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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS M. In HORSELEI [Horsley] Turgar had 3 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 ploughs. There (are) now 2 ploughs in demesne ; and (there are) 19 villeins and 4 bordars who have 6 ploughs. There (are) 60 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for pannage i league in length and i in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 100 shillings, now (it is worth) 60 shillings. Ralf holds it. M. In DENEBI [Denby] Osmund had 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 ploughs. There now 7 villeins and i bordar have 3 ploughs. There (are) 12 acres of meadow and the site of i mill. Wood(land) for pannage i league in length and i in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 100 shillings; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. A knight (miles) of Ralf's holds it. M. In HALUN [Kirk Hallam] Dunstan had I carucate of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 2 ploughs. There (is) now I plough in demesne, and 5 villeins and 4 bordars have 2 ploughs. There (are) 16 acres of meadow. Wood(Iand) for pannage 7 furlongs in length and 6 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 20 shillings and (it is worth the same) now. M. In HERDEBI [ ] Turgar had 5 parts of i carucate of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for i plough. It is waste. There (are) 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i league in length and half (a league) in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 30 shillings ; now (it is worth) 8 shillings. XII. THE LAND OF ASCUIT MUSARD M. In BARLEIE [Barlow] Hacon had 2 parts of I carucate of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for half a plough. There now 6 villeins and i bordar have I plough. There (are) 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i leagues in length and 8 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 10 shillings and (it is worth the same) now. Ascuit Musard holds it. M. In STAVELIE [Staveley] Hacon had 4 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 4 ploughs. There Ascuit has now 3 ploughs in demesne ; and 2 1 villeins and 7 bordars have 4 ploughs. There (is) a priest and a church and i mill (render- 351 ing) 5 shillings and 4 pence. There (are) 60 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i leagues in length and the same in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 6 pounds and (it is worth the same) now. M. In HOLUN [Holm in Brampton] and WADESCEL [Wadshelf] and BRANTUNE [Brampton] Dunninc had io bovates of land (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for 12 oxen. 1 There now 8 villeins and 5 bordars have 3 ploughs. There (are) 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i leagues and i furlong in length and 2^ fur- longs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 20 shillings ; now (it is worth) 10 shillings. Ascuit holds it. M. In BRANTUNE [Brampton] and WADES- CEL [Wadshelf] Branwine had 7 bovates of land and 4 acres (assessed) to the geld. (There is) land for I plough. There (is) now I plough in demesne ; and 3 villeins and i bordar have I plough. There (are) 5 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i leagues in length and 3 furlongs in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 10 shillings and (it is worth the same) now. Ascuit holds it." M. In CHINEWOLDE maresc [Killamarsh] jfElwold had half a bovate of land (assessed) to the geld. It is waste. There (is) half an acre of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage I league in length and 30 perches in breadth. In King Edward's time it was worth 16 pence ; now (it is worth) 12 (pence). XIII. THE LAND OF GILBERT DE GAND M. In TILCHESTUNE [Ilkeston] and HALEN [West Hallam] and STANTONE [Stanton by Dale] Ulf fenisc had 6 carucates of land and 6 bovates (assessed) to the geld, and in BRAIDE- STONE [Breaston], soc(land), 2 carucates of land (assessed) to the geld. 3 (There is) land for 8 ploughs and 6 oxen. 4 There (are) now 3 ploughs in demesne; and (there are) 10 sochmen on (de) 2 carucates of this land, and 1 8 villeins and 7 bordars who have 1 2 ploughs. There (is) the site of i mill and 70 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for pannage i league in length and 3 furlongs in breadth and under- wood 5 furlongs in length and 2 in breadth. 1 i.e. for i plough-teams. 1 The words ' nescio cujus' are added in the margin at the side of this entry. 3 These z carucates have already been entered under the fief of Geoffrey Alselin. See also the Breaston entry under the fief of Roger de Busli. 4 i.e. 8J plough-teams.