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INSECTS TRICHOPTERA Caddis-flies have received little attention in Derbyshire and have consequently been seldom recorded. Hydroptilida? were first revised on modern lines at Ashbourne in the year 1872. E.B. = Edwin Brown McL. = R. MacLachlan G.P. = G. Pullen A.E.E. = A. E. Eaton PHRYGANEID.S: HYDROPSYCHID.S: Phryganea grandis, Roesel. Canal near Tinodes unicolor, Pict. Miller's Dale Derby, not uncommon (G.P.) (McL.) LIMNOPHILID^E dives, Pict. Miller's Dale, (E.B., Limnophilus fuscicornis, Ramb. (fumigatus, McL.) Hag.). Burton-on-Trent (McL.) RHYACOPHILID.S: Metanaea (Halesus) flavipennis, Pict. (gut- Glossoma boltoni, Curt. Near Ashbourne tatipennis, McL.). Probably taken (A.E.E.) by Mr. Edwin Brown near Burton- HYDROPTILIDJE on-Trent (McL.) Hydroptila (Phrixocoma, Etn.) sparsa, Curt. SERICOSTOMATID^: Burton-on-Trent, abundant (A.E.E.) Lasiocephala (Mormonia) basalis, Kol. forcipata, Eaton. The Dove, Norbury Dovedak (A.E.E.) and Ashbourne (A.E.E.) LEPTOCERIDJE occulta, Eaton. The Dove, Mappleton Leptocerus alboguttatus, Hag. (bimaculatus, (A.E.E.) Steph.). Burton-on-Trent (McL.) femoralis, Eaton (longispina, McL., annulicornis, Steph. 1884). The Dove, Mappleton Triaenodes conspersa, Ramb. Dovedale (B. (A.E.E.) Cooke in Dale's mus.) Ithytrichia lamellaris, Eaton. The Sandy- commutatus, McL. Dovedale (McL.) brook, near Ashbourne (A.E.E.) HYMENOPTERA Hymenoptera are somewhat fully treated by Mr. E. Brown (Nat. Hist, of Tutbury, pp. 17585). Some eighty-two species of Aculeata and seventy-seven of Phytophaga are mentioned as occurring in the Burton district, and though exact localities are seldom given, probably most of them are found in Derbyshire. A good deal of doubt must always attend the identification of many species from an old list like that referred to, where the specimens them- selves are not available for examination, and several species have been omitted from the following list in consequence. Of late years Mr. G. Pullen appears to be the only observer who has paid any attention to the Phytophaga. Most of his specimens have been taken in the vicinity of Little Eaton and Derby. Where Burton is given as the locality and no initials are appended Mr. E. Brown is understood to be the authority. The Entomophaga remain still unworked. A few species from the Little Eaton district have been determined by Mr. Claude Morley and are marked thus (*). Specimens of those species marked "f* have been determined by Mr. E. Saunders (Aculeata) and the Rev. F. D. Morice (Phytophaga). Abbreviations used : E.B. = Edwin Brown (Burton) G.P. = G. Pullen (Little Eaton, Derby) F.G. = F. Greenwood (Chesterfield) E.S. = E. Saunders (Buxton) J.H. = J. Hill (Little Eaton) B.T. = B. Tomlin (Darley Dale) F.J. = F. C. R. Jourdain (Ashbourne) i 57 8