum, Spruce. Grit and sand pulchellum, Dicks. Miller's Dale only denticulatum, Linn. silvaticum, B. & S. undulatum, B. & S. latebricola, B. & S. Amblystegium Sprucei, Bruch. Limestone confervoides, Brid. Limestone compactutn, C. M. Limestone, Dovedale serpens, Linn. varium, Hedw. irriguum, Hook. & Wils. fluviatile, Sw. Limestone streams Amblystegium filicinum, Linn. var. Vallisclausas, Dixon. Lime springs Hypnum riparium, Linn. stellatum, Schreb. chrysophyllum, Brid. Prefers limestone SommerfeltiijMyr. Limestone and Permian aduncum, Hedw. Gr. Kneiffii, Ren. pseudofluitans, Sanio. uncinatum, Hedw. fluitans, L. Moorland Gr. amphibium, Ren. falcatum, Ren. exannulatum, Ren. Subgr. Rotoe, Ren. vernicosum, Lindb. Bogs on grit revolvens, Sw. intermedium, Lindb. scorpioides, Linn. Bogs on grit commutatum, Hedw. falcatum, Brid. var. virescens, Schimp. Lime springs incurvatum, Schrad. Limestone cupressiforme, Linn. Patientias, Lindb. - molluscum, Hedw. Prefers limestone palustre, Linn. ochraceum, Turn. stramineum, Dicks. Grit moorland cordifolium, Hedw. cuspidatum, Linn. Schreberi, Willd. Hylocomium splendens, Hedw. brevirostre, B. & S. loreum, Linn. squarrosum, Linn. triquetrum, Linn. rugosum, Ehrh. Limestone HEPATIOE These are well represented in Derbyshire, which with its many kinds of rock, its extensive moorlands, its range vertically from lowland to subalpine, offers congenial habitats for a large number of species, 96 in all being so far known. Several species are peculiar to one or other formation, which will be indicated in the appended list. Thus 5 species are found on limestone only, 6 on limestone and Permian, 28 on grit or sand and 5 on wet moorland or marshes. There are a few of special interest owing to their rarity or their occurrence in the county being a considerable extension from where they have been previously noted, such as Hygrobiella /axtfo/ia, Hook., not found previously nearer than Westmorland ; Lophocolea spicata, Tayl., hitherto known for Cornwall, N. Wales and Scotland ; T'argionla hypophylla^ Linn., rare and local, the nearest recorded station being in west Yorkshire ; Anthoceros punctatus, Linn. The order and nomenclature followed here are those of Mr. W. H. Pearson's Hepaticce of the British Isles. i 49 7 V