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PREFACE DERBYSHIRE has had many careful workers upon various subjects dealing with its history, yet no author has hitherto completed a history of the whole shire. Thomas Bateman in his works on the results of his excavations on the tumuli and other remains in Derbyshire, and Stephen Glover in his incomplete work, The History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby, and several others in the last century, not to speak of many earnest workers still living, have, however, done much to bring to light the records of the past relating to their county. The Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological Society, under the guidance of a series of able editors, has also produced many valuable papers touching both the archaeology and history of the county. The editor wishes to express his thanks to the Rev. J. C. Cox, LL.D., for assistance in reading proofs and for valuable advice readily accorded on all matters relating to this county which Dr. Cox knows so well. The editor is also indebted to the Derbyshire Archaeological Society, the Society of Antiquaries, the proprietors of the 'Times' Encyclopedia Britannica, Messrs. Bemrose and Son, and Mr. C. F. Wardley of Buxton for permission to reproduce illustrations. XIX