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ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA BIRDS Two species have been added to our list, bringing the total number of definitely recorded species up to 235. 234. Montagu's Harrier. Circus cineraceus (Montagu). One was shot by a keeper towards the end of April 1903, on the moors between Bake- well and Sheffield (W. Storrs Fox, Zool. 1903, p. 268). It is somewhat remarkable that this bird has not been previously recorded for the county as it is usually less rare than either of the other two species. 235. Sabine's Gull. Xema sabinii (J. Sabine). One was shot at Chaddesden at the end of August 1894, and is now in the Museum at Derby. It is a young bird with black-bordered tail (Zool. 1904, p. 107). 107. Rough-legged Buzzard. Buteo lagopus (J. F. Gmelin). One trapped on the moors near Bakewell, II March, 1903 (W. Storrs Fox, Zool. 1903, p. 268). 113. Honey Buzzard. Pernis apivorus (L.). A third example was unfortunately shot by a keeper at Allestree, 23 June, 1904 (Zool. 1905, p. 61). 1 2O. Shag. Phalacrocorax graculus (L.). Three seen at Burton for several days at the end of Angust 1902, and one subsequently killed (G. H. Storer, in lift.}. 136. Brent Goose. Bernicla brenta (Pallas). One shot on the river near Rocester, 25 January, 1903 ; the only occurrence of this species since 1890 (Zool. 1904, p. 103). 138. Bewick's Swan. Cygnus bewicki, Yarrell. A herd of forty crossed the south of the county flying eastward on 27 February, 1904 (Zool. 1905, p. 58). 149. Scaup. Fuligula marila (L.). A drake shot on the Trent, near Donington, on 31 January, 1904 (ibid.). 153. Scoter. CEdemia nigra (L.). One shot on the Dove at Hanging Bridge, 4 November, 1904 (Zool. 1905, p. 62). 183. Grey Phalarope. Phalaropus falicarius (L.). For ' Long Eaton ' read ' Little Eaton ' (7 October, 1881). A. S. Hutchinson also received another on October 18 (Zool. 1882, P- 73)- 230. Leach's Petrel. Oceanodroma leucorrboa (Vieillot). For 1882 read 1881 (cf. Zool. 1882, p. 74). ORTHOPTERA (p. 54) Add : Phyllodromia germanica (L.). A female taken in Derby, 28 iv. 04 (G.P.). Add : Rhyparobia maderae (Fb.). Several accidentally imported, Derby (G.P.). Stenobothrus viridulus (L.). Add : Little Eaton (G.P.) ; Dove Valley, local (F.J.). [ bicolor, Charp. Requires confirma- tion.] parallelus, Zett. Add : Clifton (F.J.) ; Kirk Ireton (B. Abell). Gomphocerus maculatus, Thnb. Add : Do-vedale, common (F.J.) ; Breadsall Moor (G.P.). Pachytylus migratorius, L. Add : three taken and one seen near Burton (Zool. 1858, p. 5919). Add : Platycleis grisea, Pb. One from near Derby in Derby Museum (G.P.). NEUROPTERA (p. 55) JEschna. juncea, L. Add : Clifton, one, viii. 1903 ; one, viii. 1904 (F.J.). Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Sulz. Add : Clifton, common (F.J.). Add : Chrysopa flava, Scop. Kirk Ireton (Abell). Panorpa communis, L. Add : Kirk Ireton (Abell). TRICHOPTERA ( P . 57) Add : Metanaea flavipennis, Pict. Lathkill Dale, 19 October, 1899 (Naturalist, 1900, p. 51). HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA ( P .s8) (See also an article by the writer in Journal D.A. and N.H.S. 1904, p. 219.) xxix