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ANCIENT EARTHWORKS posed continually decomposing under atmospheric action, and falling at times in considerable quantities into the valleys beneath. The enclosure is of an irregular tongue-like shape, and the ramparts have for ages been slowly disappearing on both sides of the base of the tongue which forms the southern end, particularly at the south-east angle. In one respect this earthwork differs in a striking manner from the enclosure on the top of Comb Moss, with which in most respects it is parallel. The SCALE OF FEET c IPO apo GREAT FINN OR FIN COP. (See page 371.) summit of Mam Tor is not flattened, and the ramparts are carried round the hill, which rises within the enclosure in a hog-back ridge. The small break in the ramparts at the northern tip of the tongue is not supposed to be original ; and another on the north-west has been caused by the constant flow of water from a spring within the enclosure. The chief and probably the only original entrance is at the south, where there are remains of a third bank, making a triple rampart. An old i 369 47