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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 100 shillings ; now (it is worth) 60 (shillings). Henry holds it. In this ROSCHINTUN [Roston] (there is) i carucate of land (assessed) to the geld belong- ing to ROUECESTRE [Roccster], There (are) now 2 villeins. 2 M. In OSMUNDESTUNE [Osmaston] Wallef and Ailiet had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. There 8 villeins and 4 bordars have 5 ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i league in length and i league in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 40 shil- lings. Elfin holds it. M. In WIDERDESTUNE [Wyaston] and DULVESTUNE * [Edlaston] Earl Edwin had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. There 9 villeins and 4 bordars have 2 ploughs and 2 acres of mea- dow. Wood(Iand) for pannage 2 leagues in length and i league in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 60 shillings; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. Orm holds it. These two vills belong to the king's firm {firma) in Rocester except I bovate which belongs (iacet) to OSMUNDESTUNE [Osmaston]. M. In TORVERDESTUNE [Lower Thurvas- ton] and in BUBEDUNE [Bupton] Ulchel had 5 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for I plough. There 3 villeins and 3 bordars have i^- ploughs and 20 acres of meadow and a little underwood. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. Elfin holds it. 2 M. In GHEVELI [Yeaveley] the two Li- gulfs had 12 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 12 oxen. 3 There 7 villeins and 3 bordars have 3 ploughs. Wood(land) for pannage i league in length and i in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 40 shillings. Alsi holds it. M. In REDESLEI [Rodsley] Brune had 1 2 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 1 2 oxen. 3 There (is) now i plough in demesne ; and 6 villeins and 2 bordars have 2 ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. Wood- 1 ' Dulvestune ' equals ' Edulvestune ' by omis- sion of the initial E. Edlaston and Wyaston are contiguous hamlets and form one parish. 2 i.e. for 1 1 plough-teams. (land) for pannage 2 leagues in length and half a league in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. John holds it. The abbey (of Burton) claims the soc of this vill. s 2 M. In OSWARDESTUNE* [Osleston] Ernui and Lewin had 12 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 3 ploughs. There (are) now 2 ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 12 villeins and 4 bordars who have 3 ploughs. Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 60 shillings ; now (it is worth) 40 shillings. John holds it. M. In TURVERDESTUNE [Thurvaston] Hedul had 1 2 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 3 ploughs. There (are) now 2 ploughs in demesne ; and 6 vil- leins and 3 bordars have 2 ploughs and 12 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 40 shil- lings. Robert holds it.' M. In BRADESTUNE [Breaston] Levenot Sterre had 3 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for i plough. There (is) now I plough in demesne ; and 2 villeins have 5 ploughing oxen (boves in car 1 ) and 3 acres of meadow. In King Edward's time it was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 4 shillings. Herbert holds it. M. In DUVELLE [Duffield] and BRADELEI [Bradley] and HOLEBROC [Holbrook] (waste ') and MULEFORDE [Milford] (waste 6 ) and MACHENIE [Mackeney] (waste 8 ) and in HERDEBI 7 [ ] Siward had 7 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld and the sixth part of i carucate. (There is) land for 7 ploughs and the sixth part of i plough. There (are) now 3 ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 32 villeins and 8 bordars and 8 The abbey is entered as holding I z bovates of ' socland ' in Rodsley belonging to the manor of Mickleover, p. 334.

  • ' LAVES ' is interlined over this name, which

clearly should be ' Oslauestune.' 6 A small break follows this entry in the MS. probably marking the end of Henry de Ferrers' estates in Appletree Wapentake. 6 The word ' wasta ' is interlined above each of these places. 7 Usually identified with Coxbench, a hamlet in Holbrook. The position is suitable, but it lacks confirmation from manorial history. 342