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A HISTORY OF HEREFORDSHIRE NOCTUAE (continued) Asphalia diluta, SchifF. A. flavicornis, L. A. ridens, Fb. ; the larva common Acronyeta leporina, L.; the grey form bradyporina does not occur. A. aceris, L.; Leominster, rare. A. megacephala, SchifF. A. alni, L. ; rather scarce. A. tridens, SchifF. A. psi, L. A. rumicis, L. A. ligustri, SchifF Agrotis sulFusa, Hb. A. segetum, SchifF A. corticea, Hb. ; rather uncommon. A. cinerea, Hb. ; Leominster, rare. A. puta, Hb. ; Tarrington, not uncommon. A. exclamationis, L. A. cursoria, Hb. ; reported years ago from Ross by Mr. Alfred Purchas. A. nigricans, L.; Tarrington, Leominster. A. tritici, L.; Ross (A. Purchas). A. aquilina, Hb.; Ashperton Park, rare. A. obelisca, Hb. ; Leominster, rare. A. porphyrea, Hb. ; Woolhope, Nash Scarr. A. saucia, Hb. A. ravida, Hb. ; Ross (A. Purchas) Axylia putris, L. Triphaena fimbria, L. T. janthin.i, Esp. T. inter- jecta, Hb. ; common. T. subsequa, Hb. ; Hereford, rare. T. orbona, Fb. T. pronuba, L. Noctua glareosa, Esp.; Woolhope, common. N. augur, Fb. N. plecta, L. N. triangulum, Tr. N. c-nigrum, L. N. brunnea, Fb. N. dahlii, Hb.; Woolhope, common. N. festiva, Hb. N. baja, Fb. N. rubi, Viewig. N. umbrosa, Hb. N. xanthographa, Fb. Eurois herbida, Hb. ; Woolhope, common. E. adusta, Esp.; Woolhope, Leominster, not common Charaeas graminis, L. ; the male common, flying in the early morning; the female rare, flying in the afternoon Heliophobus popularis, Fb. H. cespitis, Fb. ; Leo- minster, at light Xylomiges conspicillaris, L.; Harrington, generally taken at rest on gates and gate-posts. The form taken at large is always the V. melaleuca, but amongst a large brood reared from eggs laid by a moth taken 4 June, 1877, a fair number of both the grey-brown type and the V. intermedia appeared Neuria saponariae, Bkh. ; not common, Woolhope, Leominster Aplecta tincta, Hb. Common in birch woods. H. nebulosa, Hufn. Hadena contigua, Vill. The larva often beaten from golden rod (Solidago virgaaurea). H. thalassina, Rott. H. suasa, Bkh.; scarce. H. pisi, L. H. oleracea, L. H. genistae, Bkh.; fairly common. H. glauca, Hb.; bred from a larva found upon heather on the top Black Mountain ; probably much commoner than is indicated by a single capture. H. dentina, Esper. Mamestra brassicae, L. M. persicariae, L.; apparently confined to the Woolhope district, where it is common llecatera dysodea, H. City of Hereford, once (Hutchinson). H. serena, Fb. Dianthaecia carpophaga, Bkh. D. cucubali, Fuessl. D. capsincola, Hb. D. conspersa, Esp. Polia flavicincta, Fb. P. chi, L. ; for many years common in the Leominster district, before finding its way, about 1885, into the Woolhope area, where it quickly established itself. Only the pale form found NOCTUAE {continued) Dryobota protea, Bork. Cleoceris viminalis, Fb. Chariptera aprilina, L. Miselia oxyacanthae, L. The dark variety, V. capucina, common Luperina testacea, Hb. Cerigo cytherea, Fb. Hama abjecta, Hb.; Ashperion Park, once at sugar, 30 July, 1870. H. anceps, Hb. Xylophasia lithoxylea, Fb. X. polyodon, L. X. rurea, Fb. X. hepatica, Hb. X. scolopacina, Esp.; Stoke Wood, both bred and captured at sugar Apamea basilinea, Fb. A. gemina, Hb. A. una- nimis, Tr. A. oculea, Gn. Celaena Haworthi, Curt. Scarce Hereford and Leech Pool, Clifford. Its absence from the Black Mountain, where its food plant, Eriophorum vaginatum, abounds, is remarkable Miana literosa, Haw.; not common. M. strigilis, Clerck. M. fasciuncula. Haw. M. furuncula, Tr. ; Tarrington, not common Dipterygia pinastri, L.; Dotoard, taken by Mr. E. W. Bowell Euplexia lucipara, L. Phlogophora meticulosa, L. Hydraecia nictitans, Bkh. H. micacea, Esp. Gortyna flavago, Esp. Nonagria typhae, Esp.; common Tapinostola fulva, Hb.; common Leucania impura, Hb. L. pallens, L. L. comma, L. L. conigera, Fb. L. lithargyria, Esp. L. turca, L.; Stoke Wood, at sugar, scarce Panolis piniperda. Panzer Taeniocampa gothica, L. T. miniosa, Fb.; general, and in parts common. T. cruda, Tr. T. stabilis, Viewig. T. populeti, Tr. ; moderately common. T. opima, Hb.; northern parts, Leominster and Bromyard. T. instabilis, Esp. T. gracilis, Fb. ; appears later in the spring than its congeners Pachnobia leucographa, Hb.; commoner in Hereford- shire than the next species. P. rubricosa, Fb. Rusina tenebrosa, Hb. Mania maura, L. Naenia typica, L. Amphipyra pyramldea, L. A. tragopogonis, L. Toxocampa pastinum, Tr. One specimen at rest on a window in city of Hereford about 1885 (A. Edwards) Hydrilla arcuosa, Haw.; common Caradrina morpheus, Tr. C. alsines, Bkh. C. blanda, Tr. ; not so common as the preceding species. C. cubicularis, Bkh. Grammesia trilinea, Bkh.; the variety, v. bilinea, not uncommon Dyschorista upsilon, Bkh. Dlcycla 00, L. ; rare, Ashperton Park and Ledbury Calymnia trapezina, L. C. pyralina, SchifF; scarce, Leominster and Tarrington. C. diffinis, L. ; occasionally. C. affinis, L. ; frequent Tethea subtusa, SchifF ; fairly common. T. retusa, L.; not so common as the preceding Orthosia rufina, L. O. ferruginea, SchifF. O. pis- tacina, SchifF O. lunosa. Haw. O. lota, L. O. macilenta, Hb. Cirradia xerampelina, Hb. ; not scarce