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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS I plough in demesne ; and 2 villeins have I plough and 6 acres of meadow. In King Edward's time it was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 10 shillings. William holds it. 3 M. In NORMANTUNE [Normanton by Derby] Levric, Gamel and Teodric had 6 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for i plough. There is now i plough in demesne ; and (there is) I villein who renders 1 2 pence. There (are) 1 2 acres of meadow and a little underwood. In King Edward's time it was worth 20 shillings ; now (it is worth) 10 shillings. Amalric holds it. In the same place (there are) 2 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld belonging to Tui- forde [Twyford]. M. In IRETUNE [Little Ireton] Godwin had i carucate of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. There (is) now i plough in demesne ; and 6 villeins and 6 bordars have 2 ploughs. There (are) 6 acres of meadow and i mill (rendering) 16 pence. Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and half (a league) in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shil- lings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. Orme holds it M. In ESTUNE [Aston on Trent] Ucte- brand had i carucate of land (assessed) to the geld l and 5 acres of meadow. In King Edward's time it was worth 6 shillings ; now (it is worth) 8 shillings. 5 M. In BURNULFESTUNE [Burnaston] and BEREWARDESCOTE [Bearwardcote or Barrow- cote] Gamel (10 bovates), Alvric (2 bovates), Elric (2 bovates), Ledmer (i bovate), Leving (i bovate 3 ) had altogether 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 3 ploughs. There (are) now 3 ploughs in demesne ; and 8 villeins and i bordar have 4 ploughs. There (are) 36 acres of meadow and a little underwood. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Henry holds it. M. In MOGINTUN [Muggington] Gamel had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 3 ploughs. There (is) now i plough in demesne ; and 8 villeins and 1 In the MS. et ii bov' et dim ' follows here, but it is underlined for deletion and ' soca ' it written above it. 1 The detailed assessment of each holding which is here given in brackets it interlined in the MS. 8 bordars have 2 ploughs. There (is) a church and a priest and i mill (rendering) 3 shillings and 3 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for pannage i leagues in length and I (league) in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. Chetel holds it. fo. 376 M. In MERCHENESTUNE [Mercaston] Gamel had 4 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 6 ploughs. There (is) now i plough in demesne ; and 6 villeins and 4 bordars have i plough. There (are) 14 acres of meadow and the site of i mill. Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Robert and Roger hold it. M. In DELBEBI [Dalbury] Godric had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 ploughs. There (are) now 2 ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 6 villeins and i bordar with 2 ploughs. There (is) a priest and a church and 20 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i league in length and half a league in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shil- lings ; now (it is worth) 60 shillings. Robert holds it. 5 M. In ETEWELLE [Etwall] Gamel, Edric, Ulviet, Elvric (and) Elwine had 5 caru- cates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 5 ploughs. There (are) now 3 ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 14 villeins and 8 bordars who have 8 ploughs. There (is) a priest and a church and 30 acres of meadow. In King Edward's time it was worth 100 shillings and (it is worth the same) now. Saswalo holds it. M. In RADBURNE [Radbourne] Ulsi had 3 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 ploughs. There (are) now 3 ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 6 villeins and 5 bordars who have 3 ploughs. There (are) 12 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for pannage half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Ralf the son of Hubert claims the third part of Rabburne [Radbourne] and the wapentake bears witness in his favour 8 At the end of the last line of this entry, but separated by a short space from it, is written ' Hennesoure ' [Edensor]. 345 44