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BOTANY Linn. ; *Potentilla verna, Linn. ; Poterium sanguisorba, Linn. ; Rosa spinosis- sima, Linn. ; Pyrus rupicola, Syme ; *Saxifraga hirta, Haw. ; *S. hypnoides, Linn.; Ribes alpinum, Linn.; Sedum telephium, Linn.; Rubia peregrina, Linn.;

  • Ga/tum sihestre, Poll. ; *Valerianella carinata, Loisel. ; Scabiosa columbaria,

Linn. ; Erigeron acre, Linn. ; Inula conyza, DC. ; Carlina vu/garis, Linn. ; Cnicus eriophorus, Hoffm. ; C. acaulis, HofFm. ; *Hieracium britannicum, F. J. Hanb. ; *H. rubiginosum, F. J. Hanb. ; *H. holophyllum, W. R. L. ;

  • H. cymbifolium, Purchas ; *H. i)ulgatum var. glaucovirens, Dahlst. ; *H.

prenanthoides, Vill. ; Campanula Trachelium, Linn. ; C. glomerata, Linn. ;

  • Pyrola minor, Linn. ; Hypopithys multiflora, Scop. ; Chlora perfollata,

Linn. ; Gentiana amarella, Linn. ; *Polemonium cceruleum, Linn, (occa- sionally carried off limestone along streams) ; Lithospermum officinale, Linn. ; Cynoglossum officinale, Linn. ; Plantago media, Linn. ; Origanum vu/gare, Linn. ; Thymus serpyllum, Linn. ; Nepeta cataria, Linn. ; * Daphne mezereum, Linn. ; *'Juniperus communis, Linn. ; *Taxus baccata, Linn. ;

  • Epipactis atrorubens, Hoffm. ; Orchis ustulata, Linn. ; O. pyramidalis,

Linn. ; Ophrys apifera, Huds. ; O. muscifera, Huds. ; Habenaria conopsea, Benth. ; *Polygonatum officinale, All. ; Convallaria majalis, Linn. ; *Scirpus caricis, Retz ; *Carex digitata, Linn. ; *C. ornithopoda, Willd. ; Avena pratensis, Linn. ; K&leria cristata, Pers. ; Melica nutans, Linn. ; Bromus erectus, Huds. ; Brachypodium pinnatum, Beauv. Lying over the limestone shale on the east and north is the mill- stone grit, consisting mostly of massive coarse hard sandstones, which, owing to the underlying shales having been much worn away, present valleys running north and south, topped by lofty escarpments of grit on their eastern side. The grit forms the extensive high tableland of the Peak and Axe Edge, and extends southwards on both sides of the Derwent valley to Little Eaton near Derby. This with the adjoining shales is divided into two by a line drawn east and west through Hathersage, the northern portion forming division II., the southern division III. of the flora. There is one outlier of the grit in the south of the county about Stanton and Melbourne. The following is a list of plants characteristic of the grit moorland, those peculiar to it being marked with an asterisk : Ranunculus Lenormandi, Schultz ; Empetrum nigrum, Linn. ; Genista anglica, Linn. ; *Rubus chameemorus, Linn. ; Potentilla comarum, Nestl. ; Drosera rotundifolia, Linn.; *Vaccinium vitis-idcea, Linn.; *V. oxycoccos, Linn.;

  • 'Arctostapbylos uva-ursi, Spreng. ; * Andromeda polifolia, Linn. ; Myosotis

repens, D. Don. ; *Listera cordata, R. Br. ; *Habenaria albida, R. Br. ; Narthecium ossifragum, Huds. ; yuncus squarrosus, Linn. ; Potamogeton polygonifolius, Pourr. ; Heleocharis multicaulis, Sm. ; Eriophorum poly- stachyon, Linn. ; Carex pulicaris, Linn. ; C. dioica, Linn. ; C. echinata, Murr. ; C. canescens, Linn. ; C. fufaa, Good. ; Molinia ccerulea, Good. ; Nardus stricta, Linn. Next above the grit come the coal measures. The lower beds form a strip of varying width on the true coal measures. They consist of varied sandstones, shales, fireclays and a few thin coal seams, and are succeeded on the east by the middle and upper coal measures, extending i 41 6