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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE NOCTUID^: (continued] Noctua xanthographa, Fb. Very common everywhere Triphaena ianthina, Esp. Widely distri- buted ; Chesterfield (G.W.W.), Ash- bourne, Little Eaton, Derby, and fairly common south of the Trent fimbria, L. Little Eaton, "Trent Valley and the country south of the river interjecta, Hb. Scarce ; Monsal Dale, one ; Little Eaton and the Trent Valley orbona, Hufn. Derbyshire (Newm.) comes, Hb. Common all over county pronuba, L. Very common every- where AMPHIPYR.ID.ffi Amphipyra pyramidea, L. Burton, Repton, Little Eaton tragopogonis, L. Common Mania typica, L. Common and generally distributed maura, L. Haddon Hall (E.A.C.), Darley Dale (B.T.) ; Little Eaton, Asf>bournea.nd the south, very common ORTHOSIID.S: Panolis piniperda, Panz. Breadsall Moors (H.C, etc.); one, Bakewell, 1895 (R.H.F.) Pachnobia rubricosa, Fb. Common (Little Eaton, Trent Valley, etc.) Taeniocampa gothica, L. Common and general incerta, Hufn. Also common populeti, Fb. Little Eaton and the country south of the Trent stabilis, View. Common gracilis, Fb. Trent Valley, Little Eaton, Derby, Ckellaiton munda, Esp. Fairly common near Melbourne (H.H.C.) ; also near Repton; several, Bakewell, 1896 (R.H.F.) pulverulenta, Esp. Common in most parts of the county Orthosia suspecta, Hb. Ashopton (E.A.C.), Bakewell (R.H.F.} ; Little Eaton,com- mon about 1890 (J.H.) upsilon, Bork. Banks of the Trent and Little Eaton lota, Clerck. Trent Valley, Bretby, Chellaston, etc. macilenta, Hb. Little Eaton, on ivy (J.H., G.P.) Anchocelis rufina, L. Ashopton (E.A.C.), Chesterfield (G.W.W.), Little Eaton (J.H, G.P.) pistacina, Fb. Generally distributed lunosa, Haw. Barrow ; several, Little Eaton (J.H.) ORTHOSIID^ (continued) Anchocelis litura, L. Lower Dove and Derwent Valleys and south of county ; also plentiful, Bakewell, 1896 (R.H.F.) Cerastis vaccinii, L. Common and general spadicea, Hb. Lower Derwent and Trent Valleys Scopelosoma satellitia, L. Common and general Xanthia citrago, L. Little Eaton and south of the Trent fulvago, Fb. Common var. flavescens, Esp. Occasionally in south-west flavago, Fb. Common aurago, Fb. One near Chesterfield (G.W.W.) gilvago, Esp. Lathkill Dale (W.G.S.) ; near Derby, abundant ; also common in Trent Valley and south circellaris, Hufn. Common all over county Cirrhredia xerampelina, Hb. Occurs in Trent Valley and south ; also Dove- dale, Kirk Langley (one) and Derby COSM.IIDJE Tethea subtusa, Fb. Breadsall Moor, Bar- row, Bretby, etc. Cosmia paleacea, Esp. Derbyshire (Newm.); once near Calke (H.H.C.) Calymnia trapezina, L. Dove and Der- went Valleys and south pyralina, View. Derbyshire (Newm.) diffinis, L. Occasional ; Burton, Mel- bourne (H.H.C.), Etwall affinis, L. Trent Valley, Derby ; re- ported Lathkill Dale (R.H.F.) HADENID/E Dianthoscia capsincola, Hb. Breadsall, Trent Valley cucubali, Fues. Bakewell, three times (R.H.F.) ; Breadsall and Osmaston- by-Ashbourne (H.C., 1853) ; Chellas- ton, one ; Burton, Repton carpophaga, Bork. Breadsall, Osmaston- by-Ashbourne (H.C., 1852) ; Burton, Bretby Polia chi, L. Occurs everywhere var. olivacea, St. In north (E.A.C.) flavicincta, Fb. Once, Derby ; Little Eaton (G.P, J.H.) Dasypolia templi, Thnb. Once, Derby ; Milford Cleoceris viminalis, Fb. Larvae, Lathkill Dale (W.G.S.) ; Little Eaton (J.H, G.P.) ; (?) Barrow var. obscura, Stgr. (J.H.) Miselia oxyacanthas, L. General var. capucina, Mill. Occasional 84