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A HISTORY OF ESSEX the demesne ; now 2. Then 8 ploughs belonging to the men ; now 6. Then 12 villeins ; now 13. Then 8 bordars ; now 14. Then as now (semper) 6 serfs. Then (there was) wood(land) for 400 swine ; now for 350 (ccc et dim). (There are) 30 acres of meadow, (and) pasture from which are received 3 shillings. Then I mill ; now a moiety. 1 There are I sokeman with (de) 15 acres, and a burgess at Colch ester (de colecastro). And a moiety of the mill was taken away by Richard de Sachevilla. 1 (There are) I rouncey (runcinus), 6 beasts (anima/ia), 40 swine, 8 goats, (and) 2 hives of bees. It was then worth 9 pounds; now 12, but it renders 2O pounds nevertheless. RUENHALA [Rivenhall], which was held by Harold as I manor and as I hide and 15 acres is held by the Count in demesne. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; now i . Then as now (semper) I plough belonging to the men. Then 2 villeins ; now 5. Then i bordar ; now 2. Then 5 serfs ; now 4. And (there are) 21 acres of meadow (with) pasture worth (de) 6 pence. (There are) 10 swine, (and) 27 sheep. It was then worth 60 shillings ; now 30. BLUNDESHALA [Blunts Hall 8 ], which was held in King Edward's time by i free woman as i manor and (as) half a hide, is held by the count in demesne. Then as now (semper) i plough on the demesne and i bordar. (There are) 6 acres of meadow. It was then worth 2O shillings ; now 10. WiTHAM, 3 which was held by Harold as 51 acres, is held of the count by Richard. Then as now (semper) I plough on the demesne and i bordar. (There are) 2^ acres of meadow. It is worth 20 shillings. HUNDRET OF HERLAUA [HARLOW] PERENDUNA [(Great) Parndon], which was held in King Edward's time by Ulf a thegn of King Edward as i (uno) manor and as 3^ hides, is held of the count by lunain (sic). Then as now (semper) 2 ploughs on the demesne and 2 ploughs belonging to the men. Then 4 villeins ; now 3. Then 4 bordars ; 1 See Introduction, p. 379.

  • InWitham.

3 Morant assumed that this was a part of Blunts Hall manor, but it seems more probable that its tenant was the Richard who held of the Count at Rivenhall and that the land would be on the Rivenhall side of Witham. now 5. Then as now (semper) 2 serfs. Wood(land) for 2OO swine, (and) 14 acres of meadow. It is worth 4 pounds. LATTUNA [Latton *], which was held in King Edward's time by Ernulf, a free man, as I (uno) manor and as i^ hides and 30 acres, is held of the count by Adelolf(de Merc). 6 fo. ayb Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; now i . Then as now (semper) i villein and 2 bordars. Then 4 serfs ; now 2. Wood(land) for 300 swine, (and) 35 acres of meadow. And there is I priest, who holds half a hide belonging to one church. It was then worth 50 shillings ; now 60. HERLAUA [Harlow], which was held in King Edward's time by Brictnar, 6 a free man, as half a hide, is held of the count by Geoffrey. Then as now (semper) half a plough. Wood- (land) for 40 swine, (and) 3 acres of meadow. It is worth 1 1 shillings. HUNDRET OF DOMMAWA [DUNMOW] DOMMAWA [Dunmow 7 ], which was held in King Edward's time by Edmar, a free man, as I (uno) manor and as 2 hides and 30 acres, is held of the count by Adelolf de Merc. 6 Then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; now 2. Then i plough belonging to the men ; now 3. Then 3 villeins; now 13. Now 9 bor- dars. Then i o serfs ; now 4. Wood(land) for 300 swine, and 36 acres of meadow. And I plough (more) could again be employed (restaurari). There are 12 beasts (animalia), 50 swine, IOO sheep, I rouncey (runcinus), (and) 4 hives of bees. It is worth 8 pounds. HUNDRET OF WITBRICTESHERNA [DENGIE] ELTENAI [Iltney 8 ], which was held in King Edward's time by Ingelric as I (uno) manor and as 2 hides, is held by the count in demesne. Then i serf ; now 2 bordars. Then as now (semper) I plough on the de- mesne. Pasture for 50 sheep. It is worth 30 shillings. PURLAI [Purleigh 9 ] was held in King 4 i.e. the manor of Marks Hall there, which derives its name from the family descended from the Domesday under-tenant. 6 See Introduction, p. 344. 6 Probably an error for Brictmar. 7 i.e. the manor of Merks in Great Dunmow, which took its name from Adelolf's family. 8 In Mundon (see Introduction, p. 391). 9 The actual manor has not been identified. 462