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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS M. In DOCHEMANESTUN [Duckmanton] Levenot had 4 carucates of land and 2 bovates (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 5 ploughs. There now 18 rent-paying tenants have 5 ploughs. There (are) 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage I league in length and I league in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 19 shillings. Geoffrey holds it. M. In STRATUNE [Stretton] and TEGESTOU [Egstow] and HENLEGE [Hanley] Levenot had i carucate of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. There (are) now i ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 6 villeins and 4 bordars who have 3 ploughs, and 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage 2 leagues in length and i in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 60 shillings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. Robert holds it. M. In another STRATUNE [Stretton] Levric had 2| bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 oxen. There now 2 villeins and 4 bordars have 2 ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage 3 furlongs in length and I in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 3 shillings and (it is worth the same) now. Robert holds it. 2 M. In ESSOVRE [Ashover] Levric and Levenot had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. There now 3 rent-paying tenants (censarii) and 14 bordars have 3 ploughs. There (is) now i plough in demesne and a priest and a church and i mill (rendering) 16 pence. Wood(land) for pannage 2 leagues in length and 2 in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Serlo holds it. M. In NEUTONE [Newton] Levric and Levenot had 3 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 5 ploughs. There (is) now I plough in demesne ; and (there are) 1 3 villeins and 4 bordars who have 5 ploughs. There (is) a priest who has i bordar and 7 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage I league in length and half (a league) in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Ralf holds it. 2 M. In CRICE [Crich] and SCOCHETORP [? Oakerthorpe] Levric and Levenot had 4 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for i plough. There (is) now i plough in demesne; and (there are) 10 villeins and 2 bordars who have 3 ploughs. There (are) 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage 3 leagues in length and i league in breadth and I lead mine (plumbarid). In King Edward's time it was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Ralf holds it. InWERCHEswoRDE [Wirksworth] and LEDE [Lea] and TANESLEGE [Tansley] (there are) 4 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for I plough. There now 3 villeins and 7 bordars have i plough and 2-i acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and the same in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 10 shillings; now (it is worth) 7 shil- lings. This land belongs to (jacet in] Crich, but it pays (its) geld in HAMELESTAN [Wirks- worth] Wapentake. 1 S. In WISTANESTUNE [Wessington] (there are) 3^ bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for i plough. The soc belongs to (in) Crice [Crich]. There now I villein and 6 bordars have 2 .ploughs. Wood(land) for pannage I league in length and half (a league) in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 5 shillings. Levinc holds it. S. In OUGEDESTUN [Ogston] (there are) 2 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 oxen." Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. The soc belongs to (in) Crich 3 and it is waste. B. In UFFENTUNE [Ufton] (there are) 4 bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for half a plough. (It is a) berewick belonging to (in) PENTRIC [Pentrich]. It is waste. There (are) 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. Nigel holds it. M. In MIDDELTONE [Stony Middleton] Levenot and his brother had i carucate of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for i plough. It is waste. This manor has I league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth. 2 M. In HERESEIGE [Hathersage] Levenot and Levric had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. To this manor belong (adiacent) 4 berewicks : BANFORD [Bamford], HERCT [Upper Hurst], half 4 OFFRETUNE [Offerton] (and) two parts * 1 This entry is added at the foot of the page, with a mark to indicate its proper position.

  • i.e. for Haifa plough-team.

8 ' in Crice ' is interlined. 4 The words ' Jimufia ' and ' due paries ' re- spectively are interlined at these two points. 349