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INSECTS ENDOMYCHIDAE Mycetaea hirta, Marsh Endomychus coccineus, L. COLYDIIDAE Cerylon angustatum, Er. HISTERIDAE Hister cadaverinus, Hoff. — succicola, Thorns Saprinus nitidulus, Payk. MICROPEPLIDAE Micropeplus margaritae, Duv. NITIDULIDAE Epuraea aestiva, L. — melina, Er. — parvula, Sturm Meligethes rufipes, Gyll — aeneus, F. — ovatus, Sturm — picipes, Sturm — morosus, Er. Pocadius ferrugineus, F. Ips quadripustulatus, L. Rhizophagus dispar, Payk. Eardisky — bipustulatus, F. MONOTOMIDAE Monotoma brevicollis, Aub6 — quadricollis, Aube — longicollis, Gyll. — ■ picipes, Payk. LATHRIDIIDAE Lathridius bergrothi, Reitt. This species, which has been com- paratively recently found in Britain, seems to be spread- ing very widely in various localities. Mr. Tomlin has taken it in abundance in a cellar at West Malvern Enicmus minutus, L. Corticaria fulva, Chev. — crenicoUis, Mannh. This in- sect also has recently been introduced as British, and is now being found in various localities. West Malvern (Tomlin) CUCUJIDAE Pediacus dermestoides, F. Eardisley. This rare species is a very interesting capture ; it has hitherto been recorded from Chatham (Kent), Haindult Forest (Essex), New Forest (Hants), Sherwood Forest (Notts.), and one or two other localities. CRYPTOPHAGIDAE Antherophagus nigricornis, F. Cr)ptophagus tricolor, Sturm Atomaria linearis, Steph. — umbrina, Er. • — fuscipes, Gyll. — pusilla, Payk. — mesomelas, Heibst. -^ munda, Er. — nigripennis, Payk. In a cellar at West Malvern. Very com- mon (Tomlin) — ruficornis, Marsh Ephistemus gyrinoides, Marsh SCAPHIDIIDAE Scaphidium quadrimaculatum, Ol. MYCETOPHAGIDAE Typhaea fumata, L. Byturus tomentosus, F. DERMESTIDAE Dermestes murinus, L. — lardarius, L. Attagenus pellio, L. Megatoma undata, L. (Yerbury) Anthrenus claviger, Er. BYRRHIDAE Byrrhus pilula, L. — dorsalis, F. Malvern Hills Cytilus varius, F. PARNIDAE Limnius tuberculatus, Mcll. Elmis aeneus, Mull. — volkmari, Panz. Potaminus substriatus, Mflll. Ear- disky SCARABAEIDAE Onthophagus ovatus, L. Aphodius fossor, L. — pusillus, Herbst. — rufipes, L. Geotrupes stercorarius, L. Serica brunnea, L. Phyllopertha horticola, L. Trichius fasciatus, L. In the En- tomologisfs Monthly Magazine for 1891, p. 304, 1 recorded three or four specimens of this very interesting species as having been recently sent me by Mr. E. W. Bowell, who wrote as follows : — - ' These were bred for my friend Dr. Chapman, the food of the larva being the wood of Jlnus glutinosa. I 83 SCARABAEIDAE {continued) have seen the insect flying on several occasions.' The locality was near the banks of the River Monnow. Dr. Wood has recently sent me a single specimen taken by him in Cusop Dingle, just in- side the county boundary, flying round a hollow oak- tree that had been blown down and was lying on the ground. The insect, in flight, is exceedingly like a humble bee, and might easily be mistaken for it. Gnorimus nobilis, L. Hereford, July, 1 891, E. W. Bowell; West Malvern (Tomlin). This is one of our most beautiful British beetles, but it appears to be exceedingly rare BUPRESTIDAE Agrilus angustulus. 111. ELATERIDAE Lacon murinus, L. Cryptohypnus quadripustulatus, F. Limonius minutus, L. Athous niger, L. — haemorrhoidalis, F. — vittatus, F. — longicollis, Ol. Corymbites pectinicornis, L. — cupreus, F. — tessellatus, L. — quercus, Gyll. — — var. ochropterus, Steph. Agriotes sputator, L. — lineatus, L. — obscurus, L. — sobrinus, Kies. — pallidulus. 111. Dolopius marginatus, L. Adrastus limbatus, F. Campylus linearis, L. DASCILLIDAE Helodes minuta, L. — marginata, F. Microcara livida, F. Cyphon pallidulus. Boh. Scirtes hemisphaericus. 111. LAMPYRIDAE Lampyris noctiluca, L. TELEPHORIDAE Podabrus alpinus, Payk. Ancistronycha abdominalis, F. (Yer- bury)