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CRUSTACEANS vit/osa (Jurine) from Baslow. 1 In all these instances the discoverer was Dr. G. S. Brady, M.D., F.R.S., who in his description of the last named species gives ' outline, as seen from above, compressed, oval, pointed in front and rounded behind ; about twice and a half as long as broad,' and ' surface of the shell covered with long fine hairs'; 'colour light grass- green.' a The narrowness of the form and the difference of hue are good marks to distinguish this from the two species of the preceding genus, but for distinguishing the three from all others that he may meet with, the student will find it desirable to consider the full generic and specific definitions and the figures supplied in the various memoirs cited in the footnotes. The Copepoda, or oar-footed Entomostraca, are somewhat more shrimp-like than the Ostracoda. It cannot be in the least rash to say that they are plentiful in the county, but there are no printed references available as a guarantee of the assertion, and the only ocular demonstra- tion to which I can appeal depends upon two little specimens of a species of Cyclops^ which Dr. H. Lyster Jameson kindly sent me ' from pool at bottom of chasm, Speedwell Cave, Derbyshire.' In each instance the pair of strongly geniculate first antennae show the specimen to be a male, but the species remains for the present indeterminate. 1 Irani. R. DubRn Six. ser. 2, iv. 90.

  • Trans. Linn. Soc. (London, 1868), vol. xxvi. pt. 2, p. 377.