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BOTANY the species is painted from a Herefordshire specimen in Cooke's Illustratiom of British Fungi, and the conidial, aecidial or uredal state is only enumerated when the more perfect and higher condition of the same plant has not been recorded for the county, whereas the list in the Flora of Herefordshire enumerates all these forms separately. For the purpose of comparison we have set out under the different groups the numbers as recorded in the Flora of Herefordshire, and the present list and those recorded for Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. Basidiomycetae Uredinaceae and Ustilaginaceae Ascomycetae Phycomycetae Deuteromycetae Hyphomycetae Myxomycetae List in the Flora of Herefordshire 6S5 53 224 2 95 16 1,097 Preseot List for Herefordshire 899 71 291 13 46 92 27 i>439 Worcestershire List 713 65 139 13 13 53 20 1,016 Gloucestershire List 619 64 316 16 39 56 25 1. 135 HYMENOMYCETAE Agaricaceae Amanita phalloides (Vail.), Fr. Haywood Forest, Holme Lacy, Dinmore, Eastnor, WMtdiffe, Brockhampton — verna. Lam. Downton — mappa (Batsch.), Fr. Hay- wood Forest, Downton, Din- more, Eastnor, Whitcllffe Woods, Great Doward — porphyria (A. & S.), Fr. Brockhill Wood, nr. Colwall — muscaria (Linn.), Fr. Stoke Edith, B rein ton, Haywood Forest, Dinmore, Eastnor, Whitcliffe — pantherina, (DC), Fr. Hay- wood Forest, Dinmore, Pontri- las, Dinedor Camp, Eastnor, Whitcliffe Woods — excelsa, Fr. Stoke Edith — strobiliformis (Vitt.),Fr. Stret- ton Sugwas, Dowards — rubescens, Pers. Dinedor, Hay- wood Forest, Holme Lacy, Dinmore, Downton, Pontri- las, Eastnor — spissa, Fr. Foxley, nr. Bringwood Chase ; nr. Little Doward Amanitopsis vaginata (Bull.). Roze Dinedor, Greencrise, Hay- wood Forest, Rotherwas, Din- more, Downton, Whitcliffe var. nivalis, Grev. Din- more, Whitcliffe Woods var. plumbea, SchaefF. Belmont, Rotherwas, Holme Lacy var. fulva, SchaefF. Dine- dor, Dinmore, Eastnor, Great Doward BASIDIOMYCETAE HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae (cont^ Amanitopsis strangulata (Fr.),Mass. Eastnor, Sufton Court Lepiota procera (Scop.), Pars. Mynde Park, Breinton, Burg- hill Court, Eaton Bishop, Lug- wardine, &c. — rachodes (Vitt.), Fr. Haywood Forest, Metryhill, Whitfield, Eastnor, Holme Lacy, Dinedor Camp ■ var. puellaris, Fr. Dinedor — prominens, Fr. Ledbury — excoriata (SchaefF.), Fr. Brein- ton, Burghill Court, Whitfield, Dinedor, Eastnor, Brockhamp- ton — gracilenta(Krombh.),Fr. //<?)•- woodForest, Credenhill, Whit- field, Holme Lacy, Eastnor — friesii (Lasch.), Fr. Downton — acutesquamosa (Weinm.) Fr. Breinton, Hill Hole; nr. Hampton Court; nr. Whit- church — badhami, B. & Br. Hill Hole, Hampton Court

  • — hispida (Lasch.), Fr. Dinedor

Camp — clypeolarla (Bull.), Fr. Bel- mont, Dinedor, Brockhampton var. pratensis. Bull. Mal- vern Hills — metulaespora, B. & Br. Foray 1885. Brockhampton — felina, Pers. Brockhampton ; wt. Colwall <The No. 28, pL 27, of Cooke's Illus- trations of British Fungi seems to be a form of Lepiota clypeolaria rather than this species. — C. R. 57 HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae (cont.) Lepiota cristata (A.& S.),Fr. Mynde Park, Ledbury, Belmont, Credenhill, Dinmore, Whit- field, Bromyard Downs, Eastnor — erminea, Fr. Raggedstone Hill, Downton — holosericea, Fr. Dr. Bull's list 1872. Hop-yard nr. Stoke Edith — naucina, Fr. Haywood, Hamp- ton Park, Lugwardine — cepaestipes (Sow.), Fr. Here- ford, Stoke Edith — carcharias, Pers. Foxley, Downton ; nr. Colwall — cinnabarina (A. & S.), Fr. Downton var. Terreyi, B. & Br. Deerfold Forest, Dinedor — amianthina (Scop.), Fr. Din- more ; nr. Colwall, Whitcliffe Wood ; nr. Kilpeck — polysticta. Berk. Little Hereford — mesomorpha (Bull), Fr. Nr. Hereford — seminuda (Lasch.), Fr. Down- ton, Eastnor, The Ridgeway var. lilacina, Qu^l. Holme Lacy — bucknalli, B. & Br. Ledbury, Holme Lacy *

  • Armillaria bulbigera (A. &S.), Fr.

Dinedor Camp s It is very doubtful whether this is a good variety from the type. — C. R. ^ This species has a strong smell of gas tar. 7 This is, as Qu^let remarks vyith won- derful acumen, a white-spored Cortinarius,