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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE N YMPHALID^E (continued) Vanessa urticse, L. Common everywhere io, L. Much less common than for- merly ; now almost rare antiopa, L. One at Milton near Rep- ton, another at Melbourne Hall (1872); one seen at Stanton-by-Brtdge in 1872 ; altogether ten taken in Derbyshire in 1872 (C. G. Barrett) ; one seen in Little Eaton Park in 1886 (J.H.), and another in Derby in 1899 (H.H.C.) atalanta, L. Common, especially in certain seasons cardui, L. Occasionally almost every- where, but most common on moors and high pastures Pararge egeria, L. Seal Wood and Repton Shrubs, scarce; once atCW/k(H.H.C.); one seen Lathkill Dale (R.H.F.) megaera, L. Very variable in numbers, but still occasionally common locally south of the Trent ; some years abundant, Melbourne (H.H.C.) ; three seen, one taken (R.H.F.) Satyrus semele, L. Dovedale, scarce Epinephele ianira, L. Generally distri- buted over the southern half of the county as far north as Matlock tithonus, L. Occurs south of the Trent ; once Allestree (J.H.) hyperanthes, L. In the woods of the south-west (Burton, Repton, Mel- bourne, etc.) [Ccenonympha typhon, Rott. Is said to occur on the moors near the 'Cat and Fiddle,' Buxtori pamphilus, L. Generally distributed Thecla w-album, Knoch. Repton district, common; Darley (H.C.) ; one, Cubley (J. Greene) [ pruni, L. One said to have been found among insects from Ches- terfield district (Intelligencer, ix. 27)] quercus, L. Common in Melbourne district and sometimes abundant (H.H.C.) rubi, L. Dovedale, fairly common ; Alderwasley (J.H.), Breadsall Moor in 1902, but not previously (G.P.) Polyommatus phlceas, L. Generally dis- tributed and common in south, scarcer towards north Lycaena astrarche, Bgstr. A dale-haunting species ; Monsal, Miller's, Lathkill Dales and Dovedale icarus, Rott. Common except in High Peak argiolus, L. Near Repton, etc., scarce; Kirk Langley, 1901 (R.H.F.) minima, Fuesl. Dovedale and Middle- ton Dale ERYCINID^ Nemeobius lucina, L. Once Via Gellia (H.C.) HESPERIID^E Nisoniades tages, L. Common in the dales of mid-Derbyshire (Dovedale, Lathkill Dale, etc.), Longstone Edge (TO Hesperia thaumas, Hufn. Burton district sylvanus, Esp. Scarce ; Melbourne dis- trict (H.H.C.) ; near Burton HETEROCERA SPHINGES SPHINOID.K Acherontia atropos, L. Occasional in south Derbyshire, and is sometimes abundant in the Repton and Burton districts, as in 1885 and 1901; has occurred at Hope, 1901, and Bake- well, 1902 (W. Storrs Fox) Sphinx convolvuli, L. Occurs not un- commonly south of the Trent ; also near Ashbourne (E.A.R.), Darley Dale (B.T.), Breadsall, 1846 and 1863 (H.C.), near Derby (G.P.), Mickleover twice (Ent. 1889), two at Bakewell, 1901 (W. Boulsover) ; one 1901, another 1902, Bakewell (W. Storrs Fox) ligustri, L. Not uncommon south of the Trent 80 SPHINGIDJE (centinued) Deilephila galii, Schiff. Four at Breadsall in 1868 (H. A. Stowell), Derby (E.M.M. 1870, v.); two at Mickle- over, 1888 (R. C. Bindley) Chaerocampa celerio, 1 L. One at Mat- lock, 1 860 (F.Tearle) ; oneztEckington porcellus, L. Occurs regularly south of the Trent ; Breadsall (H.C.), once near Alstonfield (W.H.P.), one, Kirk Langley, 1902 (R.H.F.) elpenor, L. Not uncommon in Trent Valley ; Little Eaton (J.H. and G.P.) Smerinthus ocellatus, L. Tolerably com- mon, south Derbyshire ; twice, Stave- ley ; Kirk Langley (R.H.F.) ; Little Eaton (J.H.), etc. 1 Chasrocampa nerii, L., has occurred at Burton-on-Trent (1888).