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SPIDERS MIMETIDAE Ero, C. L. Koch Ero thoracica. Wider. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) EPEIRIDAE Banks of the Monnow J-) Tetragnatha, Latreille Tetragnatha extensa, Linn (J.H.W.) — solandrix, Scopoli. Ewyas Harold (H. E and banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) — obtusa, C. L. Koch. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) and banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) Pachygnatha, Sundevall Pachygnatha degeeni, Sundevall. Banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) — clerckti, Sundevall. Evsyas Harold (H. E. J.) Cyclosa, Menge Cycksa conka, Pallas. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) Meta, C. L. Koch Meta segmentata, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ; banks of the Monnow and Woolhope (J.H.W.) — merianae, Scopoli. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ZiLLA, C. L. Koch Z/7/(j x-notata, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) and Woolhope (J. H. W.) — atrica, C. L. Koch. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) EpEiRA, Walckenaer Epeira gibbosa, Walck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) and banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) dtademata, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ; Monnow and Woolhope Banks of the Q. H.W.) — cucurbitina, Clerck. banks of the Q. H. W.) — triguttata, Fabricius, Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ; Monnow and Woolhope Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) and banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) — quadrata, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) — cornuta, Clerck. Banks of the Monnow G- H.W.) THOMISIDAE MisuMENA, Simon Misumena vatia, Clerck. Banks of the Monnow and Woolhope (J. H. W.) Xysticus, C. L. Koch Xysticus cristatus, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ; banks of the Monnow andWoolhope (J.H.W.) — kochii, Thor. Banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) — pirn, C. L. Koch. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) — lank, C. L. Koch. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) — erratkus, Blackwall. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) — ttlmi, Hahn. Banks of the Monnow and Woolhope (J. H. W.) Philodromus, Walckenaer Phihdromus dispar, Walck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) and banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) — aureolus, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) and banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) PISAURIDAE PiSAURA, Simon Pisoura mirabilis, Clerck. Near Hereford (A. R. J.) ; Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ; banks of the Monnow and Woolhope (J. H. W.) LYCOSIDAE PiRATA, Sundevall Pirata latitans, Blackwall. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) Trochosa, C. L. Koch Trochosa rurkola, De Geer. Near Hereford (A. R. J.); Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) Lycosa, Latreille ad partem Lycosa amentata, Clerck. Near Hereford (A. R. J.) ; Eviryas Harold (H. E. J.) ; banks of the Monnow and Woolhope (J. H. W.) — nigrkeps, ThoreU. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) — proxima, C. L. Koch. Banks of the Monnow (J. H. W.) — pullata, Clerck. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) ; banks of the Monnow and Woolhope (J. H. W.) — mmtkola, C. L. Koch. Woolhope Q. H. W.) SALTICIDAE Epiblemum, Hentz Epiblemum cingulatum. Panzer. Woolhope (J. H. W.) Heliophanus, C. L. Koch Helkphanus flavipes, C. L. Koch. Woolhope G. H.W.) EuoPHRYS, C. L. Koch Euophrys frontalis, C. L. Koch. Woolhope G. H. W.) Hasarius, Simon Hasarius fiikatus, Clerck. Woolhope G- H. W.) PHALANGIIDAE ScLEROSOMA, LucaS Sclerosoma quadridentatum, Cuvier. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.). A rare and local species. PHALANGIDEA Harvestmen Phalangium, Linnaeus Linnaeus. Ewyas Harold Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) Phalangium opilio, (H. E. J.) — saxatile, C. L. Koch. Oligolophus, C. L. Koch Oligplophus agrestis, Meade. Ewyas Harold (H. E. J.) No representative of the order Chernetidea, or false scorpions occurred in the collections made for me in Herefordshire, though without a doubt some of the recorded British species are certain to occur there.