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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE late third century: the few that were seen belonged to Gallienus, Tacitus, Victorinus, Postumus, the Tetrici, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelian, and Constantine the Great one account adds ' Clodius ' and Vespasian, which is improbable _Derb. Arch. Journ. xiii.39 : Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journ. xlvi. 312, xlviii. 137 ; Antiquary, xxii. (1890), 187 ; E. True- man and R. W. Marston, Hist, of Ilkeston (1899), p. 375. SMERRIL. See Middleton by Youlgreave. SPONDON. At Stanley Grange, oak coffin containing human remains and small glass phial found 3 feet below surface {Derb. Arch. Journ. xxvi. 227]. Doubtful if Roman. STANTON. At Durwood Tor, urn with burnt bones and near it 2 querns [Pegge, Arch. x. 29 : hence Gough, Adds, to Camden, ii. 424 ; Bateman, Vestiges, p. 119]. STAPENHILL. Saxon cemetery with a few Roman coins (Urbs Roma, etc.) used up in it. Burton Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. quoted in Antiquary (1881), iii. p. 229. Since 1894 part of Staffordshire. STAVELEY. Coin of Claudius Gothicus [Pegge, Arch. x. 30 : hence Watkinj. STONY MIDDLETON. See Middleton. STUFFYNWOOD. Hoard : see Pleasley. TADDINGTON. Iron spade found in old lead mine, thought by some to be Roman [Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journ. new series, v. 88]. I am indebted to Mr. J. C. Webster of Chiswick House, Buxton, for a photograph of it. TANSLEY MOOR. Lead pig, p. 232. THIRKEL Low (in Hartington Middle Quarter parish, 3^ miles S.S.W. of Buxton). In a barrow opened 1897, near the bottom of it, a coin described by Dr. Grtiber as 'a British imitation of a half follis of Constantius II. (PEL . TEMP . REPAR .)' [Salt, Antiquary, FIG. 53. JET NECKLACE FROM WINDLE HILL, WORM HILL. (Bateman, Vestiges, p. 89.) xxxiii. 324; Turner, p. 112; Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journ. new series, vi. 221. The Ordnance Survey (xxi. SE, xxii. SW.) marks two barrows, one as yielding a Roman coin and British pottery, the other as yielding Roman pottery, flint flakes, etc. But the Roman coin seems to be the only Roman object really found here.] THIRST HOUSE. Cave, p. 233. THORPE. In a barrow, opened 1847, ' trifling remains of bones and a bit of much worn Samian.' The barrow had been disturbed before and partially removed [Bateman, Vestiges, p. 104]. WALTON (near Chesterfield). Samian sherds, once in the Brampton Museum at Chesterfield, now in the Derby Museum. WALTON ON TRENT. Alleged camp between the Old Hall and Borough Hill Farm [Bulmer, Topog. Direct. (1895), p. 835]. WINSTER. Hoard, between Winster and Bakewell : see Bakewell. The glass, silver bracelet gold fibula, etc. found about 1765 in a barrow on Whitelowe (Arch. iii. 274, Bateman, Vestiges, p. 19, etc.) are not Roman, and are wrongly included as such by Watkin, Derb. Arch. Journ. viii. 205. WIRKSWORTH (near). Found, in 1735, 83 denarii ranging from Augustus to Aurelian Verus [West in Soc. Antiq. Minutes, 12 June 1735 (ii. 82): hence Cough's Add. to Camden, ii. 423 ; Reynolds, her. p. 472 ; Lewis, Topog. Diet, under 'Wirksworth.' WORM HILL. In a barrow a necklace of Kimmeridge coal, like that found at Cowlow [Bateman, Vestiges, p. 89, with illustration] (fig. 53). See p. 263. 262