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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE The order adopted is that of the Ordnance Sheets, which begin at the north and cross over the county from west to east. It is quite possible that one or two of the larger lows or tumuli were, in their origin, mounts or small defensive enclosures, notably Stone Low, Brampton. The references are to (i) A., Bateman's Festiges of Antiquities, 1848 ; (2) D., Bateman's Ten Tears' Diggings, 1861 ; and (3) P., Pennington's Barrows and Bone Caves, 1877. O. S. Sheets. Name and Parish. References. O. S. Sheets. Name and Parish. References. V. 2 Chisworth, Glossop XVI. 3 Foolow, Eyam.

Brown Low, Lud-

  • Slatepit Piece,

worth .... D. 245 Eyam. VI. 13 KinderlowEnd,Glos- XVI. 4 Five Tumuli, Eyam sop. Moor, Eyam . . A. 26, 113 VII. i Birchinlee, Derwent P. 47 XVI. 6 Long Low, Hope. VII. 2 Green Sedges, Ha- XVI. 7 Eyam Edge, Eyam A. 26 thersage. XVI. ii Longstone Moor, VII. 6 Pike Low, Hather- Bakewell . . . D. 40, 79 sage. XVI. 14 Rolley Row, Bake- IX. 7 Lords Seat, Castle- well. ton. 99 Great Longstone, IX. 10. Gautries Hill, Peak Bakewell. Forest .... P. 26-28 XVI. 15 Blealdow, Bakewell. M Mag Low, Chapel 99

  • Bleaklow, High

en le Frith. Rake, Bakewell . D. 40 IX. n Two Tumuli, Eldon XVI. 1 6 Beacon Rod, Bake- Hill, Peak Forest D. 97 ;P.II- well. '7 XXII. i Staden Low (several > Smaller One, Peak small tumuli), Forest. Chelmorton.

  • Perry Dale, Peak

XXIII. 7 Cracknowl Wood, Forest .... P. 28-9 Bakewell. IX. 14 Rake Vein (oblong), XXIII. 9 Manor House, Shel- Peak Forest. don, Bakewell A. 58 IX. 15 Snelslow, Peak For- > Sheldon, Bakewell . A. 58 est. XXIII. 12 Tumuli, Calton pas- IX. 1 6 Oxlow, Peak For- tures, Edensor. . A. 22; 0.64, est P. 25-6 1 18, 128 X. 9 Dirtlow or Siggett,

  • J *-

XXIII. 14 Bolehill, Bakewell . D. 90, 104 Castleton . . . p. 31-4

  • Bolehill Plantation,

X. 15 Eight Tumuli, Of- Bakewell . . . 0.253 ferton Moor,Hope P. 21, 50 XXIII. 15 Burton Moor, Bake- 99 Four Tumuli, High- well. Low Bank, Hope D. 89, 244 ; 99 Grindlow, Bakewell. D. 47 P. 51 XXIII. 16 Two Tumuli, Beech 99 Smelting Hill, Hope. Square, Edensor. XV. i Cow Low, Chapel XXIV. 2 Stone Low (large), en le Frith . . A.9i;D.i88 Brampton.

Lady Low, Chapel XXIV. 10 Hob Hurst's House, en le Frith . . 0.150,156, Bakewell . . . D. 87-8 163 XXVII. 3 Cronkston Low,Har- XV. 7 Withered Low, Ti- tington A 33; D. S 6 deswell A. 95 XXVII. 7

  • Waggon Low, Har-

XV. ii Wind Low, Tides- tington D. 34 well .... A. 88-9

Pilsbury, Harting- Wormhill, Tides- ton A. loc. 123 99 well. XXVII. 8 Parsley Hay, Har- j 9 J XV. 14 Lowfoot, Hope. tington. D. 22-3 XV. 15

  • Great Rocks Dale,

Custard Field, Har- Hope. tington. XVI. i Tideslow, Tides- XXVII. 12 By High Peak R' way, well. Hartington. > Cop Low, Hope D. 129

Lean Low, Har- > Stan Low, Hope A. 74-5 tington. . . . A. 35-6, 102 394